A/n give me one shot ideas for my one shot lol

Gojo satoru 🫣💓

I arrived at the Tsukimura clan house the house is old Japanese style and it's very big I went threw the gate and opened the door expecting Yurika to be there but I didn't instead I say her grandmother sitting against the wall with her arms crossed and a mad expression?

"Where's Yurika" I asked her hoping her that she will tell me so I can leave with Yurika I know how much Yurika hates here especially her grandmother

"Who knows where that girl went. We had a bit of an argument and she left in the middle of might and heavy rain." She said as she looked up at me

"What do you mean she left?! What if she gets hurts?!" I yelled at her

"She'll be fine she's the strongest in the Tsukimura clan masterd all the time curse technique and knows the forbidden techniques too, she's the head of the clan."

"I know shelll be fine! What if she gets sick?! Who knows what she'll do?! What do you hate her so much?!"

"Even tho she's the strongest in the Tsukimura clan she's still weak. She failed to kill the Fujita clan who killed her brother her mother her cousin and her grandfather sibling. When she was born everyone in the clan thought she was able to defeat the Fujita clan but they were wrong. She was seen at the faith of Tsukimura clan the savior of the Tsukimura clan. It's been 700 years since someone was able to use all time technique including the forbidden techniques.Since she was a child she was loved by everyone. And she's in love with you,Gojo Satoru . I'm sure you're able to defeat the Fujita clan. But no one form other clans can kill them its a rule in the Fujita and Tsukimura clan they made many years ago if a person from both of those clan is having a battle no one can join if someone joined and that person is  who's on one of there side loses, if she dosnet defeat the Fujita clan the Tsukimura clan will fall." She said coldly at me and handing me they letter I took it right away and went to find Yurika in this heavy rain what if she gets sick?! What if someone from the Fujita clan finds her alone?!


I looked everywhere for her it's was dark and heavy rain, and hard to see I remembered a river with cherry blossom trees where she went together with Haruka all the time and where we meet for the 2nd time where she said she will follow me I rushed over to that place and ran to a certain cherry blossom tree and saw her there I was out of breath and she sat there looked down and they she saw me, I know she was hiding that she was crying in the rain but her eyes were red her experison. Her tears blended with the rain

"Yurika..." I said softly as I lowered my self to look at her face

"Satoru... am I weak?" She asked me

"No. Aboustley not. You're the strongest in your clan. Just because you couldn't kill the stupid Fujita guy doesn't mean you lost. I almost died to someone years ago but I kill them in the end. Yurika, no matter how long it's takes I know you'll be able to do it." I said as I touched her head and smiled at her

"The clan always give me so pressure haven't I given enough?-" I cut her off as I kissed her softly "there are no reasons why Yurika sometimes the time is not right but when it is right you can do it. You became the head of the clan as 15 when you're young they assume you know nothing, but you know everything the time curse technique even the forbidden curse technique reverse curse technique ,domain, the history of your clan , Tsukimura clan fighting skills , all kind of weapons, everything. Yurika... I love you the way you are..let's go home?" I Saadi to her as I simled at here it was still raining hard, yet I could still see her tears

I stood up and slowly healed her too, she was tired she didn't have much energy "you alright?" I asked her as I closely looked at her face

I picked her up in bridal style and headed to the car "Yurika, you should sleep." I said and and felt her head against my chest and she fell asleep right away and I kissed her head and held her tightly

At jujutsu high🗡️

I carried Yurika back to her dorm knowing it is unlock she always left it unlocked which is something she need to start doing locking it as I was carrying her I saw Yuta and he looked at me

"Yurika-san?! Is she alright?! Did something bad happen? Why is she all soaked?" Yuta asked as he was worried "don't worry she's fine. Just some problems with the Tsukimura clan and her being tired" I assured Yuta and he looked less worried "if you want to know more about the Tsukimura clan you should as Yurika once she wakes up." I told and entered her room i slowly saw here wake up

"Yurika you should change into some dry clothes" I told her and she nodded her head as I got some cloggers ready for her and turned around once she finished changing shy layed on her bed and I put a blanket on her and sat on a chair near her bed looking at her making sure she's ok after few hours I left the room and locked it for her and sighed and saw Yuta again and patted his head "Yuta there's nothing to worry about, Yurika is alight you can talk with her tomorrow" I said as I walk away

Next morning ☀️


I woke up and it was very sunny out side I remembered what happed last night and satoru comfort me in the heavy rain. I tried not to think about yesterday .And I even remembered that he kissed me.

When that part came into mind it made me blush. I quickly brushes it off and changed into the some training clothes and brushed my hair and put it in a lose ponytail and grabbed my weapon maybe Yuta is training? I opened the door and saw satoru


"You feeling better?" He said as he looked at what I was wearing and what I was holding "you're going to train? Well I'm sure Yuta is training with maki right now he also did wanted to train with you too." He said as he walked next to me and taking my weapon and holding it for me. "Thank you for yesterday satoru...if you weren't there I would have probably been sick." I told him

"I'll be for you anytime Yurika." He said as he took my hand and held it "I sure yuta likes you a lot as his teacher, he says you explain things very well and often want to train with you. And is curious about your curse technique"

"Well I didn't tell him much about my curse technique I guess I tell him today. He's a nice boy." I said as I saw Yuta training with maki

"Yuta!" I yelled and waved at him and his eyes lit up and waved back but , maki hit him "don't get distracted!!" Maki said as him "oh...sorry..Yuta..." I said quietly satoru handed my back my weapon "are you going anywhere satoru?" I asked him "no I'll stay here and watch you and Yuta" he said as he smiled at me and I smiled back

"Me and panda and Toge are going to do something do you wanna come or still train since it looks like Yurika is coming your way." Maki told Yuta "I'll train with Yurika-Dan too!" He said and I waved at Yuta "alright" maki said as panda Toge and maki leave

"Yuta-kun~! How's your training going?" I said to him "it's going well maki helps me alot!" He said "well, that good. Satoru told me that you wanted to know about my curse technique and my clan?" I asked him "oh! Yeah... I heard that you use time technique and was curious on how that works and curious of you clan too..." he said a bit nervous and I just softly smiled at him don't worry I'll tell you" I told him and saw him smile

"First my curse technique it's bit similar to satoru depending on the technique I use, I can go back in time. This curse technique allows me to go back in time a maximum of around 40 seconds or more and when I do that can't alter my surroundings too much for example if someone dies then I can't save them, this technique also allows me to loop a specific movement although this will cost a fair amount of cursed energy for example if an enemy hit themselves in the head i could loop that movement until either I want to stop or my cursed energy runs out. I can also read someone's movements by going into the future up to 20 seconds. I can make this energy by creating a type of paradox with cursed energy constantly warping the space into the past in the future eventually to correct itself it forms a ball which literally destroys any and everything in it's path. The Domain expansion would allow me to stop all movements of the a person or cursed spirit and if i want to make them sand completely still and they couldn't do anything about it, I could also do the before mentioned looping of someone's movements. I can also make time go faster or slower when I touch someone or something. And I can also do it's make myself faster. One of the domains I made is I can only move but my surroundings and other people are stopped in time I can choose certain people who can move or not. My clan is know for the famous time curse technique and the person who is the head of the clan is me." I told him as he looked amazed at what I said "are you a special grade?" He asked "yep!"

"When did you become head of the clan" he asked "at 15 my I had a older brother but he was kill  and mother was the head of the clan before me, but they were killed too for many generations the heir or the head of the clan is targed or someone powerful or important to the clan. That clan is called the Fujita clan" I said

"I'm sorry I should have asked that..." he said "Yuta-kun it's alright." I said as I smiled at him

"What's the Fujita clan?" He asked

"The Fujita clan is a clan that can use fire curse technique that is very powerful and has many ways to be used, but the problem is that they have this charm that can only block time curse technique which is my clan it's was especially made for my clan do they would have a higher chance of winning."

"Is there a way to destroy it?" He asked "well the charm was made with the help of Sukuna so sukana can destroy it since he helped them with it or a curse technique that's not time curse technique if I were to destroy I can only thing of one way barely any people in my clan can do this is my clan it's called a time force field when putting in curse energy into a object but a very strong curse energy putting this crazy about of curse energy causes a bright light at first then chances into a time force feild of the charm can't handle that much crazy about of energy it should break but I would have to encounter a Fujita with a charm."

"You're so cool Yurika-san!" He said as I looked away and got shy "if you were to encounter someone from the Fujita clan again who would win?" He asked me "me of course. I can also fight without using the time curse technique and I also can use reverse curse technique. But even if the block my time curse technique I would win." I said as Yuta looked at me amazed

"Have you ever trained with gojo-sensei before?" He asked me he was curious about everything I enjoyed answering all his questions "during high school I did. I think I won? That was because I was able to use my curse technique before he could use his but after taht we never really did." I said as looked up and saw satoru "maybe we should do it sometime next time?" He said as he smirked "sure"

"Yuta let's train." I told him as we got up

Time skip~!

"What's the matter Yuta?" Panda asked "um...well...I just had a bad feeling..." Yuta said

"It's probably nothing" maki said as she started to walk again "yeah probably.." panda said and three of some walking and leaving Yuta behind and he ran to them "guys wait!"

"Well, your ability to sense cursed energy sucks, you know?" Panda said

"Figures itd be dulled, with something like Rika constantly with you."


"We aren't picking up and actions from geto. Are you sure you're not worried over nothing ?" Yaga said

"Principal, I'm sad to say that's not possible I confirmed it myself on scene. There's no way I would mistake the residuals of Suguru's cursed energy." Satoru said


"God damn it! Speak of the devil! Gather all sorcerers on campus, semi first grades and above in the circle out front!" Yaga yelled

"That's unusual." Maki said

"Yuta intuition was correct." Panda said as they saw something fly and land as saw someone getting off

"You're...not staff." Maki said

"Wow, big bird!"

"This place nerve changes."

"Yuck! Geto-sama is this really tokyo?!" Feels like the sticks."

"Nanako that's rude."

"What you don't think so too, mimiko? Woah! Panda! How cute!"

"Nice to meet you, Okkotsu-kun. I'm geto Suguru." He said as he held yuta's hand

He's fast!

"Huh?oh.. nice to meet you..."

" you possess a truly wonderful power,I see. I believe that great power ought to be used toward great ends. Have you ever questioned the current state of the world? This world where jujutsu sorcerers act in secret in order to protect the order of commonplace as society."


"Which is why we'd like you to help us." Suguru said "help with what?"

"We're going to kill all non-sorcerers and create a world with only jujutsu sorcerers."

What... is he saying...?

Long chapter? 🫣

Hope not grammars or spelling mistakes sometime I re look at the chapters and see them if you see any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes please tell me 😭
