Chapter 3

"We should start to wander off a little more, you know," you stated, grabbing a few extra sweaters from the ground. 

"That's a bad idea considering how we are surrounded by snow and trees," Ron commented. 

You rolled your eyes and looked at Hermione. "Mione, you know better than anyone that if we stay here for longer we won't be able to get any new information. We aren't getting closer to what we need to get rid of this locket," you said. You grabbed the locket that was dangling from your neck in your hands and showed it to them. "We have to get moving because I am starting to believe that we aren't accomplishing everything," you said, putting on an extra sweater. The locket, you'd like to think, didn't have any bad effects on you. It did make you a little irritated but other than that, it was your normal self.

Hermione considered what you said and thought it over before saying, "She's right. We have to get new information or at least talk about what we know. We have to do something!" Hermione exclaimed, digging into her bag with a new perspective. 

"You're getting mad if you think we are wandering the woods," Ron said, walking closer to Hermione. Hermione gave him a stern look and said, "Ron, you know she is right, we can't keep doing this. The longer we stay here the more time You-Know-Who has to find us." 

Seeing as Ron was still not giving in to that possibility, you said, "Or we can stay here and let You-Know-Who find us. You know what, why not just cast a spell so that they can easily-"

"Alright, I get your point," Ron said, looking at you. You nodded and walked with Hermione. "So, what is your plan? Should we stay here and talk about it or explore?"

"How come no one is asking me?" Harry asked, setting his book aside. 

"Oh, right, sorry. Harry, do you want to stay or go?" You asked. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know what we should do." 

You nodded and joked, "And you wonder why I didn't ask you." He rolled his eyes and he walked where the three of you were. The four of you sat in a circle to talk about what all of you should do. 

"I believe we should split up," Ron suggested, holding his knees as he sat cross-legged on the ground. 

"I like that idea," you supported. You moved to look at Harry and Hermione. They were staring at the both of you trying to figure out if it is a good plan or not. You waited patiently while battling the urge to yell. The locket did that to you sometimes but you could handle it. Usually when the urges come in, you distract yourself by pinching on your skin which explains the bruises on it. 

"I think it is a good idea but who should split up with who?" Harry asked, as he saw that you started to pick at your skin. He hurriedly looked again at Hermione to try to take away the attention from you. 

"I would really like to stay, it will be better," Ron said, noticing Harry's weird attitude, cringing his face in suspicion. 

"What about you, Harry?" Hermione asked, staring intensely at him to try to not make you uncomfortable. 

You chuckled and said, "I could tell you guys are trying to avoid me from-" You picked harder into your skin and it caused you a little bit of blood to trickle down on your wrist. You got up and said through grinded teeth, "I need to go outside." They understood perfectly and you left the tent in a hurry. You put your sleeve over your mouth to stop you from causing every bird in a two mile radius to flee from your yell. You felt your hand shake as you started to close your eyes tightly. The yell knocked at your throat as it threatened to leave it. You were trying immensely hard as you walked farther, not even knowing where it was you were going. Something to distract you from doing the thing you didn't want to. You traveled closer and closer and fixed your eyes on a big tree. 

"Hey," Harry said, jogging towards you. 

You opened your eyes as soon as you heard his voice. You felt tears sting your eyesight and you didn't know what was happening. "I-I'm scared," was all you could manage to say before choking in your sobs. Harry didn't know what to do but his natural instinct was to wrap his arms around you. You froze and you buried your head into his chest. You sobbed, feeling the urge to yell and shout whatever it is in your mind. "Harry... Why is this happening?!"

"That's what happens when you wear the locket, y/n. I'm surprised you fought it for that long," Harry replied, putting his hand behind your head. He couldn't deny his instinct to protect you but he didn't know why he felt that towards you. 

"What can I say? I'm a strong woman," you replied, wiping the tears off from your face. You swallowed hard and the urge subsided slowly. You pressed on your face, feeling relaxed as you felt ease with the pressure.

He rested his hands on your shoulders and said, "You are and don't doubt it for a second. Come in, we made a decision already." 

You sniffed and wiped some more tears. Tempting to punch the tree, you turned stiffly back to the tent. You thanked yourself because that would've been a horrible idea if you did do it. You smiled at him from time to time and finally headed back to shelter. 

"Y/n, are you alright?" Hermione said, heading out of the tent to walk towards you. "We made a plan and it is this: Harry and I are going to stay here while you and Ron go outside. We decided it is best since you are more cautious and Ron has fast reflexes. Harry and I can analyze better so it is for us to stay. Is that alright with you?" She caressed your face, wiping the tears away, and showed how much she cared for you. You smiled and put your hand over hers. 

"Thank you Hermione but I am alright. Harry reminded me of who I am so I am sure I can get through this," you said, turning towards him. He pushed the comment aside modestly and you turned back to look at your best friend. "Besides, you guys make an excellent team. I'll go with Ron and maybe we can hunt in the woods for food," you said, grinning at Ron. 

"That sounds... badass," Ron replied, smiling. He crossed his arms over his chest and let out a soft chuckle. 

"Right? Ron Weasley and Y/n Y/l/n, running in the woods, carrying a stick, trying to run faster to spear it at a rabbit. Then we will come back here and cook it. What do you say?" You explained, motioning to Ron to get his things. 

"That we will finally have real meat for once in a few months," Ron replied, picking up the bag he already packed, rubbing his hands together with a smile. 

"Affirmative, who knew that I will turn into a vegetarian for coming into this mission with all of you," you said, grinning at Harry, "I am a meat enthusiast you know." 

"Oh, I know," Harry said, squinting his eyes teasingly. "You wouldn't stop blabbering when we had to eat lambchops in lunch for a week because the elves couldn't get some food."

"Yes, we all know the great sacrifice that you did, Y/n. We thank you for it but you and Ron should really get going," Hermione said, gesturing towards the exit.

"Just can't wait to get rid of us," you said, grabbing your own bag. Hermione laughed and Ron has walked to the exit. You kissed Hermione on the cheek and stood in front of Harry. You didn't know what to do at this point as you had mixed feelings towards him. You decided to embrace him in a hug and he hugged you back. "Don't miss me too much, Harry." 

"Wasn't planning to," he teased, letting you go. 

"Yeah, whatever," you said, as you exited the tent, hearing the laughs of your friends behind you. You walked next to Ron, and the both of you walked in silence for a couple of moments, staring at the yards of trees around the both of you. You still had the locket on your neck as you were the only one who can handle it better than anyone. But, you still had your bad moments, like everyone does. It's just easy to let the locket run with your emotions but you always guarded them, not even the locket could get inside for too long. 

"What do you think we should explore first?" Ron asked, stopping a little to look in all directions. He put his hand over his eyebrows, shielding himself from the sun that was slowly starting to set. You followed his gaze and everywhere you turned, there were piles and piles of snow. You shrugged your shoulders and asked, "Don't know. Where do you recommend?" 

"I can't choose," he said, cleaning his hands with his pants. He shook his hands in the air, in an attempt to loosen his nerves. 

An idea went through your mind and it was childish and ridiculous; it was perfect. "I am going to spin you and you have to close your eyes. You get to choose when to stop and whichever direction you stop at, we go there," you explained.

He liked the idea and closed his eyes instantly. You grabbed his arms as he spun a couple of times. He had this grin on his face that looked blurry to you as he kept on spinning and spinning. You stepped back once and a couple of seconds later, he stopped and he faced to the right of you. He opened his eyes and you turned to look at where it was you both were destined to go. 

"That settles it, we are going that way," he said, tightening the strap on his shoulder. 

You looked at where it was and you couldn't help but notice how dark it was there. The trees were drawn together and the snow weighed the branches down. You heard a couple of birds croak down there and you turned to look at Ron worriedly. "I guess it has to be this way. It has to be destiny," you said worriedly. 

"Let's go before I regret this," Ron said, walking to the depths of the forest. 

"Don't say I didn't warn you because it looks pretty scary," you said, following him, moving your head around everywhere in fear of something that can appear out of nowhere. 

"Well, we don't know what awaits," he replied, holding a branch up for you to walk behind him.

"That's the scary part," you replied, following a long croak of a crow.    
