Chapter 18

"Expelliarmus!" Harry shouted, directing it to a Death Eater right behind you. You ducked down in time, the green light casting right over your head. You hurriedly ran behind him, pulling his arm to continue going. "Where are we going?" He asked, running even faster and throwing spells everywhere, you doing the same. 

"To Luna, of course," you responded, pulling him towards the stairs. Hermione and Ron had already made their way towards the room of requirement, or possibly the chamber because of the basilisk venom, having the Marauder's Map with them in case they got lost. Your footsteps felt heavy as you continued running, searching for a blonde girl anywhere. Harry was right beside you, looking out for himself and you.

"Where do you reckon-," he started, stumbling over a step making you catch him with your arms. He momentarily smiled at you, giving you the thanks, and continued to run. "She is at?" He continued, stopping abruptly to look around again. Some of the ceiling fell right in front of the both of you, some glass shattering under it.

"I don't know, really," you replied, wiping the sweat that built up on your forehead. You sighed and felt people pushing towards you. You turned around, not knowing whether to be upset or not. There were two students, Hufflepuff they seemed by the dirty robe that turned the yellow a slight brown. They were being attacked by a big death eater, towering over them while he fixed his mask that hid his features. 

You hurriedly drew out your wand and yelled, "Stupefy!" A bright light, looked like a flash, made its way to the chest of the death eater. He sprung up to the air and threw itself down on the wall, falling down a set of stairs. The Hufflepuff students looked at you, dirt, grime, sweat, blood all over their faces. 

"Guys, go! Run," you pleaded, stepping forwards and watching the death eater's body slowly start to move. It looked like if he had been thrown from the fifth floor. You nodded firmly and turned back to look at the two boys who were staring at each other with a glisten in their eyes. You felt yourself grin as that face was familiar, like you've seen someone make that same face before. 

"I'm sorry, Louis," one of the Hufflepuff boys said, with tears in his eyes. "I didn't know you were going to get harmed."

"You couldn't predict the future," Louis responded, his voice wet with tears. "We got out of there safely." 

You walked away, trying to give them space while Harry continued to fight with others or asking people if they'd seen Luna. While you halted, you heard their conversation without meaning to. 

"Why are you still looking at me like that?" A raspy voice asked, it was Louis'. 

"I don't know. But, I don't want to stop looking at you," the other said, his voice a little higher when he said the last bit. 

"Why?" Louis asked, and you heard his voice as if he was smiling. 

"You know why," the other said, chuckling softly. 

There was silence and you turned around. You smiled and hurriedly turned away. They were kissing each other, and you felt so happy for them, even though you have never met them before. You hurriedly walked away but you saw at the corner of your eyes a person in a mysterious cloak making their way towards the boys who were too occupied to notice anything around them. 

You drew out your wand and aimed it at the death eater. "Expelliarmus!" You yelled but it was a little too late. The death eater has gotten the light curls from Louis' head and pulled it to the ground. The other boy was staring agape at the death eater who had the wand towards his neck. 

You started towards them but Harry grabbed your arm. You turned to look at him, your heart leaping from your chest to your throat. His face was apologetic but he had a fierce look in his eyes. "Y/n, we have to go, I found Luna already," he said, releasing your arm and walking down the stairs carefully. 

"But, Harry..." you trailed off, watching as how he turned to look at you a pleading look on his face. "I need to help them," you continued, watching a dark shadow engulf his face. You knew your answer by now. 

"We can't, Y/n. We have to realize that there are going to be people we can't save-"

There was a horrible scream coming from right where you expected. You turned to look at the death eater, its large boot stepping over Louis' purple neck. His eyes were pleading, looking at the boy with which he shared his last kiss. 

"No! Stop!" The boy yelled, trying to steady his arm from shaking so much. Then after a few moments of bravely fighting for their life, Louis' arms weakened, releasing the tension from his shoulders. His head made a soft thud on the floor, but it was hard to hear with all of the movement around. The walls barging down, the towers making loud crashes as it fell following the yells of the people who were sadly crushed below them. Others yelling spells and charms everywhere they can, hoping to be able to survive. Everyone was fighting, whether physically or emotionally. But, the people on Harry's side, were decided to continue fighting. They weren't going down without a fight. 

"No," the boy sobbed, falling onto his knees and placing his shaky arm over Louis' knee. The boy froze but his shoulders rose as he exhaled. "Kill me already," he whispered, not raising his head. The death eater laughed and he tucked his wand back at his belt. 

"I won't give you the satisfaction to get rid of your pain," the death eater boomed, his deep voice echoing through the hall. "Too bad you are still young, but don't worry, you are going to die once this is all over. A few more hours wouldn't hurt you."

"How dare you," Harry whispered making his way towards them. Harry drew his wand and yelled, "Levicorpus!" The death eater was surprised, his ankle was suspended onto the air and the boy looked at you and Harry. 

The death eater grabbed his wand and pointed it towards Harry. You waited a little hoping that the death eater wouldn't say anything at all. But you were wrong. 

"Avad-" He started. 

You yelled, "Protego!" Throwing yourself in front of Harry to direct the spell back at the death eater. A blue shield was projected from your wand making its way to the death eater. Just like the spell bounced from you to him, he fell back on his back, twitching disturbingly once he landed on the floor. You grabbed the boy's arm and Harry's with your other and started to run, not knowing whether he was truly killed or not.

"But, I loved him," the boy panted, turning to look back but the amount of students running obscuring the view from the unmoving body. 

You frowned feeling despair grow from your chest. He was looking at you or at Harry for something to comfort him, or something to make his heart stop aching anytime someone let out a yell that someone was dead on the ground. 

"I won't tell you that life goes on because it isn't fair," you started, letting your heart take over instead of your mind, "That's the saddest part because when someone you love dies, a part of you dies with them. It changes your life forever. It's not something you can 'get over' because it's not that easy." A chill silence spread through the two boys standing right besides you. You looked at the Hufflepuff boy and said quietly, "I'm sure he loved you too. But, now your heart holds a place for him, and that is the safest place you can have him. Live through it please, you'll get through it. Not over it." 

He had tears in his eyes but a smile cracked through his face. "Thank you," he mouthed, not knowing whether his voice will break and he will sob right in front of you. He gave a slight nod and he left running, after giving one last look at his lover, a soft expression on his face. The boy was no longer there, already ran away to help some others with their fights. 

You bit your lip and turned to look at Harry. He had tears in his eyes, streaming down his face. He tried to hide it but he couldn't pretend that the words you said didn't impact him in someway. 

"I'm so sorry Harry," you whispered, holding his head protectively on your chest. "I'm insensitive, I should've been more careful with my words." 

"It's okay," he sniffed and pulling his head back in the air. He cleared his throat and continued, "That was amazing. I didn't know you could be such a great person." 

"Don't know whether to take that as a compliment or not," you responded, messing with him was your usual defense mechanism. 

"It's a compliment," he said, shrugging his shoulders lightly. "Sorry, I don't know how to talk to you anymore." 

"What do you mean?" You asked, a little lump in your throat as the shadow started to fade from his face that was there before. 

"It's nothing bad, it's just. I think I see you differently than before and I don't know how to tell you," he said quietly as if afraid he said too much.

You waited a little to gather your own thoughts and you asked, "Differently?" 

He nodded slowly, not meeting your gaze. "It's just, I feel like I want to tell you but I don't know if it is the right time," he explained, finally meeting your gaze. 

You nodded and understood. With what just happened, you didn't want anything like that to happen ever again. "Okay Harry," you said, relaxing and looking at the castle that was being destroyed disastrously in such a short time. Your chest had a sudden pressure as you looked at everyone's face, either really worried or scared, or absolutely no emotion at all. You felt your heart break a little as they were only just kids, like you. It wasn't fair. You felt Harry thought it too. 

"Did you find Luna?" You asked, changing the topic. 

"Not really," he responded, looking around as if he just realized he was fighting the second battle of Hogwarts. 

"Let's go then," you ordered, walking down the stairs again. You almost bumped to a tall boy. "Sorry," you let out, looking up to see who it was. 

"No, I'm sorry," Neville said, turning to look at you. You smiled and Harry let out a soft exhale as he nodded at Neville. 

"What are you doing, Neville?" Harry asked, furrowing his eyebrows at him. 

"I just talked to Luna and I don't know why she keeps telling me about this diadem. But, by her expression, she is very enthusiastic about it so I listened to her," Neville explained, a soft color spreading on his cheeks.

You chuckled while Harry asked with a sudden urgency in his voice, "Luna? Where is she?" 

"She left to go to the Ravenclaw tower, she told me that she wanted to ask Ravenclaw's ghost about it. Why?" Neville explained. His eyes a little wide with concern. 

"We are looking for her," Harry explained, making his way around Neville towards the end of the hall. 

"Thank you Neville!" You exclaimed, already making your way behind him to follow Harry. 

"I confessed that I liked her but I don't know if it was enough," Neville blurted, slapping his mouth once he said it. 

You stopped, directing your face towards him and you smiled. "That's great Neville and I am sure she feels the same! I really have to go but you can talk to me about it later! Bye!" You shouted, running up the tower a few flight of stairs lower than Harry's. You stopped as Harry's body was right in front of you and you looked around to see why he stopped. 

"Luna!" Harry shouted, continuing to run up the stairs knowing you were behind him now. 

"Hi Harry. Hi Y/n," Luna greeted with a soft voice.            
