A/n maybe after this gojo fanfic I might do a Suguru one idk how long this fanfic will be tho also from now on I think I'll add music to it so just wipe the gojo and listen to Tv lol I'll put this ๐Ÿฅ€ when to start to music

I walked into the forest and looking around and seeing nothing but someone is here watching me or the village and it's probably not good all
I looked everywhere then I heard someone

"Your from the Tsukimura clan right?" Someone said as there red eyes glow

I looked over to where they were and saw them standing on a tree branch "how do you know that?" I asked "you don't remember me?" He said rember you..? What does he mean by that? "Well you were young so I guess that why your probably don't know my name is Fujita Takayasu the one who killed your brother." He said smirking as my eyes widened and having a flash back

Flash back

"Haruka! Take Yurika and run I'll hold him off as long as I will to protect Yurika please do turn back and look back" my brother said while he's heavily injured and bleeding very badly.I was 5 at that time Haruka grabbed me and took me somewhere "Ta-chan!" I yelled while crying and begging him not to die but that was too last I saw someone slash him with a a sword a cross the chest and he fell down and never got up. "Haruka! My brother!"
(Ta-chan is short for Takeru)

"Yurika-sama are you alright?" Haruka asked as she tried to act brave and not look scared or sad making sure she would show her fear but she was scared too she forced a soft smile on her face

It's was only supposed to me a night time walk to look at the stars why has happened how did we get here? Who killed my older brother?

Ever since that day I promised myself that I will find whoever killed him I will find him and kill him even if I die in the end

End of flash back

"If you don't know my clan the Fujita clan and the Tsukimura clan are not close at all intact we hate each other for generations and killed each other for generations we've always been a rival and wanted to defeat the Tsukimura clan but looking at you you look like a next heir to the Tsukimura clan it was your brother until... that" I helped my hands in a fist so tightly and felt so much anger why are our clans rivals? What is the history between our clans? What is the truth behind our clans ? Why is everyone in the Tsukimura clan not tell me? "I guess they don't tell you much about the Fujita clan and what happened." He said "the Fujita clan is know for its fire curse technique why don't we have a fight each other?" He said "and the Tsukimura time and moon curse technique? I believe it was? Pathetic."

I used my curse technique to stop time and went to him but he moved how?! How can he move I stopped time?! It's impossible for him to be able you move?! No perosn or curse spirit should be able to move?I backed away real quick and was sweating it was nervous I'm usually not but no one or anything should be able to be moving when i stop time "how did you move?" I asked "what do you mean?" He said smirking "my time curse technique is able to do anything that time can do it's stopped time you should to be able to move at all?!" I yelled I've never been this nervous before I used my other time technique that

"Curse technique time destruction" this curse technique allows me to can destroy or dismember time itself. This may be accomplished by accelerating to the end of the universe, reducing it until it ceases or by simply annihilating it. By doing this, the user could skip events to positively or negatively affect the timeline howere when I used it nothing happened I became more nervous it's feels like something is blocking it. It's not going smoothly

"Well I can tell you why your curse technique is not working. You see this charm here? This was created many years ago it's a charm that can block and Tsukimura time curse technique so what ever time curse technique you use it won't work." He said smirking as I was shocked

"But why are you here?!" I said "I'm here to destroy this village and kill you and kill some Tsukimura family member of yours." He said smirking i want to wipe of the smirk

Then he raise his hand and chanted something and then many arrow of fire appeared and headed start towards be even if I curse my curse technique it's useless it's will block it might as well have to fight without using my curse technique
I ran super fast fast as I can without my curse technique

่—คๅคชใ€€้ทนๆณฐ Fujita Takayasu pov

I used my fire arrows curse technique and with Yurika being hopeless with out her being able to use her curse technique she still maneges to suprise me

How is she able to move that fast without using her curse technique but some of my attacks did hit her now she had a bleeding arm but still standing

"I really don't have time today" I said I looked at Yurika who is glaring at me with anger I can help but laugh

She then came toward me and tired to kick but I caught her leg and kicked her causing her to hit her back on a tree and coughing out a bit of blood she continued to try and land a attack me some successful but most I was able to block soon she looked tired and was bleeding a lot and was breathing heavily.

She claws towards me again she's dosnet know when to give dose she?
"Time is really pathetic." I said as I slahshed my weapon across her and she felt to her knee and and sat there bleeding heavily

"i won't kill you at least not todya but one day let's fight once you're become stronger" I said as I walked away and headed towards the village and I saw Yurika pass out due to exhausting and others

Back to Yurika pov ๐Ÿค
๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€( start to music here~!) ๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€

I didn't want to pass out I tried my best but I layed on the ground with injuries but then I remembered what he said what he would do to the I stood up and looked at the town the whole town was on fire everything was mostly destroyed "Haruka." Was the first thing that came to mind I don't care if the Fujita person is still here but as long as he isn't near I can use my curse technique so I used on my to make myself to be able to move fast and head towards the villagers my body hurt form the injuries but I didn't care I wanted make sure Haruka is going to be ok I can't lose Haruka I ignored all the pain i and and wanted to find Haruka. Haruka.

My body hurts so much. I wnat to scream that it hurts but there's something more important

"Haruka!" I yelled on the top of my lungs "Haruka! Just answer me?!" I yelled as I felt my eyes stared to fill with tears I looked at the villagers most of them dead but I can't heal them "Haurkaaa!!" I was getting worried by every second I fell again coughing up blood but I didn't care at all where is Haruka why did this happen? How could I let this happen?

I fell on to my knees again as I was injured badly and was getting tired and weak as I was on the ground I saw a hair accessori that belonged to Haruka "Haruka..? Are you near?" I yelled again hoping for an answer I stood up again ignoring all the pain and stared to run the where I think she may be and I kept running till I found her and I did

"Haruka!!" I yelled as I felt half of me be relieved and went to there and threw the stuff that was on her and threw them to the side and carefully touched Haruka head "Haruka can you hear me?" I said

"Yu-Yurika -sama???" She said as I saw her open her eyes "Haruka!" I said hugging her but I knew something was wrong "Haruka?" I said starting to feel worried "Yurika-sama I don't think I have much time." She said as she softly smiled Haruka had a stab wound and other multiple injured far more serious then mine "some villagers managed to get out but some are still here.." she said weakly "Haruka don't talk! Use your reverse curse technique!" I said

"Yurika-sama... I don't have the energy too and you should rest lay down next to me at least one last time." She said bringing her arm to be and hugging me as I cried me and Haruka were both weak especially Haruka both injured badly but one is leaving we both went unconscious

ๆ‰็”ฐใ€€ๆ˜ฅ้ฆ™ Sugita Haruka pov๐Ÿ’

My family had served the Tsukimura clan for generation and went along their mission and stayed by there said my family has served the stared to serve to family many years ago maybe over 600 yrs or more and we've stayed by their side forever

I started to serve the Tsukimura clan around the age 15 and when the heir was born Tsukimura Takeru ( ๆœˆๆ‘ใ€€ๆญฆๅฐŠ) the first son of Kaoru-sama ( ่–ซ ) and Rihito-sama ( ็’ƒไบบ )

Kaoru-sama was the head of the clan and married Rihito-sama and he took her last name Tsukimura his original last name was Genyama ( ๅŽŸๅฑฑ) the wasn't from a strong clan but has some impressive fighting skills tell we're married when I was around 10 helping my parents serving the Tsukimura clan

I was 15 When Takeru was born he was born with famous Tsukimura clan curse technique the time curse technique and he had his fathers fighting style instead of the Tsukimura clan fighting style Takeru was the heir

15 yearsย  later I was 30 Takeru is 15 yrs old and a beautiful girl was born Yurika-sama (็™พๅˆ้ฆ™)Rihito-sama and Kaoru-sama were over joyed that they now have a daughter
Yurika-sama was also born with the time curse technique. Takeru was born with certain type of the time curse technique but Yurika-sama had all of the time curse technique and she grew up learning the fighting skills of the Tsukimura clan and some times her father would teach his way of fighting too

Kaoru-sama and Rihito-sama were more kind and have more freedom to there children then rather doing everything strict. But the elders didn't like that's especially Kaoru-sama parents the both grew up with everything being strict and everything being perfect her father Haruki-sama ( ๆ˜ฅๆจน) was the head of the clan until her gave her the position to her cause he was ill and her mother Kahoko-sama ( ่Šฑๅธ†ๅญ)
We're both raised differently Haruki-sama had 6 siblings him being the first born was raised strictly as he was the next head of the clan and needed to now everything had to the Tsukimura clan Kahoko-sama married Haruki-Sama by arranged marriage and they had 3 daughters Kaoru-sama,Noa-Sama ( ไนƒไบœ) and Koharu-sama ( ๅฟƒๆ˜ฅ)

Kaoru-sama was born with time curse technique and can use all time techniques Noa-sama loves playing the shamisen and she didn't really have a strong curse technique so she would always play her shamisen or write poems Koharu-sama didn't have time curse technique back has the reverse curse technique so she was used as the healer of the Tsukimura clan

Kaoru-sama would often have fights were her parents of how she was raising her children.

One day Kaoru-sama called for me and asked me something "Haruka-chan I was wondering since I'm the head of the clan and don't have much time and take Takeru with me I wanted you to become her personal maid." She said as she was holding 1 yrs old Yurika-sama i was so surprised "me? Are you sure it's right with it being me? Kokomi-san is far more experienced then me?" I said

Kaoru-sama softly laughed and looked at me "haruka-chan your family has served my family for generations and never failed us and served us well your other siblings and your parents do fantastic each of you family members has been a personal maid to each important Tsukimura clan member and that's not a easy position to get Haruka-Chan. I trust you to take care of Yurika and I'm sure she will love you Haruka-Chan I trust you." She said and I bowed to her thanking her "Kaoru-sama I will do my best!" I said as I bowed to her felt someone pulling the edge of my kimono and I looked to see a Yurika-sama she came to me and the smiled with her adorable face and i couldn't help but smile

A/n hiiii
I tried my best to make it like sad is this sad ? I hope it is it's what I'm trying to do lol

Don't worry gojo satoru will come back here soon just after all of this lol maybe if I write this well he may appear in the next chapter??
