A/n hi 🫡

Riko covered her head while I used my curse technique to see things slower and making my surroundings slow too and dogging it or giving a little top to move the direction that it will float to

"Riko-chan you'll be ok don't have to painick" I assured her

"The next one is the divergence of infinity. My reverse cursed technique" reverse cursed technique?!

"Red!" Suddenly everything glows red but nothing happens "I failed!" Satoru said as he pucned him

" I thought i could really do it this time" he said

Time skip~ 🤍( at the beach)
🦕Protection mission day 2🌙

At we went to the beach Riko and satoru where looked more excited then me. It's was my first time at beach. I looked around and everything was beautiful

"I can't believe I got captured by the star religious group, and by a non-sorcerer at that. I'm a shamed of myself." Kuroi said

"You couldn't help it if they caught you off guard"I told her "part of the blame lies with me too." Suguru added

"Was I really caught off guard? I thought I was on high alert after the incident with Q. I still don't have much recollection of being attacked." She said "and did you all come by plane to here?were you all ok?you weren't attacked?"She asked

"Satoru has good eyes." I told here "before we took off he checked over all the passengers and staff."

"As well as the inside and out of the plane. and while we were in air I had my curse spirit keep watch the outside.It was safer than using a land route." Suguru explained

"I'm more curious as to why the designed Okinawa for the exchange" I asked "probably to buy more time right? Even if they fail to kill Riko-sama they could keep her from making tomorrows full moon deadline."Kuroi said "if that were the goal they would choose a rural area with poor transit infrastructure" Suguru said

"You don't think they are planning to take over the air port?" Kuroi said "maybe" I said "but we'll be fine we're not there only ones that came here" i said standing up and walking to the ocean water and looking at seashells

Sunddely I hear satoru and Riko laughing loudly "cucumber! Cucumber!" Satoru said as riko laughed loudly "gross that's so gross!"

"Satoru... maybe you should put that make in the water?" I told him
"Why? Are you scared of it?" He said coming toward me and showing me the creature in his hands as I backed away "no..... just maybe it's safer for that thing.. to be in the water?" I told him while I looked at it in digust he gives one to Riko and then gets closer to me and I backed up "satoru, Riko?get that thing away from me..?" I told him but he ignored me and walked closer as Riko did the same I backed away few more steps but faster and satoru when faster too I then turned around and ran the satoru ran too and Riko too "Yurika come back here!! I know you want to see the thing!" I said laughing crazy "satoru I'm ok I don't need to see it!!" I said loudly while running faster away from him

He chased me for 5 minutes till I turned around to see him giving Riko the one he hand in his hand and then he looks at me and with a evil grin. "Satoru...?" I said but then satoru ran towards and I ran too "come back Yurika!" He said while running faster and stared to catch up to me "no! Your acting suspicious!" I yelled back at him
As I was running I tripped on this sand but hurried to get up and ran again but then some hugged me from behind me and caught me by my waist and walked towards the water "s-satoru!! Let me go! I'm not going in the water!" I told him trying to get out of his grip but he ignored me and threw me into the water i sat in the water and my soaked hair im my face and laughed even tho i got soaked it was so much fun "My first time at the beach is so much crazier then I thought I would be." I said as I continued to laugh "it's so much fun are you having fun Riko-chan?" I asked as I smiled at here "yes!" She said "that's good" Satoru that came towards me and put his hand out and I grabbed his hand and his lefted me of the ground "didn't know you can laugh like that"he said "it that much of a suprise?" I asked him

"No it's just you looked really pretty when you laughed like that" he said while avoiding eye contact with me and his ears were red my eyes widened when he said that "p-pretty?! Don't say that!" I said as I started to blush too I grabbed his hand and put the seashells I collected into his hand the seashells were all blue "I got picked these blue seashells for you cause the reminded me of you." I said as I avoided eye contact then grabbed something from his poket

"A necklace?"

"I got this pearl necklace while you Kuroi-San and Amanai were getting ready" he said looking at me

Suguru pov 🤗
I looked over to see what Satoru was doing he was putting on a necklace Yurika-Chan. the necklace that he bought earlier

"Satoru~ who are you getting that necklace for?" I asked him "as souvenir for Shoko" satoru said "did Shoko ask for something?" He said but he ignore me but I said that his ears were red

So that's why he bought the necklace. For Yurika-chan. And went back to chasing Riko-chan with the creature

"Are those two dating?" Kuroi asked "no. At least not now but maybe soon. Lately they've been more closer and been doing things together lately too." I told her as I got up

"Satoru! It's time!"

"Oh, it's already time?" He said as Riko-chan looked disappointed

"Suguru let's head back tomorrow morning instead" he said as Riko-chan looked happy again


"The weathers holding steady right? Besides there are fewer curse users in Okinawa than there are in Tokyo." He said

"Satoru let's keep things more serious." I hear Yurika-Chan say as she walks to us as she fidgeted with the necklace that satoru gave her and I looked at Satoru while he avoided eye contact with me

"It's better if the time limit on the bounty runs out while we're mid-flight, right?"

"Satoru.Yurika-Chan you two haven't released your technique since yesterday right? You two haven't sleep either right?and today too right? Are you sure we don't need to go back to jujutsu high?"

"It's not a problem. Playing through 99yrs of Momo Tetsu was far more draining besides you're here too.and Yurika why do you have your curse technique on too?"

"I touched Riko-chan shoulder and been controlling time on her so it it seems for her that timed longer and she's having longing time with everyone" she said "I haven't used this curse technique this long" she said "at least make sure to get rest today." Satoru said as he too her hand "fine..."

Yurika pov

I walked up to Riko-chan and told her "Riko-chan I'll be leaving early todya cause I have my own mission coming up too it was nice spending time with you really I'll give this photo that we took together of all of us!" I told her "Yurika... I'll miss you!" She said tearing up as I teared up too and she gave me a big hug and I hugged her tightly back "I will too im sorry so sorry that I have to leave early."

Back at jujutsu high

I arrived back at jujutsu high and entered my room and saw Haruka packing up things "I'm back Haruka ready for the Mission?" I asked her "I am! I also packed your too." He said handing mine "thanks" I said grabbing the backpack

"So what this mission about?" She asked I grabbed a paper out of my poket "Yaga gave me this paper it's more information about it basically we have to protect this village for few days and get rid of the curse spirits that are there and it's say there's quite a lot and there one really strong one. But it say here that people who leave the village never came back or those who went out during night time beaver came back too and people are going missing or waking up to a horrifying murder and also says he that they don't know if it's a curse or not which this part is making me worry but hopefully it's a curse spirit.." I said stressed "I'm sure you can do this Yurika-sama! You're very strong!" She said "thanks Haruka!" I said as I grabbed her hand and we both entered the train to Tochigi where the mission is

Time skip 🩰

I slept on Haruka shoulder as were were on a train to Tochigi

"Yurika-sama" Haruka said gently tapping me to wake me up "we'll arrive soon we should probably get ready soon." She said i lefted my head of her shoulder and rubbed my eyes and yawn and got my things and stood up and walked to the door of the train "should we get some souvenirs for Satoru,Suguru, shoko and the others?" I asked her
"I'm sure they would be happy to get one a souvenir from Tochigi. Also Yurika-sama where did you get that pearl necklace?" SHe asked as we got off the train "oh this I was with satoru's mission during Okinawa satoru gave me this." I said as I held on the to necklace and blushed a bit "so you like him?" She said "maybe..." I said and denying that fact that I may like satoru

"I just wanna hurry this mission up and got back to satoru and the others but this mission is like 3 days but if but it's might be longing depending on how it's goes" I said as I was very annoyed that it was going to be that long.

Me and Haruka went on the car and they drove us to the country side village "thank you for taking to us here Tanaka-San" I told him "your welcome be careful on this mission" he said "don't worry I will." I similes at him and he drove away let's go inside the village and ask them more information about this unknown cursed spirt and stuff"

"I wonder how satoru and the others are doing im hope they are ok"

Bye 😙
( hope there are none spelling mistakes and grammar 🫡)
