Chapter 11

"What is it doing here?" Ron asked, holding the sword steadily in his hands. 

You were just as shocked as any of them to find that there. "How could that be? Just a couple of years it was at Hogwarts!" You said, in a surprised tone. You were struggling to understand how the sword could be inside the cabin you used to live in a long while ago, when you saw the sword a couple of years ago. 

"I don't know, but why would it be here?" Harry asked, staring at the blade on Ron's hands. 

Hermione was staring at the sword and she noticed how there was a little glimmer on it. Her face lit up and she hurriedly went to the living room to the bags to look for something. "Where is the locket, Harry!" Hermione exclaimed, frantically searching the bags as she shouted. 

"Why?" Harry asked, running towards her to help her look for the bag. You and Ron exchanged a look and hurriedly ran towards them as well. Ron didn't let go of the sword but helped you unpack some of the bag you were holding in the air. Hermione didn't respond right away as she was stressing, trying to find the locket desperately. 

"I found it," Ron said, holding up the locket and walking towards Hermione. 

"No, don't. You are going to have to destroy it," Hermione said, getting up from the mess the four of you made on the floor.

Ron looked concerned and asked, "Why me?" He looked at the locket nervously, observing the green "S" on it. He locked eyes with Harry. They both nervously looked at the sword at the same time. 

Hermione recollected herself and said, "It doesn't matter whether it is you or Harry. We will have to destroy it. Today." 

"I know. But how?" Ron asked, waving the sword aimlessly. 

You cleared your throat and said, "I'm guessing Ron, mind you, I could be wrong, with the sword you are aimlessly waving around that is way to close to my face." You stepped back, protecting your head with your hand. 

Ron stopped moving his arms and said nervously, "Sorry, y/n. Wait, how am I meant to destroy it with this?" 

Hermione let out an annoyed exhale and said carefully, "If I am not mistaken, that time when Harry killed that basilisk with this sword, it still has basilisk venom on it." 

Harry's face gleamed and he said excitedly, "Then, what are we doing here? Let's go destroy it!" Harry made his way towards the exit of the cabin. You smiled as he had this new glimmer in his eyes. This wasn't a good place to joke or even smile, but you couldn't help it. You gestured with a tilt of your head, to follow Harry outside, making Hermione and Ron walk behind you. 

Once you were out of the door, you looked up into the night sky, liking how the many stars in the sky illuminated the ground you were on. You let out an exhale, watching how some little water vapor exited your mouth. "It's cold, but let's do this in a hurry," you commented, hugging yourself in your arms. 

"Agreed," Ron replied, groaning at the heavy weight from the sword. Ron handed the locket to Harry. Harry had the locket ready and you followed Hermione to the side of the hill, making space for Harry and Ron to work their magic. 

"That was brilliant," you complimented, smiling at Hermione. 

Hermione smiled back and asked, "What was?" You shrugged and said, "How you put two and two together. That's actually really incredible how you were able to do so." She thrived off that compliment and said, "Thank you, y/n. I just hope they don't mess this up." You chuckled, watching two distant bodies behind you, talking to each other, as they argued on how they are going to do it. "Me too," you replied, smiling as you saw Harry look back at the both of you. 

Hermione observed that interaction and she asked shyly, "Do you realize now that you fancy him?" 

You looked at her in shock and you felt your face heat up as soon as she told you that. You looked at the ground as your instincts told you to do so. You blushed and covered your eyes with your hands to try and hide yourself. "Merlin, I hate feeling like this. Why do I feel like this? Why is my face heating up?" You asked while talking onto your hands.

Hermione smiled and she put her hand on your back. "It's okay, y/n, I'm pretty sure he feels the same," she assured, smiling to herself. 

You raised your face from your hands and breathed deeply. You looked across the landscape and landed your eyes on Harry. He waved at you and you waved cautiously with a little smile as you saw his face brighten. You saw how Hermione giggled and you looked at her. "I doubt he does, we're just friends," you told her. 

"Oh, come on," Hermione said desperately, "It's so obvious, y/n. The way he looks at you and the way you look at him. Anyone can see it."

You blushed. Tried to think of something that will change the topic to her, you thought of a brilliant idea. It's her turn to blush and be embarrassed. "You speak from experience, Mione. Don't pretend that you don't feel anything for Ron," you said, smiling as her face turned bright pink. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," Hermione said, blushing from head to toe, moving her eyes. 

"Are you seriously going to play that card on me now?" You asked, trying to look into her eyes. 

Hermione tried to look away but you didn't let her. You grabbed her hands and she looked into your eyes. "Mione, we are best friends. I knew probably since third year that you liked him, or he liked you. It was so obvious and you can't deny that you feel something for our ginger friend," you said, smiling at how embarrassed she got. 

Hermione let out a content sigh and said defeatedly, "I think we both fell for our friends, didn't we?" You smiled at what she said and turned to follow her gaze. Harry and Ron were talking and talking, and you focused on Harry. The way he sometimes moves his head slightly when he talks and how he grins, it makes you feel so many things all at once that you don't know how to express them. 

But, a realization hit as you thought about it profoundly. Harry escaped Hogwarts with you, Hermione and Ron, for fear of being caught by You-Know-Who. That's just it, You-Know-Who. Nothing is going to be okay or safe with the "Dark Lord" still being alive. You didn't want to risk being with Harry, just for it to be something that neither one could enjoy to the fullest. You wanted to be with him; having cute little moments with him, having butterbeer with him and wiping the foam off his lips, having double dates with Hermione and Ron, laughing with him and being able to look into those gorgeous blue eyes that he has. You wanted to do everything with him without having the constant fear of being dead. You just want to be with him. 

"Y/n! Hermione! We're done! So, stay back!" Ron yelled, right next to Harry's face. You could already hear Harry's reply to his yelling and you laughed a little. You raised your hand and gave a thumbs up to them. They saw it and you got closer to Hermione, and said, "I hope they don't screw this up." Hermione nodded in agreement and you both chuckled. The two of you started to run farther away, giving them a good amount of space.

You two watched from a distance after the run. You held Hermione's arm in fear and she clung to you as well. You saw Harry run away from Ron while Ron got ready with his sword. Harry ran towards the forest and you heard a distant yell coming from Harry's strained voice. Harry threw the locket near Ron, letting it open as it struck the ground with a powerful thud. A gray smoke slithered into the sky from the open locket, and you struggled to see what was inside the smoke. Two figures emerged from the smoke; one with brown bushy hair and another one with glasses. 

"Oh my gosh, its you and Harry," you observed, placing your hand over your mouth in shock. 

Hermione stiffened and the both of you slowly walked closer to them. You stopped. You heard Hermione's voice. But it wasn't coming from the person right next to you, but from the voice in that eerie smoke. Your skin tickled making you have goosebumps. You believed it was from the horcrux. When the both of you walked closer, it was unbearable, so the both of you stopped. 

"RON, DESTORY IT! IT'S NOT REAL!" Harry shouted, straining his voice. He has fallen after having to run away as soon as the locket shattered, in fear of not harming himself. 

Ron stood perplexed at the images in front of him, like in a trance as what was happening was horrifying to him. Ron swallowed heartily and fixed his gaze at the gray Hermione in the air. He saw Harry right next to her, watching as how they were hugging each other. Ron started to feel anger and fury as he stared at it. 

"Why do you think I will ever choose you?" The horcrux Hermione said, smiling as she saw Ron's confused and hurt expression that kissed his complexion. "He's the better option while you are just his sidekick," she said bitterly, putting her hand on Harry's bare chest. 

At the moment of Hermione placing her hand on Harry's chest, Ron realized that the both of them did not have any clothes on. Ron got furious but he couldn't move, it was like he was stuck, not being able to move a muscle or say a word. 

"RON! IT'S NOT REAL! DESTROY IT!" Harry urged, trying to get into Ron's view of eyesight. He tried to get around the smoke it but it seemed that Ron was in another world. Harry didn't know what to do and you and Hermione, were staring in disbelief and horror. 

"Oh my god," Hermione said. She tried to walk closer but you brought her back by tugging on her sweater. She turned to look at you, fear and concern in her eyes as she said, "But... but that's not me. Why does he think I will do that? And with Harry?" 

You shrugged your shoulders and took a deep exhale. "I don't know, Hermione. Maybe the locket is messing with his head or of the person that is near. We just have to stay back because I don't know if it is safe for us to do so," you explained to Hermione, as your voice was getting more quiet after a couple of words. You were worried of what is going to happen but your feet were glued in place. You stared back at the scene in front of you.

"RON! LISTEN TO ME, ITS NOT REAL!" Harry shouted again with all his strength. Harry creeped even closer and what he saw was unbelievable:

Hermione moved her head to look at Harry, then they started to kiss. Passionately. Harry froze, not knowing what to do, and he couldn't take his eyes off. You audibly gasped and put your hand over your mouth. Not only was Ron affected by this but you were starting to be as well. You couldn't bare to see Harry kiss Hermione and you turned your whole body the other way. You didn't want to see it anymore. Hermione squeezed your arm and whispered, "Y/n, its not real. I would never do that."

"I know, I just...would rather not see it," you said sadly. You stared into the mountains below you. Right below it was this huge lake, a lake where you always longed to swim in. Some of the fish jumped above the lake and you managed to smile. You mustered all of your strength and you turned to look at the situation again, just in time. 

Ron had enough of it and he charged with the sword high up. He tightened his grip and he sliced the sword through the air, landing on the locket that shattered into many pieces. The pieces flew up in the air. A bright light shined from the locket and a few seconds later, everything was silent. Still. You and Hermione didn't even think twice about it and sprinted towards them. The freezing wind pierced on your face as you shifted your weight onto each foot, fixing your gaze on your two friends that were on the floor, breathing heavily as they were impacted. Hermione immediately ran to Ron and you were stuck on who to run after. 

"Ron? Ron! Are you alright?" Hermione asked frantically, bending down near Ron and cupping his face with her hands. Ron's head weighed heavily. You saw how Hermione struggled to wake him up. Hermione turned her head to look at you and gestured to Harry with the lift of her chin. You nodded and ran to Harry, feeling a little better to be able to help Harry. 

"Harry? Bloody hell, are you alive?" You asked, not knowing what to do. You uncontrollably moved your hands in the air. You exhaled deeply. You placed your hands on his chest to try and hear his heartbeat. You placed your right ear on it, near his heart, and you held your breath hoping to feel a slight pulse. You felt his chest raise and fall steadily and you let out a relieved exhale. At least he was breathing. You raised your head and looked at his face. You put your hands near his complexion and tried to see if his eyes would flutter. You saw his lips move slightly and you thought that he was telling you something. 

"Harry? What do you want to tell me?" You interrogated, trying to raise his head from the ground. Before he could even say anything, you brushed the dirt and mud from his face. You fixed his hair to see his eyes and you saw his lip turn up a little bit. "Harry talk to me," you anxiously said. 

"I need..," he whispered faintly. You raised his head and held his hand with your available hand. You squeezed his fingers, trying to make him react in some way. 

"What Harry? Does something hurt?" You asked, trying to calm your own nerves. You put your hand on your forehead feeling how it was heating up from the stress. You looked worriedly at him, feeling your heart patter in desperation. 

"I need..," Harry whispered more audibly now. You leaned forwards to listen better and you saw his lips turn up a little more. He moved a little more and his eyes were open now. "I need... CPR," he said, grinning at you. 

You rolled your eyes and said angrily, "Harry! I was so worried." He lifted his back from the ground and he brushed the debris off his clothes. You clung your arms around his neck, not wanting to let go so soon. "I'm glad you are okay," you said, placing your chin on his shoulder. 

He smiled onto the crook of your neck and he wrapped his arm around you, having his other arm holding the both of you from laying on the ground. You smiled sheepishly, feeling his heartbeat onto your chest. "So, what about the CPR?" Harry asked, as you let him go. 

You rolled your eyes and got up before him. You extended your hand towards him and blushing furiously as he grinned without breaking eye contact from you. His firm hand met yours and he got up without causing you any work. "I will have to think about that offer," you joked, smiling. 

"Oh? So, you're considering it?" Harry asked, lifting his eyebrows playfully at you with a slight grin on his face. 

You shook your head and said, "Uh-uh. I said I'll think about it." You said, directing a finger at him while trying to hold your blush from spreading across your face and neck. 

He shrugged his shoulders joyously and said, "It's still better then a no. I hope you change that answer to a yes soon, because I'm going to need it." He said placing a hand on his chest while grinning at the ground at your eye roll. 

"Whatever you say, just don't fall in love with me," you said, smiling at his frozen expression.

You stared at him a little longer and realized where you were. You rotated to see Ron and Hermione up from the ground, talking to one another a little nervously. "Ron! Are you okay?" You asked him, jogging towards them a little bit. You didn't know how to approach Ron and just stared at him, aloof of what to do next. 

"Yeah, I'm alright," he said, chuckling once. He still had the sword in his hand. You observed it, watching some blood trickling down from the handle. The basilisk venom shined on the blade and some of the pieces were stuck to it. You let out an exhale and now the four of you were huddled with each other. "May I?" You asked, extending your hand towards the sword. 

Ron nodded and said, "Be careful, the venom might harm you." He carefully grabbed the sword with both his hands and handed it cautiously to you. You gripped the end of it, surveying all its diamonds and crystals that were reflecting against the moonlight. Hermione and you stared at the sword. 

"Then, if Ron already destroyed the horcrux, what do we need this for?" You asked, raising the sword in your hands. You locked eyes with Hermione and you continued, "We already did some of the others so this is going to be our-" 

"Our third one," Hermione finished, nodding in thought. "We did the diary already, the ring and this one," Hermione continued, counting off with her fingers. She looked up to the right. She tried to remember if there was something she was forgetting. You fixed your gaze on Harry's shoe. You smiled when you saw something familiar, a scribble, that flashed a memory that you forgot for a long time. You looked up and decided to save that topic for a more happier conversation. 

"So, we have three down," Ron summed up. "Bloody hell, then how many did he do? How much free time did he have?"

Harry shrugged and the four of you looked at him, expecting him to think of a master plan to get you guys moving. You interlocked your fingers. You tried to figure out what it was he was thinking. You knew him for a while but things were so unexpected, that none of you had time to really talk about the events. There was never a moment of time to talk about anything. Especially with the new event that just happened The topic was swept under the rug, not talked about in the moment. The tension was unbearable. Hermione and Harry weren't talking and didn't even look at each other. You and Ron knew why they were doing so but there was this comfortable motion between the both of you. You didn't know why you and Ron felt a little good about this, but you know it couldn't continue and there would have to be a way to get the four of you to talk about it. 

"Harry, what should we do?" You asked, kicking some dirt from under your shoe, making your fingers touch the tip of the blade. 

Harry shifted his weight from foot to foot, nervously rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. The pressure of trying to figure out a new plan, was making him miserable.

You struggled to keep quiet as you were starting to feel your skin itch from underneath your fingers. Your skin was on fire. Your eyes start to water and you felt the weight of the sword drop on your feet. Your eyes widened.  

"Y/n? Y/n, what's wrong?" Hermione asked urgently, reaching her hand out to you too late. 

You fell to the ground and felt a sting from the back of your head. Your lips started to burn and you laid perplexed. Your hands stiffened and your feet were slowly starting to get numb. "What's?-" You asked, but couldn't continue your sentence as your foot was starting to shake uncontrollably. 

Hermione got alarmed and immediately grabbed her bag to look for something. Ron moved the sword carefully from you and Harry was having a panic attack. Harry stood completely still, staring in horror at your unmoving body and your eyes filled with fear.

Ron ran his fingers through his ginger hair and said hurriedly, directing his face at Harry, "Basilisk venom." At the news, Hermione sobbed as she continued to look through her bag, her shoulders raising as she inhaled wetly. 

"Didn't touch-" 

"Shhhh, please don't talk I don't want it to get worse," Harry urged, finally getting out of his panic. He fell on his knees near you and you saw a tear flow down his cheek. He placed his hand on your forehead and stroking your hair as he did so. His hands were freezing to you. You felt it was because of your face overheating. 

"Sorry," was all you could manage to say again as your lips started to seal tightly. Hermione moved her hair out of her face in desperation and sobbed even harder as your eyes frantically moved from the left and right, to show that you can't say anything at the moment. Ron leaned down as well and started to help Hermione with whatever he can. Harry stayed looking at you, not knowing how to comfort you. 

Your eyes started to flood with tears and you felt the tears trickle down the sides of your face. Harry made shushing sounds but not at Hermione and Ron's noise, but to ease your nerves. He let out a choked sob and held your stiff hand. "I'm sorry about this, Y/n. This shouldn't have happened. You're going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay- Sorry," Harry said, sobbing as he couldn't finish his sentence. 

Your vision started to blur and you felt all of your muscles relax. Harry noticed and he placed a soft kiss on your forehead. Your eyes started to slowly close as you observed Hermione's pleading eyes on you. Ron was angry at himself for giving you the sword but placed his hand on your knee. Harry was still sobbing but made a great effort to not fall apart in front of you. You were starting to panic and slowly, your heartbeat was starting to beat even faster. You looked sadly at your friends, feeling your eyelids heavy. You couldn't continue to fight your body's struggle to still be conscious. After a couple of more tries, you finally gave in.                     
