Chapter 15

"From the what?!" Harry asked, stunned by the boy's expression. Everyone started to panic, some students were crying, some were explaining to the other's what happened because they weren't listening, some were running away. 

"I said, from the sky. It says to listen to what it has to say," the boy said, panic making his voice crack. He started to shift on either foot, nervously looking around him as if expecting someone to scream. 

"It's alright, go over there, with those students. Everything is going to be fine," Harry soothed, pushing the boy in the direction of some of the curious students. They immediately asked the boy several questions. Harry turned to look at you with anticipation all over his face and posture. He cleared his throat and said, directing to the Order, "Can you help some of the students-"

"I'll take it from here, Mr. Potter," Professor McGonagall asserted, taking the attention from everyone again. "Everyone! Listen to me. No need to be frightened. Just-" 

Everyone fell silent as there was a loud booming from outside of the castle. You ran, along with others, towards a window, to figure out what made that noise. You stared through the window. Your eyes looked at the ground, watching some dementors and Death Eaters make their way through the black lake. You stood flabbergasted and watched as they were getting closer and closer. 

"I know that you are preparing to fight. Your efforts are futile. You cannot fight me. I do not want to kill you. I have great respect for the teachers of Hogwarts. I do not want to spill magical blood. Give me Harry Potter, and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter, and I shall leave the school untouched. Give me Harry Potter, and you will be rewarded. You have until midnight," the sky boomed. It was Voldemort. 

This caused a commotion inside the castle, even worse than before. "Professor Filch, help evacuate the students immediately. Everyone, follow Professor Filch, urgently! Hurry now!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed, motioning with her hands toward the Professor. The students followed orders and Filch helped them make their way out of the Great Hall. The older students helped the first years go in front of the evacuation, making it their plan to help them first. The students were trying to keep calm, in sake for everyone. 

"Oh my, what are we going to do?" You asked, looking at everyone as if they were in a blur. "We can't let him take Harry," you stated, seeing how the Order gathered, Professor McGonagall, and your friends near you. 

Everyone looked at Professor McGonagall. She fixed her glasses on her nose nervously and said, looking directly at Shacklebolt, "Help me build the defenses around the castle." He nodded and stood next to Professor McGonagall. 

"We'll help too," Mrs. Weasley replied, holding on to her husband's arm. 

Professor McGonagall nodded and she stormed away with Kingsley. "We'll be back, dears," Mrs. Weasley promised, giving her kids a smile. She followed Professor McGonagall with her husband right next to her, waving at his kids. After they left, you were left looking back at your loved ones with a worried glance. 

"Harry, we have to get you out of here, you can't stay here," Lupin breathed, trying to make Harry change from his blank expression. 

"I agree with Remus," Ron supported, nodding as Hermione gave him a worried look. She was close to Ron, ignoring everyone in the room and stared at him. "I'll help find somewhere we can keep him safe," Ron continued, noticing Hermione with a small smile.

"I know a place," Fred added, finding his way towards Harry, you, Hermione and Ron. "Follow us." George walked along side his twin brother, making his way through the students. You followed them, along with Harry, Hermione and Ron, right beside you. The hall was filled with students, trying to get with their friends, the lot of them trying to leave the castle in a hurry. You looked around and realized that Hogwarts changed completely. Nothing was how it was before. There was no cheery students, no pranks being pulled or laughter. Your heart broke as you saw a first year cry. 

"What's wrong?" You asked, something you obviously knew the answer too. You wanted to comfort the first year, but you didn't know how too. 

She walked closer to you, crying hysterically. "I'm...I'm scared," she sobbed, looking at your feet. She didn't want to make eye contact with you and that broke your heart entirely. 

You knelt down, looking up at her swollen face. You grabbed her hands and you whispered, "Squeeze my hands, it will help you." She did what you told her to do, and you didn't let your eyes roam, you gave her your full attention. "Everything is going to be okay, nothing is going to happen to you," you promised, your heart dropping to your stomach as you said those words. 

"Are you sure?" She asked, sniffling more, "I want to be with my family again."

You nodded, you couldn't trust your own voice anymore. "What's your name?" You pleaded, feeling as she was starting to control her heavy breathing. 

"My name is Vala," she replied, calming her breathing. 

You let go of her hands and caressed her face softly. Her soft badious skin under your hands was wet. "Vala, I want you to look at me," you seethed, watching her black eyes meet yours. "I want you to follow some of the students, along with Filch. Alright? Follow them and you are going to be okay." 

She smiled tearfully and she let out a small exhale. "Okay," she replied. Her thick hair bounced lightly as she nodded. She walked away from you, chasing some of the students urgently, making their way out of the castle. 

When she was out of your view, you felt tears stream down your face again. You didn't know if what you said was true, but you felt them at the moment. You got up from your squat and looked around you. Your eyes landed on Hermione, the only one there. "Hermione-" You blurted, choking on your own sobs. 

She wrapped her arms over you, and you blubbered on her shoulder. "It's okay, y/n, that was the only thing you could have said. You helped her," she confirmed, putting your hair behind your ears as you wiped your face. 

"But, I don't even believe what I said, Hermione. What if things aren't going to be okay? What if she resents me for something that I had no control over? I can't live like that."

"You're doing the right thing."

"But, why does it feel so wrong to me?" You rasped, struggling not to take out your anger and fear at her. 

"Because you want to control what happens but it can't be like that, y/n. We don't even know what could happen in a couple of hours! Don't beat yourself up for it. What happens next is going to happen. We can't go back in time anymore," she explained, with a small frown. 

You nodded, feeling content with her explanation. Even if you felt bad about possibly lying to Vala, a little light of hope was all she needed. She needed someone to assure her about her safety. And you helped her with it. You sighed, and you looked around you again. "Where's everybody else?" 

"They had to leave to secure Harry. They didn't want to leave us but they had to because well, you know," Hermione replied, looking around her and moving to let students pass. "We should probably start to look for them," Hermione said, after a moment's pause. 

"Good idea," you replied, nodding your head. "Do you know where they were heading to?" 

She nodded and pointed down the hall towards the stairs. "They went that way," Hermione stated, walking in that direction. 

You followed quickly and as others were swarming in front of you, you looked around. The walls were dimly lit, barely letting the falling sunlight illuminate the inside of the castle. You looked out of the dusty window and your pulse quickened. The sun was descending fast, that means it is almost time. You gulped and walked even faster towards Hermione, hoping that the both of you are heading in the right direction. 

"I saw them," Hermione preached, turning her head sideways for you to hear. You looked to where she turned and you saw Ron behind some people. She turned down the hall, with the objective of following Ron. She hurried, down the stairs and finally reached behind them. 

You followed close behind, staring at the back of Ron's ginger head. You felt the walls close behind you, as if you just walked into a box. You tried to breathe but even that wasn't working. You calmed yourself by squeezing your fists, hoping it will help your body remember it could still feel. Your feet walked one in front of the other, without your control of it. Your mind was elsewhere, but not for long as it seemed that everyone crowded in a room. You were the last one to enter. 

As you entered the room, Harry smiled up at you, his mouth turned upwards, but his eyes full of despair. He looked away, hoping to not let you see him so distraught. "What can we do now?" He asked, sitting on the floor, his back leaning on a red couch. He let his knees go up, getting closer to his chest, as he laid his arms over his knees. He stared at the fire in front of him. An old table in between him and the fire.

You decided to sit on the floor as well, but you propped your feet on a table near the door, making it easy for no one to enter and leave. You rested your hands above your stomach and stared at the dimly lit ceiling. You let out an exhale, feeling your stomach rise under your hands. You put your right foot over your left foot, feeling your hamstrings stretch a little. It was pretty usual for you to lay down like this, this sent everyone a signal that you were in deep thought and not to be interrupted. 

But, that wasn't the case this time. You just stared at the ceiling, observing its structure and watching the shadows of the people inside dance on the ceiling. You didn't want to think of anything, absolutely nothing at all. You just wanted to forget everything and let your mind wander off. Your mind was thinking of perfect rainy days. Or having a great butter bear. Or listening to some of your favorite music, running off a field and jumping onto Harry's arms. Harry... You sighed sadly. You didn't want it to be true, you didn't want to think what could happen to Harry at the hands of Voldemort. You wished there was something you could do. Anything. 

"Hey, mind if I join you?" Harry's voice. 

You moved your head to the side slowly and you saw Harry standing there. His legs were the only thing you were able to see clearly. His head moved forward, and you watched his hair fall in front of him, his glasses slowly falling off his nose. You chuckled and said, "Sure, Harry." You scooted to the side, expecting him to sit normally. 

"You seem pretty relaxed so, can I lay down like you?" He asked nervously, using his arms to support him on the floor. 

You laughed and moved more to the side, giving him space on the small table. He laid down like you, placing his feet on top of the table, his converse filled with dirt and soot. He placed his hands over his stomach like you and he exhaled slowly. "This is really comfortable."

"It is," you sighed, feeling Harry's body right next to you added comfort you needed. You saw with your peripheral vision that Harry turned his head slowly to his side, making his face inches away from your ear. You decided to risk it and you slowly looked at him. His eyes were staring into yours, faces so near each other, it was difficult to even talk. Your breathing synchronized and he continued to stare into your eyes. "What?" You asked, your eyes squinting playfully while you felt your pulse quicken looking at him.

He sighed and chuckled softly. "I don't know," he replied, his lips turning up into a small smile. 

"Now you have to tell me," you argued, leaning back a little to give him space. 

He stared at your eyes again and after a moment he said softly, "You have the most beautiful (your eye color) eyes I have ever seen." 

You rolled your eyes but felt a small smile on your face. You looked back up at the ceiling, trying to hide your smile from Harry. He still hasn't moved, he was still admiring you. "I've seen other people with my same eye color," you mentioned. You noticed Harry hasn't said anything at all and you moved your head to see him again.

"I know there are many other people with your eye color, but something about your eyes is different. When I look at them, I feel a warmth spread over my chest, like when I sit by the fire. Exactly like that. Especially when you say a funny joke and I look at you, the way your smile makes me feel weird- it makes me admire you. Oh, and the shine that is on your eyes every time I see you, I feel so special being able to stare at them. So before you tell me they are just normal eyes, they really are not. When I look into your eyes, I feel like-," he relaxed his face as he made eye contact with you, "Your eyes feel like home than any house ever did."

Those words touched your heart and you smiled warmly. He sighed and said, with his eyes widening, "I shouldn't have said that. Oh my goodness, I should not have said that-"

"It's okay, it was really sweet Harry," you said, smiling despite of yourself. "Do you really mean all of that?"

"Every single word," he replied, confidently. 

You wanted to tell him how you felt, the words right on your lips, ready to be confessed, but the moment passed quickly. You couldn't anymore. 

"Harry, you need to figure out what you are going to do before midnight. We are preparing to keep off the dark wizards but I don't think they are going to back down without a fight," Lupin warned, standing in front of the both of you. He was tense, you could see it by the way his shoulders were lifted and his arms rigid. 

"What do you mean without a fight?" Harry repeated, placing his feet down on the floor. He sat upright and fixed his glasses that have fallen from his nose. 

"There's going to be a war," Lupin answered, his voice alone booming through the room.        
