Chapter 4

Back at the tent, Harry and Hermione were busy reanalyzing the books and journals they had carried in the way. Hermione flipped through the pages and followed the words with her finger, whispering them into the air as she did so. Harry read more and more and he furrowed his eyebrows. 

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked, not moving her head to see Harry but instead to read the next page. 

"I'm worried about all of us," he replied, settling the book down again. He looked into the top of the tent and let out a tired sigh. "What if we sent them to get captured and we are sitting here, reading books that we read for almost the entire time we were here," he said, running his hand through his hair. 

Hermione looked at him and she eased her face before saying, "I know Harry, I'm worried about them too. But, they are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves so we shouldn't worry about them right now. They are probably still walking and walking." 

"I guess so," Harry said, with a new composure. 


"AAAAAAARRRGGGGHHHHH!!" Ron yelled, while holding a long stick in the air. 

"Oh, great job, Ron. You probably scared all the animals in the bloody forest," you said, throwing your hands in the air. You stared to the trees he has gone to and you noticed Ron has been silent a little while longer than you expected. "Ron? Where are you?" You asked concerningly. 

You heard footsteps tracing behind you and as you turned back, Ron had a dead rabbit speared through his stick. He had a huge grin on his face as he raised the stick higher in glory. You smiled and raised your hand to give him a deserving high five. "That's amazing!" You exclaimed, your hand meeting with his in the air, blossoming a bigger trust connection between the both of you. 

"Told you I could do it," he replied, feeling a lot better and hopeful about this mission than before. 

"Never said you couldn't do it, just thought it will take you longer," you replied, eyeing the rabbit on the stick. Its lifeless eyes stared back at you and you almost felt horrible if it wasn't for the huge rumble in your stomach that said otherwise. 

"Yeah, me too," he said, making a disgusted face of the horrid smell the rabbit produced. 

"Should we go back or continue to explore with the delicious aroma of the dead rabbit," you mentioned, grinning at your own sarcastic remark. 

"I guess we should continue to walk and the stench of the rabbit... Well, we will just have to deal with it, won't we?" Ron said, walking farther into the dark. 

"Yep," was your reply as you followed him further. A couple of moments of silence and Ron exchanged the hand he held the stick with. "Hey, get that away from me. I don't want to touch it," you feared, walking farther away from him. 

"You're going to eat it so what's the problem?" Ron replied, moving the rabbit closer to you. 

"Ron. Get that away from me!" You shrieked, running a little bit farther. Ron smiled and he started to chase you with it and the both of you laughed while running. You liked this distraction and the locket kept on making noise in your bag since you and Ron agreed to not wear it during the hunt. 

"Wait, stop, Ron," you said, silencing his footsteps with a hand to your side. He didn't question anything about why you were perfectly still, your eyes wide, and your ears searching for any more noise you found. There was a rustle in the trees and your neck snapped to look at it. Ron heard it too and he got closer to you. You opened your bag and grabbed the locket. You put it around your neck because it was safe to wear it in case something happened. You heard the click and the both of you didn't move at all in case the noise came back. 

"That girl.... I-...... we----can't...see-"

Ron fell to the ground and grabbed your arm to do so. The voices were coming a few hundred yards in front of you, but you could clearly hear a few words. You moved your head to look at Ron but the forest were shadowing his features, making it hard to see clearly now. The sun has completely set since the expedition, making it even harder to maneuver about. That's what happens when you are stuck trying to find something remotely interesting in a never ending forest. You rested your right ear on the ground, trying to find something moving around you. The soft thumping that your ear spotted made it clear that there were at least two people walking. You looked at Ron and you raised your head a little higher. Ron got up before you, making sure not to make any sound, and extended his hand for you to accept it. You grabbed his hand and the both of you were on your feet again. 

"I think we should go," Ron whispered to you, holding his bag securely.

"Good idea," you replied, turning back already. The both of you tip-toed quietly back through the forest, speeding gradually as the adrenaline kicked in. Horrible thoughts came into your mind at this instant:

What if the girl they were talking about is Hermione? Are Harry and Hermione safe? Who are those people? Why are they here? Are they looking for us? Are they Death Eaters? Are we even safe? Are they following us? What is that horrid smell- Oh, its the rabbit. He still has the bloody rabbit. How hilarious. If we die, at least we will be remembered by our friends that we managed to kill an innocent rabbit that lead us to our death. Ha! Okay, back on track. Why am I thinking so much?

"Y/n, I heard something," Ron whispered out of breath. 

You snapped back into reality and you looked worriedly at Ron. The both of you stopped dead in your tracks as you heard more rustling from behind you now. You squinted your eyes and you saw a soft glow coming closer and closer. "Ron... run," you commanded, standing your ground. Ron looked back to where you were staring and one glare from you, made it clear that you weren't going to say it once again. Ron didn't know what to do at that point as he didn't want to leave you behind. 

"I can't-"

"Go, now," you warned, looking at Ron with urgency. You opened your bag, grabbed the locket and gave it to him. "Take this and run," you commanded, as he put the locket around his own neck. Ron walked a little more before giving you a worried face and soon he wasn't in your reach any more. You turned back to look and before you were feeling secure, you reached into your bag and grabbed your wand. It was better to guard then doing anything that could risk his being captured, oh, and not risking your life, of course. 

"I saw them, I told you! It was that ginger and that girl!" 

"You're hallucinating, we haven't slept in days."

"Are you saying I'm crazy?"

"I'm saying, that you could be a little off-"

"That is not a way to talk to me since I am the one with the wand."

"Is that a threat?"

Great, we have stupid Death Eaters chasing us. How... fun

You slowly stepped back, not taking your eyes from that soft glow in front of you. The wand was tight in your grip, making sure that nothing was going to get between you and your friends safety. I do hope that Ron told Harry and Hermione to leave. It's not safe here anymore. You walked one more step behind you and you accidentally snapped a twig. Crap.

"What was that?"

"You probably stepped on something."

"No I didn't. I-I heard something."

"Not this again, you're just paranoid." 

"I'm not! Why don't you believe me?" 

"Just forget it. I saw something over there."

"Who's the hallucinate now?"

"Shut up, let's go."  

You struggled to keep in a giggle so you smiled widely at their conversation. It isn't the safest or wisest thing that you were doing but it took off some of the tension and the I'm-going-to-die- thing away. You stepped back a little farther until you hit something. You froze as you felt a body right behind you. 

"I told you it was that girl," the voice behind you said.

"Guess I owe you an apology," a voice in front of you said. 

Your heart raced and you didn't move at all. You just hoped with all of your will-power that they didn't see Ron run away behind you. Your mind played games on you and your vision started to blur. You gripped your wand tighter as a body started to walk in front of you. 

"I'm not the girl you're looking for," you said, trying to find a face to look at. 

"Oh, yeah? You have brown hair and the girl we need to find has brown hair," the voice said in front of you. 

"Lumos," you casted. A glow produced on the tip of your wand and you were able to see their faces clearly. You stepped to the side and their dark, angry eyes stared back into yours. You raised your wand to look at the both of them better. "You both have brown hair, not sure if you know this but brown hair is pretty common," you replied, looking at them both. 

The one with the scar across his cheek looked at the one that was behind you. "What do we say to that?" He asked, eyeing you with uncertainty. 

"How do we know you aren't fooling us?" The one that was behind you asked. He had more gray hair instead of brown but it was brown nonetheless. 

"Was what I said, a lie?" You countered, feeling a little better at their absolute stupidity. 

The gray hair Death Eater looked at the one with the scar and they had a moment of glaring at each other. The gray hair one said, "No, then if you aren't the one we're looking for, why are you here then?" 

"I wanted to ditch going back to Hogwarts. That school is horrible now," you replied, scoffing at their question like if it was obvious. 

"Alright, girl, we saw a ginger here as well. Who was that?" The scar one asked. 

"Oh, that? It wasn't hair, it was my red sweater that I have in my bag," you replied. 

"Let us see."

"No, you don't have a warrant and if you don't mind, I am leaving now. Safe travel," you said, walking away farther from them. A couple of more steps away and none of them have moved. The light illuminated a safe way through the trees and you walked towards it. You thought you were in the clear when something cold grabbed your wrist. 

"I'm not stupid," the gray haired one said, tightening his grip on you. 

"He is, but I'm not. It's you isn't it? You're the one the Dark Lord is after," the scar one said. 

You moved your arm from his grab and stared at him angrily. "I am not the one you are looking for. That wasn't very nice," you said, not taking your eyes off him. You continued to walk and after the Death Eaters recollected themselves, you started to run. The Death Eaters chased after you and you didn't slow down. You ran even faster, trying to get them as far away from Harry, Ron and Hermione as possible. You ran and ran, feeling the gashes of the branches scratching at your face. The trees blurred as you were trying to squint to know what was ahead of you. The branches scratched at you and you had to put your arms in front of you, shielding it from your face as it started to ache. You panted as your only light source was your wand, and it wasn't as effective as running in daylight. 

"Get back here!" The Death Eater yelled behind you. 

As you ran, you ran even faster than before. They were getting farther and farther away but the adrenaline kept on pushing in. The steps you made below you, caused snapping twigs, crunchy leaves and made branches snap. You hoped with everything that you weren't heading for the tent. You didn't want to risk going there even if it was the safest thing to do. 

They're right behind you

You mind flooded with negative thoughts, as your anxiety was thinking of the worst scenarios that could be happening right now. You told yourself to keep breathing, keep breathing, keep breathing, until your mind couldn't think of anything else. You ran and ran, twisting deeper into the forest. When there seemed to be no noise behind you, you found a good bush to hide into, you ran behind it, going closer to the ground. You stayed there making sure to catch your breath. 

"She went over there!" The Death Eater yelled, running through the forest. 

You were hiding, ducking your head below the bush, so it was impossible to know where they were heading. It seemed that they can be anywhere near you. Your ears were pulsing, making the only noise you can hear your own heartbeat. You held your breath as you heard some more rustling and a few branches fall. You risked your life, literally, to look above the bush and you whispered, "Nox." The darkness engulfed you but the positioning of some leaves above you, let some moonlight shine through. No one seemed to be around you, so you grabbed the straps over your shoulder, letting out a relieved sigh as you remembered you gave Ron the locket. You looked up at the sky, trying to figure out if there could be a moon. You moved a little more and soon enough, the crescent moon made it's appearance. You sighed and reasoned with yourself to stay there. You aren't going to be in the tent anytime soon with them. If they are still there that is, and haven't left you behind.           
