Chapter 27

You started to run with so many others, everyone had bright and hopeful faces again, though they didn't know how Harry could come back to life. They didn't need to understand, they were thrilled to know that they could survive and win after all. You grabbed Hermione's hand, knowing that Ron was right beside you, the three of you were throwing spells and jinxes, left and right. 

"He- He's alive!" You exclaimed. You were feeling energetic as you made some death eaters rise up from the ground, some thundering down from your jinxes and others fleeing from terror. 

"But, how?" Hermione asked, chuckling as she felt giddy about him being alive. 

Ron was still appalled, his face regained its color and he had a new glisten in his bright eyes. He was joyful about having his best friend back. "It doesn't matter! He's alive! I knew he wouldn't die!" He exclaimed, a huge smile on his face. 

You were absolutely happy at the fact that he was alive. There was still hope. 

"Let's try to keep on going," you encouraged.

The three of you ran into the Great Hall, where all of the action seemed to take place. 

Windows were shattered and the glass pierced onto people's skin. 

Walls tumbled down and made powerful crashes towards the floor. 

The air was filled with dust and so much debris, it was hard to see a couple of feet ahead. 

Crouching, squinting and trying to go farther inside, was a difficult task. The place where there used to be four tables of each Hogwarts house were now deserted. The Great Hall didn't look the same, at all. The ceiling, that was enchanted to look like the sky above, was completely blank. No star or cloud or a hint of color. It just looked like a blank space instead of the sky or a ceiling. You turned to look to the right and Bellatrix was hopping along the floor and continuing to destroy the things that were left behind. 

Farther ahead, wizards and witches were dueling and grunting. The three of you ran to them, and you saw Ginny dueling with a death eater that was at least twice as big as she was. You ran towards her, while Hermione and Ron started to duel with others. You didn't know what to do as Ginny was shouting spells at the death eater, with a forceful voice you have never heard her shout before. As you were about to turn away, someone casted a jinx at you. 


You toppled over, landing face first on the floor, making your nose even more bruised. Your eyes started to water and your head started pounding. You didn't wait a second longer and with your hands, you got up from the ground. You observed the wizard and shouted, "Oppungo!" A block of wall shot up in the air and raced towards the death eater, knocking him out of his wind and shooting in the air. 

You started to run the opposite direction, trying to make space between that death eater but he wasn't going down without a fight. You rotated your head as you ran but when you looked back in front, you crashed into a short witch with tangled curly hair. 

"Little girl! You should watch-" Bellatrix was shouting but she observed you with a keen interest, an evil grin plastered on her dirty face now. (You were scared out of your mind) "Well, if it isn't Y/n. HAHAHA! The pathetic girl who dared try to talk with the Dark Lord! Nice to finally meet you," she called as she circled around you like a bird. "You know, ever since the beginning, we wanted to find you and take you for ourselves." She placed a long beaten finger on your shoulder, sending shivers down your spine. 

"The Dark Lord knew how you looked like, but somehow we never found you. Even in that forest you and your friends were staying," Bellatrix said, fixing her black eyes on you, "It was your father, wasn't it? The one who saved you and your pesky friends?" 

You froze for a second and looked at her yellow teeth that was visible with her sneer. "How do you know about that?" You asked, trying to steady your voice for it not to break. 

"How do I know about that?" She mocked, imitating your voice. She laughed at your appalled expression. "I was there! Of course, I was the only one who saw how soft your father really was. I always told the Dark Lord how he isn't to be trusted but something about your father made him trust him. How... funny. You don't know the punishment your father went through because of it-"

"What did he make him do?" You asked through gritted teeth and a clenched jaw. It seemed like she casted a non-verbal spell that casted a barrier between the both of you and the rest of the Great Hall. It was like a shimmering glass bowl that sparkled every couple of seconds. You tried to see if anyone can see you and her but no one made any intention. It was like the two of you were invisible. 

She noticed you examining the shimmering dome and chuckled, "Yes, I have casted a spell so that you and I can have a little private chat. You know, girl to girl." She smiled at your worried expression, while you stayed rooted in your spot. 

"What do you want?" You asked. 

"How did Harry live?" She barked, her hot breath slapping onto your cold face. 

"I don't know."

"Yes you do! Tell me, how is he alive?! HE WAS DEAD?!!" She roared, her anger seething into her bloodshot eyes. 

You stayed silent, not because you didn't want to tell her, although that was a reason, but because you didn't know. How was he alive? You were caught up in the moment of him being alive than actually thinking about how. Did he play dead? But, then you would've known or at least, the Dark Lord would've obviously known. Someone must have told him that he was dead when they knew he wasn't. But, who would risk it?

"TELL ME!" She yelled onto your face. Her hair was becoming more curly, like if she was being electrocuted. Her hair rose into the air and shot in random directions. Her sharp eyebrows were dropped amazingly on her eyebrows, her fierce expression scary. Her wrinkles that were lined on her face became more prominent. 

"I don't know!" You told her, feeling uneasy at how you realized that absolutely no one can see the two of you. How are you going to leave? 

She was struggling to keep a calm face but it was easy to tell she wasn't calm at all. Her fists were clenched and the one holding her wand, her knuckles were white. She fumed for a couple of seconds and she did something you already expected. She kicked you towards the ground and placed her wand on your throat. The shimmering atmosphere near you disappeared and people that were around you started to yell and shriek. 

Bellatrix pulled your arm behind your back, straining your shoulder muscles. The tip of her wand pressured your tender muscle on the front of your throat. You tried gulping but it was hard to do with the wand piercing your skin. She shoved your shoulder down, making your lean towards the ground, groaning from the aching pain on your knees. 

"Now, where is Potter?!" She asked. 

You knew she was asking you so you elaborated, "I don't know!" 

"LIAR!" She yelled, twisting your hair in her hand and started pulling up, making your head go back to face her. 

The people around you stared intensely, as if in a trance to watch what happened next. You skimmed around and no one that you were familiar with were around you. You sighed, not knowing what could happen. 

She scanned around, possibly wanting them to see what she was about to do next. After knowing everyone's heads were turned towards her and you, she pushed you down on the ground. She placed her bruised hand over the side of your face, making you look sideways on the ground. Your eyes were widening because you didn't know what was happening. 

"Since this girl doesn't want to say the truth," Bellatrix called, herself grinning slightly. "I will just have to take it out of her." She removed her wand from your throat, giving you some time to bring air into your lungs before she said, "Crucio!" 

A white-burning pain filled all over your body. Your muscles were in agony, they felt like they were being ripped apart from your skin that felt like fire. Your heart was pounding like it never pounded before. You were gasping for air and when you couldn't contain it anymore, you started to scream. It didn't help but it took off the pain of your chest off your mind for a little. 

"SHUT UP!" Bellatrix shouted, slapping you hard across the face.

You yelled because her hand felt like it was burning when she slapped you in the face. If you didn't know any better, you would say she hit you with fire itself. You shrieked in pain again, hot burning tears dropping to the ground. The pain was unbearable but nothing remotely close to how you felt when Harry left to die. 

"I want everyone to see how you will be treated if you ever disrespect the Dark Lord in any way," she continued, laughing at your ear-piercing screams. "On the example of this girl who thinks that she can lie to me. TO ME!" 

You heard a movement that sounded like fabric rubbing together. The pain felt like it was more agonizing every second that went by. You were yelling, screaming, anything to occupy yourself with another feeling besides the one where you were being hurt. You heard a type of shling coming from Bellatrix's dress and you were worried about what the heck it was. Your questions were answered when you felt a stabbing pain in the front of your hand. You shrieked louder. 

She placed her hand over the side of your face that was still hot from the slap. She was silencing you while she continued to stab you in your hand. "You see everyone?" She interrogated loudly, earning the looks of her "friends." "This girl doesn't know how to tell the truth! Well, there's only one way she would learn." She continued to carve on your hand, the pain making it so much worse you wish you could die to not suffer anymore. 

People were screaming with you and you had no idea whether it was because they were horrified, or if they were just mocking you. You paid no attention, meanwhile you continued to yell at the top of your lungs, your head pounding with a huge headache. You felt you were going to pass out but some people were running away and you heard poundings on the floor. Your head bopped slowly, but it was pressured down by Bellatrix's hand. 

"GET OUT! GET OUT!" She was yelling. 

You moved your eyes to see what was happening and she was turned towards your direction. You looked back and you were thunderstruck at what you saw. A death eater was running towards the both of you, that was what was causing the rhythmic stomps on the ground. When that death eater reached the both of you, you were expecting that person to point at you. But, when you saw that person pointing the wand at Bellatrix you were confused. 

"I told you to get out! You have no business being here!" She was yelling, she seemed to forget about the carvings on your hand and for a while the pain seemed to ease. Your breathing was steadier, your muscles weren't being so tense and your headache was starting to subside. Your legs weren't stiff anymore and you felt you were going to pass out in that instance. But, passing out in the hands of Bellatrix made you anxious so you stayed awake. 

"Get off her!" A rasp voice yelled back from the death eater standing in front of you. It was male and he was pointing his wand threateningly at Bellatrix. 

The cruciatus curse seemed to have subsided, but your hand was throbbing profoundly. 

"No!" Responded Bellatrix, using her hand that was on your face, she grabbed her wand that she placed on the ground. She started to stand but you couldn't move, not just yet. 

"I told you to get off her," the voice responded, with a sudden urge on his voice. 

"Why? What is she to you?" Bellatrix responded, finally going on her feet. Even though you made a movement to get up, she slammed her heavy boot on your stomach. The blow made you lay back down, after whining for a couple of seconds. 

"Bellatrix," he said, and you were on your back so you could easily see the two figures right beside you. You turned to see what the man wanted. He reached for his mask and took it off in front of the both of you. Bellatrix seemed to be barking, slow roaring sounds were heard from the back of her throat. You gasped. 

"Bellatrix," he repeated, his face clearly visible, "she's my daughter. Now, let her go."                
