A/n hi i put some music again here so you can start is from here 👍

Still Haruka pov 🥀

Kaoru-sama is the head of the clan and was quite often busy and would offer go on work trip Rihito-sama would usually teach Takeru since he was older then Yurika-sama i would always stay but here side and never leave here alone I would always but her toys and gifts and many things as I adored her we would always play games and I loved her laugh she always made me happy

Few yrs later Yurika-sama is 5 and Takeru-sama is 20 Rihoto-sama and Kaoru-sama has stared to teach Yurika-sama some fighting skills and how to use the time curse technique

Takeru didn't go to jujutsu high but instead he was taught by his mother everything he needed to know about curse spirits and stuff about to Tsukimura clan

One day during winter has I was walking behind Takeru and Yurika-sama were holding hands making sure Yurika-sama won't go anywhere Yurika-sama and Takeru were very close we were looking at the starts and playing with the snow until someone came and tired to attack Yurika-sama

Takeru had his sword with him and blocked the attack he pushes yurika-sama towards me "Haruka! Go far back to the house! Don't look back carry Yurika and don't look back!" He said screaming has he was fighting with the unknown person Takeru was string but he was still learning I held Yurika tightly and looked at them and was shocked and tears filled my eyes and saw Takeru get stabbed "Takeru-sama!!" I screamed them the unknown person came towards us but the Takeru came between us and attacked him again "ta-chan?!" The young Yurika said "yurika-Chan be good for me ok? And become strong! I'm sorry yurika" he said as he's eyes filled with tears "Haruka. Run. Please don't ever look back I'll hold them off run." He said with a serious tone I held yurika-sama tightly and ran. Ran as fast I can and headed back

"Haruka-chan?! What's wrong?!" One of the maid that's served the Tsukimura asked me as I was out of breath "T-take Yurika-sama to her r-room and keep h-her safe" I said as I was out of breath and had trouble breathing cause I ran so fast without stopping or looking back "call Kaoru-sama!!!" I said crying while on my knees

The other maids came and helped me they gave me water and took Yurika-sama somewhere safe and I saw Kaoru-Sama come out with a worried face "Haruka what happened?" She asked "where's Takeru?" When she asked me that I got on my knees and cried "Kaoru-sama forgive me please he died while saving Yurika-sama he told me to ran and not look back I'm so sorry Kaoru-sama it's all my fault I'm sorry " I said as I cried for forgiveness

It's started to snow. Small flakes of snow stared to fall. Kaoru-sama kneeled down to me and lifted my head and her eyes were filled with tears and yet her softly smiled "it's not your fault. Takeru protected you and Yurika don't blame your slef I don't want you to live blaming yourself for his death." She said as a tear fell from her eyes and she hugged me tightly as we hugged each other ever since that day the Tsukimura clan NEVER talked about the unknown person but they knew who they were it's was to Fujita clan the rival of the Tsukimura for centuries the Tsukimura clan never talks about them and avoids it all them time

I'm sorry Yurika-sama.

When I saw the forest that you were in I ran to the villagers right away and telling them to run away but then he came to me as fast speed "what do you think you're doing?" He said as he stabbed me he wanted to destroy this town I was so worried about Yurika-sama that I forgot to heal myself I healed the other villagers and told them to run but some were also dead.Yurika-sama please be alright

Yurika pov 🪻

I slowly opens my eyes to see that I'm sitting underneath a cherry blossom tree that was near by the river I was wearing a kimono I sat up was that all a dream?? So Is Haruka alive?

"Yurika-sama"I heard someone said "Haruka! Your alive?!" I said smiling

Haruka frowned and said "sadly no but here to give you one last message before I go" she said "Haruka?! No?! Your not going anywhere you're staying with me?! You promised you will stay by my side forever!!" I said while crying "Haruka... please don't go...?"

"Yurika-sama...as much as I would do anything to stay by you side forever I can't...but let me tell you something your not alone you have satoru and the others and you are strong one day Fujita will come for you and you will be able to defeat him in sorry about the day your brother died Yurika-sama when you were born all I wanted to do was protect and give you all the happiness I can give to you your are my joy and happiness to life I loved each and every moment we spent together and I want to give you something I wnat to give you my reverse curse technique as I won't need it anymore and want you to use and it's will make you curse technique stronger I trust you and believe in you. I have no regrets on dying and have done everything but my only regret is leaving you I promise myself that I would stay by your side forever with still till I grow old and die. Yurika-Sama please forgive me" she said

"Haruka you're not going anywhere! You're staying with me forever! I won't allow you to go!?" I said as cried my tears spilling from me eyes like a water fall "I don't need you reverse curse technique I only want you to stay with me!" I said as I sobbed

Haruka grabbed my hand and held it "Yurika-sama promise me you'll find your own happiness" she said

"I can't... without you..." I cried even more "Yurika-sama I know you can." She said "I'll see you again one day" she said as her hair blew in the wind with the cherry blossoms and she slowly faded away

I hear someone calling my name
"Yurika! Where are you?!" It sounds like satoru "Yurika?!"

"Yurika! Are you ok?!" He Dias rushing to my side I slowly open my eyes and tears fill up "satoru...?"
"Yurika don't talk." He said carrying "I'll take you to Shoko, so just rest right now"

As he Carried me I closed me eyes and cried as satoru held me tighter

A/n satoru is back ✌️
Hope this was sad too it's
What I'm trying to do lol

I'm re reading this and the begging is so cringe please forgive me lmao 😭

I'm re writing this fanfic many things changed 👍
