Chapter 20

"Ron, let's go to the Chamber! That's where Basilisk Venom is," Hermione yelled, running away with Ron by her side towards the Chamber of Secrets. They had just escaped from the Room of Requirement, barely escaping the spells from the Death Eaters. Ron held his wand out while Hermione held the Hufflepuff cup against her chest. 

"Mione, it's over here!" Ron yelled, turning the other way from Hermione. 

"Ron, I know where it is! It's over here!" She countered, her face filled with sweat and her hair a mess around her head. 

Ron debated whether or not to argue with Hermione but one look at Hermione's stern look made Ron's answer. He followed Hermione down the steps shouting a few spells at some of the Death Eaters. They ran down the many flights of stairs, dodging students and curses on their way. 

"Expelliarmus!" Ron yelled, disarming a death eater that was going to harm Hermione. 

"Thanks!" Hermione gratified, running down a couple of more steps with Ron behind her. 

A few moments later they were deep in the chamber where Ron's younger sister was possessed a couple of years ago. Ron stood, fixed his eyes on the skeleton of the Basilisk at the end of the chamber. Hermione observed the water that was engulfing the place they were in, like a single swallow. They bolted towards the skeleton, the murky water chasing them from behind. 

"Ron! Pass me it!" Hermione yelled, extending her free arm towards Ron. She bent on the smooth floor, pinning the Hufflepuff cup on the smooth ground. She was urgently looking at Ron. He was forcing his foot at the bottom of the skeleton that was a gross yellow color, grabbing the bones of the ribcage. There was a snap and he quickly ran to Hermione holding a Basilisk rib in his hand. 

"Here," Ron said, giving her the bone. 

She took a deep breath and gripped the bone with both her hands over her head. She took one last look at the sea of dirty water and plunged the venom onto the cup, releasing flashes of light everywhere. It was destroyed. 

"Ow!" Harry yelled, coming to a halt and placing a hand on his head. 

"What happened, Harry?" You asked, casting a defensive charm to one of the dark wizards aiming their way towards the both of you. 

Harry squinted and made another grunt before saying, "They destroyed it. I...I feel it." 

You didn't know what to say but that didn't matter, soon the both of you continued on the journey to go to the Room of Requirement.

"We should probably go before the waves-" Ron started, running with Hermione towards the end of the chamber. There was a passageway to escape the water, but it was too late. They were swallowed by the waves before they could run just a few more steps towards safety. Dripping from head to toe, they stared at each other, a soft grin on Ron's face. "Get at us," he continued defeatedly. Hermione chuckled, moving some of the hair on her face back. 

"You did amazing," Ron complimented, a little soft pink on his ears and neck. 

"Thanks," Hermione replied, grinning slightly. 

Ron's eyebrows dropped and he inched his hand to Hermione's face. There was a lock of her hair licked on her face and Ron moved it delicately. "You had a little-something, there," he said, moving his hand quickly onto his side. Hermione blushed and that was when they couldn't contain their feelings for each other. 

Hermione pulled towards Ron, her arms to her sides before caressing his face and kissing him. Ron held her, his broad arms wrapping Hermione as to protect her. They passionately kissed, their heads dripping with the water but they didn't care, they were finally doing what they wanted to do since the fourth year. 

They let go for air and they stared at each other for a little longer before chuckling. 

"That was incredible," Hermione whispered, her face coloring. 

"I know," Ron said, smugly. 

Hermione rolled her eyes but she was glad that they did finally did that. She grabbed Ron's arm and said, "We should go to the Room of Requirement, I am sure they are there." 

"How do you know?" Ron asked, not complaining on her hold on him. 

"I don't know, I have a feeling," she replied, a glow on her face making her look even more beautiful. 

"That seems right," he said, running with her out of the chamber. He was never going to get over that kiss, he hoped to have many more. 

"Y/n! Be careful!" Harry yelled. 

You turned, but Harry was ahead of you and shouting a spell at the man with a cloak. "Expelliarmus!" He yelled, the wand flying up into the air. You didn't have time to react as everything was going by so quickly. 

You ran, not knowing where to, with Harry right in front of you. You both passed through the same death eater, knowing that he wouldn't be able to do anything as he didn't have his wand. But, you were wrong. He grabbed your wrist, the swift movement made you get a sudden whiplash, your feet kicking the air. You moved your head to look at the wizard, a sudden fear sinking through you. Harry continued to run but not very far because he knew he was running alone. He ran back to you, fear in his eyes. 

"What are-" You asked, interrupted by him removing his mask with his other hand. You gasped and so did Harry as he saw the exact same face on the portrait where the both of you stayed during the destruction of the locket. It was your father. "Dad?" 

He had tears streaming down his face but his eyes weren't friendly like they used to be. They were cold, a little distant as if he was watching the worst tragedy in his life. His face had lines running all over his face, showing his age. "Y/n?" He asked, his voice deep and raspy, as if he had a horrible cough. 

You hurriedly let go, millions of questions in your head. But, he was dead? Snape told you so. You figured that wasn't true as he was right in front of you, staring at you. "Why?" Was all you could manage to say before knowing what the first question that came to your mind was. 

He cried even harder and he got closer to you, trying to hug you. Harry hurriedly went in between the both of you, his eyes fixed on your father. "Don't get closer to her," Harry warned, but his voice wasn't threatening, just concerned. 

"She's my daughter, Harry," he replied. He stopped crying the second Harry was in front of him, surprised he would meddle in. 

"No, I stopped being your daughter when you left my mom and I," you talked, emotions turning that sentence into a wave of anger.

He didn't say anything, his gaze fixed on the floor. 

"Let's go, Harry," you ordered, stepping away from your father. Harry didn't answer but walked with you, his arm behind your back in case something happened. 

"Y/n, I loved your mom," your father called out, his voice cracking. "I love you," he continued, fighting the strength to go and hug you as that was his only wish. 

You scoffed and turned to look at him with a confused face. "That's a really funny way of showing it," you boomed, heat rising to your face. "You left! You joined him. He was after me and my friends you know. Of course you knew, you were with them. How could you? I WAS YOUR DAUGHTER!" You didn't let yourself cry in front of him, you couldn't. 

"You are my daughter! I didn't have a choice!" He yelled. You saw how he was getting desperate to reason with you. 

"Yes you did! Everyone has a choice," you countered. Your heart pumped in your ears, your breaths were shallower every second. "You just chose the easiest. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go look for the people that were with me more than you ever have." 

"Please, let me explain-"

"Explain what exactly? How you spent years not knowing about your daughter and going off on a killing spree? With that monster? Or how you didn't even bother to say goodbye?" You felt tears sting your eyes but you couldn't suck them back in anymore. "You know how many nights I waited for you in that cabin? Waiting, waiting and waiting for you to come with open arms and to tell me that you were never leaving. You know how many times I told myself you and mom were just in a little trip at the forest but coming back? Years! Even in that sickly orphanage I spent a couple of years at before going to Hogwarts. I didn't have anyone to talk to. I was alone! But, as long as you stayed alive it was worth it wasn't it?" 

Your dad sobbed, his wrinkly hands covering his face. "I didn't want this to happen, your mother was supposed to stay with you," he mumbled, gasping for breath after a couple of sobs. 

"Well, she didn't. She followed you. I can't believe after all these years I had hopes of seeing you again. Ha! My naïve heart always thinking of the best but I was wrong. I continue to be wrong. I saw you and my heart is settled, you chose the dark magic over your own family," you scolded, your tears burning hot on your face. "I chose the side my heart has told me to do, too bad you don't have one. Let's go, Harry." You grabbed Harry's arm and turned him away from the pathetic excuse of a father you had. Harry was staring at your father, but looked at you with something glistening in his eyes. He was tearing up hearing about how you felt towards your dad. 

You turned to look at your father once more. You were angry and furious. You wanted to yell so many more things to him for making you go through all of that, but a feeling hurt your stomach. It was something you were quite familiar with to; guilt, it was eating you up, turning that resentment into pity. You hated it, you hated knowing that deep down, you still loved your father. You swallowed back a sob but Harry saw right through you. He went back to your father to your surprise, and put his hand on his back. 

"Harry? What are you doing?" You inquired, rubbing the tears off your face now. 

Harry lifted your father from the ground, his weak limbs barely giving him the support to stand for himself. Harry had an apologetic look in his eyes and he stared at you. You knew that look, it was his "You need to give him a chance" look. You shook your head but seeing your father so weak and old, tug your heart into a tug of war of dilemma. 

Your father raised his head. His brown eyes soaked with tears and his red nose sniffing as he tried to control it. He let out an exhale and knew it was his time to explain. "Y/n, just listen to me please." 

"Just tell me already," you urged, balling your fists as you resented Harry for giving you that look. 

"Let me tell you exactly how it happened. I was in the forest, trying to grab a couple of berries for the picnic we planned. While I believe you were in the cabin, sleeping I assume. Someone apparated in the forest and I told your mother to stay with you. There was this weird silence as I went there. Then, your mother followed me after saying she left you a note to not worry. The man... It was Voldemort, he was looking for someone to help him with "a little problem" he said. I didn't know what to do and your mother was pulling me to go back. But, I didn't. I was staring at him, trying to debate whether or not to go to him. He was getting impatient and he threatened me to take you away from me. That was when your mother stood up to him, yelling at him for saying such things. He killed her, right in front of me. He laughed at her twitching body while I cried over her. She was my wife, how could I not? Then that's when Voldemort told me to join him or something will happen to you too. I had to join him or else he was going to kill you too and you were so little.

Even during that time I was his "follower," I still watched over you. I was there supervising your time at Hogwarts and I yearned to finally see you again. I had to do it, y/n, I'm sorry. But, I was always there with you."

You let out an exhale, your hand shaking rapidly as your heart was being torn out of your chest with every word he said. You swallowed, destined to ask more questions to clear your biased view. "What were you ordered to do while you were in You-Know-Who's little club?" You asked. 

"I was in charge of taking care of some of the prisoners in Azkaban," he replied, a small smile on his face. 

Harry gasped and the both of you shared a confused look. "Did you know Sirius Black?" Harry asked, a hopeful look on his face. 

Your father nodded. "I was in charge of that block actually. I was always amazed at how he hasn't gone insane as most of them have. I was one of the only watchers who didn't treat him like crap. We shared a friendship actually, while he stayed twelve years there. He told me all about his Hogwarts years, the friends he knew-"

"Did he tell you about my father and Remus?" Harry interrogated, his curiosity escaping him. 

He replied, "Yes, he talked all about James and Remus. Sometimes even Severus, telling me about how he was the pinpoint of all of the jokes they made. He even told me about the real story of your parents, Harry. I believed him and he believed me when I told him what happened to my family. He told me off for leaving you," he directed his gaze at you, "I'm guessing he told you about me?" 

You shook your head, completely bewildered at his response. "No, he never told me about you. Wait, he told me that it Azkaban wasn't that bad as he had a cell mate that looked an awful lot like me when he met me- That was you, wasn't it?" He nodded a dark gloom settling on his chest. 

"I'm surprised he didn't tell you about me." 

"There was really no approaching that topic, was there? Hey, y/n, did I tell you that I met your father in my time at Azkaban?" You mocked, rolling your eyes at him. 

Your father chuckled and said, "Well, it doesn't matter, he was the one who told me about you." 

"Did he really?" You asked, looking at Harry. You thought Harry would know about it as well but he only shrugged. 

"Yes, he sent me letters telling me how you were an excellent girl. He told me about your fun times at Hogwarts. The friends you had, all about you and Harry as well." You sneaked a glance at Harry and the both of you were a little wide-eyed when you both shared eye contact. "And how you reminded him of me. He told me that you were a little sarcastic and sometimes blunt. But, he said that you had a heart of gold and that you were extremely stubborn," your father said, he chuckled wetly. "You got that from your mom." 

"Got what from her?" You asked, a little knot on your stomach. 

"The stubbornness and your heart. You always put people before yourself and never thought twice about helping someone in need. You spoke your mind, just like she did, all of the time. You are ridiculously brave, I've been told by the amount of stories Sirius wrote to me." 

There was a moment's pause but your heart was starting to float in the sea of resentment. "If Sirius was killed by Bellatrix, how did you know about me these past couple of years?" You asked, knowing that the topic was a little sensitive to both you and Harry. 

"Remus took his spot," was your father's answer. 

"Lupin?" You gasped, not knowing what to think anymore. Like if a sudden bucket of ice water was poured on you, you realized where you were again. You were in the Battle of Hogwarts and you rapidly looked around you, watching the valiant students fight with the dark ones. "There's no more time, we should go. Now, Harry." 

Harry nodded looking oddly calm. He walked over to you and held your hand and squeezed it. He knew how hard it was for you to talk to him, he just wanted to let you know that he was there for you.

"How can I show you that I am truly sorry and that I regret everything I have done," your father begged. 

You turned around and said casually, "I would hear you out if you can promise me to never sacrifice yourself like that again." 

"I promise," he lied.      
