Chapter 23

"Y/n! I found the diadem!" Hermione yelled, running towards you with a blue jeweled tiara on her hand. Ron was right beside her, looking strangely at Malfoy. They came closer and closer, and you tried to run at them but Malfoy snatched your arm. 

"I can't let you leave," he crossed, pulling you backwards. 

You freed your arm forcefully and you were getting tired of his meaningless threats. 

Hermione and Ron finally reached you and Draco, panting heavily and Ron grabbed the diadem from Hermione. He looked fiercely at Draco, his red face the same color as his ginger hair. "What are you doing here, Malfoy?" He asked through gritted teeth. 

"The Dark Lord's orders," he replied, raising his chin in the air smugly. Just a few moments ago, he was shaking in fear and rage. Now, he was acting like he was not frightened? You rolled your eyes, giving Hermione and Ron the notion that Draco wasn't entirely truthful. 

"What do you want?" Ron interrogated, his eyebrows dropping, his mouth opening slowly. His upper body twisted, trying to hide the diadem from Draco's sight. 

"I need to take Y/n to him," Draco responded, his patience running out slowly. His usually pale skin turned a grotesque yellow-green color. He look like he was going to be sick. He waited, sometimes jerking his chest forwards as if he was going to throw up several times. He placed a pale hand over his stomach, gripping it tightly, making his black suit pinch around his fingers. 

"No," Ron said, walking slowly towards you stretching his arm between you and Draco. You walked behind Ron, not taking your eyes off Draco until you were finally next to Hermione. You smiled gratefully at her, and she smiled back, still out of breath. 

Ron stood in front of you and Hermione, glaring at Malfoy. You could hear Ron's heavy breaths, he usually did this when he was livid. He took a final deep breath before saying, "Leave, Malfoy." 

Draco shook his head, his "stomach aches" looking like they never happened. He looked perfectly fine, as if he was never touched. He paced slowly in front of Ron, their colored eyes glaring at each other. "No, I'm not leaving until I have her with the Dark Lord."

"Well, you are not taking her," Hermione said, slowly stepping forwards gripping her wand tightly, "We won't let you do so." 

"If only You-Know-Who would let me take you, filthy mudblood, I wouldn't have gone through all of this. You would've been dead by the third- OW!" 

Ron's swish movement struck Draco hard in the face, making him tumble backwards. Ron had punched Draco mid-sentence, fuming with absolute hatred. "Don't talk to Hermione like that, Malfoy," Ron blurted, his knuckles bloody and white. 

Draco gripped his nose tightly, small bones cracking as he put his nose back in place. He glared at not only Ron, but at Hermione and you as well. But what you thought that he was going to do, he did the exact opposite. He started to run away, not towards the door but somewhere behind the three of you. 

The three of you turned, watching him sprint farther into the room. 

"That's odd," you mentioned, scratching your eyebrow slowly. You shook your head as if to get rid of the thought that the Dark Lord would want you out of all of people. You saw a reflect on Ron's hand and you noticed the diadem again. "How are we going to destroy it?" 

Ron turned to look at you, his bloody knuckles making his hand look purple. "I don't know," he said, gripping the diadem tighter that you thought the jewels are going to pop off. "The Chamber is basically drowned," he muttered, still angry about Draco. 

Hermione notices and she places a caring hand on his arm. She smiled feebly at him and says, "Thank you Ron, for standing up for me." Ron softened, and he grinned at her. 

"I wish I could've given him a bloody nose, more like a broken bone. That would've been splendid," you said under your breath. By Ron and Hermione's surprised looks, you knew they heard. You smiled and shared a quick laugh with them. Then, you realized that the laugh wasn't as loud. That was when you realized that Harry wasn't with the three of you anymore. "Guys," you said, making them stop chuckling, "Harry, Draco told me that the tunnel me and him were at... led to the Shrieking Shack where... where Snape is being tortured... What do we do? Snape hates Harry! What does he mean by torturing?"

"Relax, Y/n, we can't think if we are too angsty about it," Hermione said, running her other hand along her hair. "We have to go to the Shrieking Shack. That's the only way."

"But, the diadem. What do we do with this?" Ron asked, raising the diadem so that you and Hermione could observe it better. 

You shrugged your shoulders and a nerve-racking silence fell between the three of you. You were thinking about anything that could help destroy the diadem. Basilisk Venom? No, there wasn't anymore left. The water drowned it all. A spell? If it was that easy, this would've been over by winter. You struggled to figure it out when someone's horrible screams were heard from you. "What the heck was that?"

"FIRE!" Ron shouted, grabbing Hermione and running with her towards the door. 

You froze a small amount, and you thought about the screams. If it was a fire, someone is getting hurt. You felt your impulse to run after Ron and Hermione, to leave, but your heart thought differently. You knew what Harry would tell you if he was in your situation. You sighed, blurting out, "Curse you, Harry." You looked around for anything that could help you, anything at all. That was when three broomsticks appeared right in front of you, the wood turning a darker shade as the flames were getting closer. 

"Y/N! What are you doing?!" Hermione shouted, her hand on the door that was wide open. 

You grabbed the broomstick that was closest to you and mounted it. Your jeans barely let you move freely on it but it didn't matter. You grabbed the other two broomsticks beside you, and zoomed towards Hermione and Ron. You dropped the broomsticks over them, watching them catch it with a bewildered look. "Get on one. There are people that need help."

"Are you mad?" Ron pressed, a confused and scared expression dancing on his face. 

"Y/n, that is Fiendfyre. It is extremely deadly," Hermione expressed, gripping the broomstick tightly in fear. 

"That's why we have to go and help whoever it is that are still here," you replied, "Come on guys, we are wasting time." 

Ron frowned, his bottom lip dropping. "Y/n, we could die!" 

You exhaled, looking over at the fire that was scarily rising and burning everything inside. You scrunched your face in hopelessness and then an idea struck you. You lightened up and swifted towards them. "Fiendfyre is extremely deadly and destroys everything, right?"

"Yes, but I don't know why you are so happy about it," Hermione responded, now even more worried because she thought you were going mad. 

"It's obvious, isn't it?" You asked them, a slow grin plastered on your face. 

"I'm lost, I don't understand," Ron said, "I think you should quit the obscurities because I'm not in Ravenclaw." 

"It's not a riddle but good point. Guys, we have to throw the diadem in the fire. The fire would destroy the diadem and that will be one less," you explained, watching their understanding faces look at the fire with a hunger in their eyes. 

"Alright," Ron said, mounting his broom and flying up towards you, followed by Hermione. 

"So, we know what to do right?" You asked them, following their nods. So, the three of you flew above the things that were getting burned by the fire. There were three people standing on the edge of a tall structure, so, you headed towards them, ducking your head. As you flew steadily towards them, you heard Hermione and Ron's shrieks as they traveled around the fire. 

You sped towards the three figures until you realized who they were. "Draco? And your sidekicks?" You shouted distastefully, you dreaded watching them there hanging by their tiptoes. You wish they could've just fell. 

"Help me!" Draco yelled, watching you with pleading eyes, Crabbe and Goyle slipping and letting out scared yelps. 

By this time, Hermione and Ron have caught up with you, confused and annoyed expressions on their faces. "Y/n! Let's go!" Ron yelled, throwing the diadem on the huge fire, a horrible sizzling sound resulting from it. You didn't want to imagine how it will sound if a living person fell there. 

"We're wasting time! Harry might be in trouble!" Ron yelled, flying towards you, away from the three that were barely hanging on by their tip-toes. Hermione followed Ron, a look of anguish on her face, she was struggling to mount the broom. 

"Y/n, you decide. Do we stay here or do we go and help Harry?" Hermione inquired, leaning forwards on her broom, making her scoop down and back up. She was panicking, trying to get even higher than the fire. 

You sighed, looking defeatedly at Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. Their panic stricken faces, beads of sweat all over them, gripping anything they could to hold on. The three of them looked at you expectantly, trying to plead with their eyes as the fire seemed to chase them. "Please," they muttered, numerously, at the same time and out of breath. 

You gripped the broom, not knowing what to do. You were in a dilemma. If you helped them, there was a chance you could die. But, if you don't help them, that will stick with you forever. But, then you thought of Harry. Harry. What if something is wrong with him? What if he is in trouble? You squeezed your mouth shut, making it the thinnest line ever. You exhaled not knowing how to say that you weren't going to help them. So, you didn't. 

"Hey! HEY! PLEASE. IT'S BURNING HOT OVER HERE!" Draco yelled, straining his voice and coughing as the smoke entered his suffocated lungs. 

You turned your head slowly, and your heart was tugging towards them. You wanted to ignore your sensitive heart, knowing that you wanted to leave, you continued flying towards the door. You looked at Ron and Hermione, a determined look on their faces. That was when you knew you couldn't leave them there. "What has become of us? Aren't we meant to be good people-I'm going back," you told them, turning your broom rapidly and soaring through the smoke filled air. 

You coughed onto you elbow, looking through your burning eyes at them. They were surprised to see you back, they were accepting their fates already. You were a few feet in front of them, the fire hurriedly catching up to the four of you. You coughed even harder and then you turned your feeble broomstick towards them. You scooted forwards, feeling the heat of the fire lick your face. "Get on!" You yelled, looking sideways at them. Draco grabbed the edge of the broom and by this time, Hermione and Ron had already did the same with their brooms. They were hacking onto the air, trying hard to not breathe in the smoke. You guessed they felt remorse as well. 

"Hurry up, Malfoy!" You yelled at him, feeling the broom go slightly down as his weight was added on. He gripped the broom tightly, making his way carefully towards the middle to secure his place. He gripped your shoulders, accidentally piercing your sore muscles. You grunted in pain and you looked around for Ron and Hermione. Crabbe has already gotten on the broom but Goyle was having problems. 

"Hurry up, Goyle!" Ron yelled, trying to lower his own broom but Goyle was hesitating too much. He grabbed the end of the broom, slipping slowly on the edge of the structure he was at. Goyle gripped the broom again but his sweaty hands made it difficult. Ron was losing patience as he was coughing horribly, like if he was an old man with a horrible disease. "Hur... Hurry up!" Ron croaked as Hermione was flying over the fire, her eyes burning horribly. 

You wiped on your eyes, feeling Draco do the same. "Goyle!" Draco yelled, and you watched a figure falling speedily through the air. You gasped and you tried to dive to get him, but you knew it was too late. 

The piercing screams that Goyle let out as he sliced through the air, made an uncomfortable silence to the three left in the air. You watched as how the fire swallowed Goyle with a single gulp. Soon the horrible shrieking's were soon gone, nothing filled the silence. It was as if you were stuck, you didn't know what to do. Ron was looking at the fire, his eyebrows furrowed and his bottom lip dropping slightly. 

"Let's leave," Draco announced, leaving you and Ron a little surprised. You were expecting him to yell at Ron, probably guilting him for Goyle's burning death. But, that didn't happen. You flew through the air, feeling the flames reaching the walls of the Room of Requirement now. Ron followed right next to you and you watched as how the flames were swallowing the door right in front. Draco gripped your shoulders making you fly up a little higher and then Ron dived into the open door. You were close enough to get through so, you accelerated, remembering the technique Harry taught you. 

"Slam the door!" Ron yelled. 

Hermione got off and she forced the door shut, and the flames were no where seen. The door, too. It seemed like it was just another ordinary wall, not a trace of a Room of Requirement ever being there. 

All of you panted, out of breath, the adrenaline swimming through all of you. You placed a hand on your chest, feeling the warmth spread through your clothes. You let go of the broomstick, hearing it clink-clank on the floor. You let out an exhale, watching the others exhaust, draining their energy as well as yours. You looked at Draco and Crabbe, noticing that they were there. 

"Go now," you ordered, watching the both of them angrily. "I said, go!"

"But, where do we go?" Crabbe asked, fidgeting with his fingers, looking at Draco with wide eyes. 

You answered for them, "Get the heck out of here, it doesn't matter where. But, if I hear or see any of you two try to jeopardize my friends and I... I will literally strangle the both of you."

Draco gulped looking at Hermione with a nervous look. He grabbed Crabbe's shoulders and walked away, running almost as there were explosions traveling throughout the castle. They were out of sight now. 

"That was close," Ron mentioned, wiping the sweat all over his face. 

Hermione nodded and she examined your hands, "Y/n, you don't have your wand." 

You shook your head and then a piercing scream was heard down the hall. "Remus!"           
