A/n hi ! I Made a one - shot awhile ago and it's still ongoing if you have any cahrchters you want me to do I can do them :) <3 also should I do some juju sanpo too? On her seems kinda fun to me lol


3 yrs laters 🫶

Before the three years I trained with my parents and family so I could go to jujutsu high and I got most of my curse technique right now I'm standing in front of the gates of jujutsu ready to see if satoru is here like he said he would I also brought Haruka with me or more likely Haruka wanted me to take her too so she can be by my side and so she can make my food I told her she didn't have to come but she insisted that she would protect me and take care of me

"Haruka we're here!" I Said to her
"Haruka you really did have to come" I said to her looking at her
"Who will cook for Yurika-sama and look after you when I'm not with you? And plus I know how to fight a bit and I also have reverse curse technique but not that strong plus i love cooking for you so don't worry Yurika-sama!"
"Thank you Haruka now let's go inside"

Me and Haruka went inside "I'll be going to your room and get things ready you should go to your new class room!" Haruka said "I'll meet you later then!" I said waving bye

I was walking around when I saw someone "Are you Tusikimura Yurika?" Someone asked "yes I am!"

"Oh ok good. I was looking for you im the principal of the this school principal Yaga thers not much students by its fun I guess tho there some annoying kids" he said guiding me "I heard you're from the Tsukimura clan how's your time curse technique?" He asked

"Ita quite good but I do have trouble reversing time well everyone in my clan dose even the ones way back the longest some one what able to hold it back was 3 minutes it takes a lot of curse energy that's why most Tsukimura clan don't use it" I said "but other then that I can probably use any time curse technique."

"Interesting. So how's your fighting skills?" He asked "I would say it's good I've been taught the Tsukimura clan way but knowing some other fighting skills would may help I suppose" I said

"Well I'm sure you'll learn it here." He said "wait here im going to go into the class room and tell everyone about you then I'll call you into the classroom and you then can introduce you self." He aid entering the class room

"Good morning everyone. Satoru sit down!" He yelled satoru? It has to be the satoru three years ago he said he would be here so it's probably him "fine fine I'll sit. So what the talk you wanted to talk about?" He asked

"Today we have a new student. She is from the Tsukimura that can control time curse technique and I'll leave the introducing herself to her. Come in Yurika" he said

I walked and saw a boy with blonde hair and a boy who looked very very happy and I saw a pretty girl and say a boy with black hair and weird bangs and I saw a boy with white hair and beautiful blue eyes. Satoru.

"Hi my name is Tsukimura Yurika. I come from the Tsukimura clan and the heir to the Tsukimura clan too. I came her with my maid Haruka she makes really good food! My favorite food are anything that Haruka makes! Hope we all get along!" I said smiling

"Finally another girl , I was getting tired of these idiots" the pretty girl said "my name is Shoko Ieiri" she said smiling "since you're a first year lets the first year introduce themselves."

"Hi! I'm Yu Haibara! Nice to meet you! It's so cool that we have one more first year! Right Nanami?!" Yu said "i Guess it is. My name is Nanami Kento." "Nice to meet you too!"

"And the second years and me and Gojo satoru the white hair boy he's an idiot and the boy with the black hair and weird bangs is Geto Suguru" she said while gojo laughs "boy with black hair and weird bangs" he said laughing "Satoru stop laughing!" But satoru kept laughing

"Is nice to see you here Yurika. I knew you would come here." Satoru said smiling"you knew here before?" Suguru asked "oh yeah we meet when we were kids and then 3 years or something haven't seen each other since really both of our clans are bit annoying" satoru said

"So it's been a while since you too seen each other then" suguru said

"Yurika are you alright with starting lessons already from right now ?"
"Sure!" I said "since we have a new student why don't we change what we we're going to do originally into training with each other I've gotta go to some stuff so I'll leave the rest to you." Principal Yaga said

Shoko took my hand "let's go changes into more moveable clothes you can borrow mine!" She said "I'll see you after we change!" Shoko said waving "don't take too long!" Suguru said waving back

"So what's your curse technique?" I asked shoko "I can use reverse curse technique. Basically I can heal myself and others It allows a sorcerer to output Reversed Cursed Energy which is similar to positive energy. Rare as it is, this technique is extremely hard to use"
"Shoko you're so cool!" I said smiling at her "thanks"
"Haruka said she can use a little bit of reverse curse technique"

"You're curse technique is time right?" She asked "yep! Basically it's can do anything with time like I can stop it or see things slower or make things faster or slower by tapping it or see things of the future so I can see their moves but that one is kinda hard but I'm able to do it easily.The hardest is going back in time it takes alot of my curse energy away it longest I've ever done is 2 seconds but right after that I fainted and fell alseep" I said laughing a bit "I'm my clan the longest one who held it for was 3 minutes but this why like many many years ago like around the Heian period that's how hard it is no one I'm my clan dosent really use it"

"What's that best thing you're at?"
Shoko asked "seeing things slower and stopping items and weapons I mainly use katana but I can use any really just most good at katana I'm also flexible cause my cousin was and always made me to stretches with her"

"Let's head back before they start complaining" Shoko said grabbing my hand and head towards where we'll train "also what your you a special Garde?" Shoko asked
"I don't know I asked Haruka to keep it for now so I won't lose it. But even if I lose it Haruka always finds it right away for me!"

While we were going to the place where we train we talked a lot and we exchanged phone number and became best friends!

"We're here~!" Shoko said "Yurika-chan what weapon do you want to use?" Suguru asked me
"A katana or spear either is fine"
Suguru handed me a katana "is this katana ok?" He asked "yep!"

A/n I'll countie the next part later lol so how's this story so far? Is it good? 🫶

If you're starting to read this please read this hello (1),(2) and the announcement there are some important information about this fanfic there as I will be deleting this not soon but will delete it then post the better version of the fanfic
