Once I make part 5 of the geto x oc I'll publish it ๐Ÿ‘


"What now?will you recuse him?I can't let people from my school see my face so il be going home now. If you want to save him go ahead and save him though I don't know id you have suck kind emotions"

"We do. We're the true humans, after all."

"Quite the statement for a curse spirit to make.Well do whatever you wnat then I'm going to pay a visit to Hyuuga" geto says as he smirks and walks aways

"You don't seem like the type to act on orders" Satoru as he still has his foot on the head "was something good supposed to happen if you killed me and Yurika? Regardless I want to know. Who was it? Come on~ just tell me already."

"Like I'd ever tell you!"

"You sure you should be saying that?" Satoru said putting more pressure on the curse spirts head

"Damn you!"

"Hurry and tell me or I'll exorcise you. Of course, I'll do that either way."

"Wait, curses are capable of holding conversations? It seemed so normal I over looked it." Itadori said

Suddenly a white flower appeared in the middle with a loud sound and flowers bloomed as they were in a flower field




"Hehe...uh?" Satoru slapped himself to focus this a curse right? It's stripping away my will to fight it seems like the same with Yurika

"Itadori-kun this flower is pretty right?"

"Yeah! Tsukimura-ahh!!!!" Yuji was suddenly dragged by his foot by a root


"Sensei! I'll be fine! Go after him! Ahh!!!" Then a tree appears wand looked like it was about to eat yuji "sorry! I lied! Help!"

Yurika then cut the tree in to pieces releasing Yuji "you ok ?" Yurika asked him but then Yuji got on his keens and bowed "I'm sorry about that they managed to escape because of me though you're the one who brought me here"

"Yuji. I want you to or father everyone to become strong enough to beat that." Satoru said

"Huh? Beat that?"

"It's better to have a concrete goal, right? Man, I'm glad I brought you here."

"That cursed spirit is good at hiding its presence to be honest but more creepy that the volcano head thing" Yurika said as she walked back towards them

"Now that we have set your goal all that's left is to pursue it. For the next month you'll be watching movies and fighting me and Yurika."


"Yurika~ you'll be helping us" Satoru said putting a arm around her "Yuji I'll tell you something can control your time or anything related to time so it won't be easy when you fight her I didn't have it easy when I had a duel either Yurika"

"Even you sensei?"

"Yep. Yurika before Yuji came here did you use a moon curse technique?"

"Tsukimura-sensei can use moon curse technique?!"

"Uh...It's not fully a moon curse technique it's actually just a time curse technique but sends out attacks the one I used is in a moon like shape and when it hits the target it slows down their healing and moon has something to do with the moon. My last name mean moon village the founder of the clan used time curse technique but also found a different to use it too my using the moon which is why my last name is Tsukimura .But anyways itadori-kun I'll help you with whatever you need and I won't be going easier on fighting"
[ ๆœˆ(Tsuki)โ†’moon ๆ‘(Mura)โ†’village = Tsukimura ๆœˆๆ‘]

"Fighting you? Or both...?"

"Both" Satoru said

"Will... I be alive a month from now?"

"After that it's practical combat. You'll take on and complete several harder missions, you'll learn the basics and how to apply them, and then you'll show off at the exchange event."

"Hey sensei!"

"Yes Yuji-kun?!"

"What's the exchange event?"

"Satoru didn't tell you...? Wait. Satoru were late!" Yurika said


"The appointment with the principal Satoru! I don't think the principal would mind me being late cause I'm always on time except you!"

"Oh yeah..hehe"

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Geto hummed as he walked upstairs and opened the door

As he opens the door was led to a beautiful beach

"Sure is peaceful here."

" How's Jogo doing geto?" Mahito asked as he flipped the pages of the book

"On deaths door. Hanami stepped in the save him, so he'll probably be fine."

"You're the one who egged him on"

"Heaven, no. I tried to stop him." He stated and then the door opened "speak of the devil. Jogo, Hanami"

"Glad to see you safe"

"How can you say that when you see me like this?!"

"You're lucky you got off with just that" geto said and shrugged his shoulders and stuck out his tongue

"Why you..."

"I think you understand now.so we'll go about sealing gojo Satoru at the appropriate time, in the appropriate place, once we've secured our advantage over him. We'll carry it out on October 31st in Shibuya."

"What about Tsukimura Yurika?" Mahito asked

"I'm going to visit Hyuga today he seems do already have plans to with her. He had a seal especially made for her."

"Dose he know he's you're coming?"

"No. He doesn't know I know where he lives."

"How did you find out?"

"I have my ways.." geto said as he smirked "now, let me go visit Hyuga"

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"Ah, here it is" geto smiled at her enters the house

It was in a wood and surrounded by fire making sure its hard to get my geto got threw

"Hey you!" Someone yelled "you can be here!"

"I just want to talk to Hyuga."

"What do you have to do with Hyuga-sama?!"

"I want to talk about something"

"No! You shall no pass! Go ba-."



"It's fine. He seems interesting...come in and follow me. Curios to see what you needed to talk to me."

Geto smirked as he followed Hyuga

Inside the building was a old Japanese styled house but also dark

"Sit. So what is it what you wanted to talk about. And how'd you find out this spot?"

"I have my ways."

"Whatever. So what's the main think you wanted talk about..?"

"Tsukimura Yurika"

When Hyuga heard her name his his eyes changed to anger "what about her...?"

"You have something to deal her right?"

"I do.."

"On October 31st in Shibuya I'm going to seal Gojo satoru. If you come with us and if you seal Tsukimura Yurika both of them will be out of the way."

"That Doesn't sound bad..I do have it right here"

"Is it ok if I bring some people?"

"Sure but who are you bringing?"

"Ryoko her curse technique is quite good. As couple people from my clan and a curse spirit. He was made from fear of thunderstorms and fire. And Shiratori Kotoha most of them are no match for Yurika but it will be a distraction and might be fun to watch. And might as well join in."

"Similar to my plan"

"But to be honest I don't know if this seal will fully work"

"What do you mean?"

"This is seal is the extract one I use many years ago on my younger brother Tsuyoshi, I sealed him for 30 seconds but then the seal cracked and he wasn't sealed anymore Yurika and Tsuyoshi have similar curse technique more likely the exact same. Which is why like bring some people first the cursed spirit will fight Yurika then fail after that I'll try to seal her if she is able to break the seal then propel from my clan will fight her then Kotoha after that I guess I'll have some fun."

"Ah... Kotoha "

"You know her?"

"Yes she with me right now didn't know she was talking to you."

"Well I have my ways. You know you're not that made I quite like you" Hyuga said as he smirked

"I suppose we make a good team."

"I guess we do. If you need anything come here anytime..."

"Alright" geto said as he stood up and walked away leaving with a smirk on his face

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Yurika walks around the school wondering if Megumi and norbars have been doing well after since for them Yuji is dead and Yurika haven't seen both of them in quite a long time as she was busy she walked to the office since the principal called for her to have a meeting with her

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"What are you doing her Zen'in-senpai?" Megumi asked

"Oh? She's one too they do seem similar are they sister?"

"They're twins" Megumi answered

"Don't call me that Megumi-kun. You make me sound the same as maki. Call me Mai~"

"So these are the pitch hitters for Okkotsu and the third years?" Todo said

"We came here with the principle because we were worried about you. Your classmate...died, right? Was that rough? Or did you think nothing of it?" Mai said as she smirked

"What are you trying to say?" Megumi replied

"It okay...some things are hard to say out loud. So I'll say it for you.'vessel' sounds nice, but it just means be was half curse monster. Having such a tainted inhuman being inside you. Brazenly calling himself jujutsu sorcerer must have been revolving, right? Aren't you feeling better now that he's dead?" Mai said as she smirked as she looked at Megumi and nobara it was clear that they were mad very mad

"Mai, don't bring up such pointless topics. I'm only here to see if see if the guys are to take Okkotsu's place.that all I want to know!" Todo said as he threw his jacket to the ground "fushiguro was it? What kind of woman is your type?!" He yelled


"Depending on your answer, I'll beat you half to death right here, And drag Okkotsu or at least third years, out to the exchange event!" He replied as he ripped his t-shirt with his hands "by the way my type is tall women with big ass!"

"My taste in women with the guy I just met?"

"Kyoto third year, Todo Aoi! Hurry up and answer! If you prefer men that's fine too! I hate boring men! He exchange event is where my soul can be free as blood boils and flesh clashes, who knows what I might do if my last exchange event ends up boring me?"

"Hey, aren't the jujutsu tech schools four year schools?" Nobara asked megumi "only third year and under can join the exchange event." Megumi asked back

" as a show of kindness I'll let you off, only leave you half dead right now. Answer me fushiguro! What kind of women is your type?!"

"I don't have a particular preference . As long as she has a unshakeable character I won't ask for more" Megumi finally answered

"Not an bad answer. I'd you had said something like 'big boobs' I'd have killed you." Nobara said

"Shut up" Megumi fussed

"I knew it..." todo said as a tear came from his eye "You're boring Fushiguro." He says as he cried with no emotion on his face

"Huh?!" Megumi didn't know what he meant he said his type but it was boring? Todi then dashed towards Megumi and punched him as Megumi flew

"Fushiguro?!" Nobara yelled for him the Mai hugged nobara from behind putting her arms around her "poor fushiguro-kun, even a talented second grade jujutsu sorcerer is nothing more than a first year against the top grade todo-senpai I'll have to comfort him later" Mai said

"I thought you two were similar, but that's not the case at all." Nobara claimed "Maki-san's a hundred times prettier. Are you sleeping enough? You've got open pores"

"I'll teach you..." mai suddenly pit a gun against nobara hip "how to speak to others."

"I knew it at first glance that...you were a boring guy. But you shouldn't judge a person by their looks, right?" Todo said as he walked towards megumi but still crying "so I went out of my way to ask you, but you just trampled on my kindness" he says as he wiped if his tears with his hand and continued to walk towards Megumi

"Is your brain as pineapple as your head?" Megumi replied

Todo... that Todo...? The one involved in last year, unprecedented jujutsu terror attack caused by the curse user, geto. The night parade of a hundred demons from Kyoto to Shinjuku. The one who exorcised a speacial-grade and five first grade cursed spirits by him self when the parade appeared in Kyoto?

That Todo?

Still there are several first grade sorcerers capable of beating a speacial grade

What's shocking is...

"I Heard you don't use curse technique." Megumi said as he was now fully standing

"Huh? Oh, that's just a false rumor. I use them against special grade."

"Nue, plus gama! Bottomless well!" Megumi said as frogs appeared with wings

Todo stood there and craned his neck, Megumi waited for his attack but todo was already behind him and grabbed him

He's fast!

"Flimsily and shallow...both you body and your taste in woman!" Todo said lifting Megumi up and punching him mutiple times taht his head stared bleeding
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After the meeting was done Yurika went to a different room to call someone

"Hello? Yurika?"

"Hi dad, I was wondering if you could come to jujutsu high I kinda need your help.."

"My help? That's rare of you? So what is it?"

"So there's this student named Itadori Yuji and he's Sukuna vessel but has very good control over him"

"I heard of him"

"And right now we're training him and stuff although his fighting skills are very good I was wondering if you can teach him some of your fighting skills to him so he can get better. He's a bright kid and willing to do anything."

"Of course Yurika I'll be there as soon as I can then"

"Alright thanks dad see you soon"

" that went smoother then I thought it would" Yurika said as she sighed

As she relaxed a bit then she heard a big noise

She knew something was wrong so she rushed over towards the sound

Who's your favorite author in Wattpad?


You should go read all of her stories there all so good ๐Ÿ˜ญ ๐Ÿ’–
