a/n added music 👍
I'll put 🩵 when to start it or you can start it now up to you 🫶 it may be long to reach there??? 😭
It's an hour long song cause it's 5min just playing again and again lol it's just it won't really match around the first area 😅😅

I grabbed the thing I needed for when I got to the Tsukimura clan only got a little as most of the stuff I already need was at the tsukimura clan home I use to love it there until the elderly got more annoying and strict and my grandmother still hating me "got everything you need?" satoru asked as he waited by the car "yeah...just really don't want to go.." I sighed as I put by belonging in to the car and then satoru took my and and hugged me tight "ill be here for you, no mater what. every step. ill be here for you. " satoru said as he comforted me and I hugged him tightly "satoru, thank you" I thanked him and we both entered the car and drove there while satoru was driving he was also holding my hand.

after sometime we arrived and satoru helped me put of the car and got me my belongings and gave them to me and u took them and we stopped for a minute and satoru put his hand on my cheek and then out the pice of hair and put it behind me ear and leaned in getting closer and closer

"Yurika! you're going to be late! you're the head of the clan! you should know better!" my grandmother yelled from the gate and I groaned in frustration I hate her so much "satoru.. I'm sorry...I have to go.." I told him as I slowly walked away from him but then he took my hand stoping me from walking "can I ask you one favor?" satoru asked "yes?"

"when we were younger during jujutsu high you write letters to me even you were going to give it to me that Kinda almost everyday. but you stopped when you become even more busy because of your clan, you can d it anytime but can you writ me letters again..? I love your hand writing and they way you write and they way you look when you write letters, it all so beautiful. is this too much?" I was shocked I did remember when I wrote letters to him I never knew he liked them this much i tried to hide the fact that I was blushing "I will. I will, Satoru." I told him and hugged him before my grandmother come outside and waved bye to satoru until I couldn't see his car anymore and tuned around to see my angry grandmother

"Yurika. what you were you doing with Gojo satoru? don't tell me you love him?." she said I just looked at her and walked past her ignoring her question " grandmother you should hurry you wouldn't want to be late?" I said to her as she glared at me and I want to go get ready. leaving her there


my first real mission...no, my second. I'm so nervous!

"yuta, one second."

"yes?" yuta said as he walked to satoru "sorry, I won't be able to supervise this time. but the job is one Toge could handle on his own, you can take it easy"

"where Yurika-san?" yuta asked "or Yurika? I just took her to her clan she may stay there for a few days I don't know how long. Yurika is the head of the Tsukiura clan and their elderly and quite annoying geezer who won't let my have my Yurika, and give her many stress"

"Tsukimura clan?" yuta asked again ""the Tsukiura clan is known for it time curse techniques but you should as when Yurika comes can she know more since it there clan and she's the head of the clan too.anyways back to the mission."

. there's only one thing you should be careful of.Dont let Rika out. there no guarantee shell go back in like last time luckily she did. Only use what power of Rika that you can imbue in your sword.if you let her out again...you and I maybe even Yurika will both be killed!counting on you!"

wha...why dies he have to rub salt in that wound right now!?

"we arrived. hapina shopping district. at this time most of the shutters here are closed.theres a project to demolish the entire area and attract a shopping mall. during an inspection of the area, we confirmed a pack of low-level curses. wed like to request that grade 2 sorcerer, inumaki, excorise them." he said as he finish reading it and looked up and didn't see Toge "huh? wait, where's inumaki??"

"not here? oh, Ijichi-san over there. what did you buy?"

yuta asked as toge grabbed what was inside and showing yuta "throat medicine?"

"in short, it would cause all kinds of issues down the road if the building they're spending so much money on developed a bad history, so they want us to exorcise sit now."


"now ill draw the veil. Good luck."

"he said it was a pack pf low-level curses." yuta said as Toge and Yuta walked around and Toge stopped to look at a alley

"that's no fair,mama. onii-chan got more. so what? lets trade doubles.its no scary If you cross with everyone."

"there's so many of them!"


this is cursed speech?

"huh? oh... its over already?"

"tuna mayo..."his voice is really worn out! oh , that explains the throat medicine.

"bonito flakes...."

"what's wrong? huh? you're right. the veil isn't lifting" yuta said as he tapped on the veil "we won't be able to get out" and the suddenly they felt a curse behind them

what is this curse? its presence is nothing like the others from before...


the curse said and time pushed yuta "inumaki-kun!"


Toge the coughed and fell to the ground yuta grabbed him just in time before a bright light came to attack him"what, what,what?! what is that?!"he said as he took Toge somewhere else

"he said they'd be low-level! this isn't what we were told! there's that things size too. that's right Inumaki-kun you're hurt.is your finger all right?wow, that looks painful..."

"salmon" Toge said as he cracked them back "you shouldn't mess with it! Sorry... its my fault"

"let me contact Ijichi-san...huh? no Service? why?" yuta said as Toge pointed up pointing to the veil "because of the veil? if the Weil won't lift, then we have t exorcise it, right?" yuta said as Toge stood up "inumaki-kun? should you be moving around already?"

"kelp" toge said as he stopped yuta and coughed

"you're going alone?" and toge tuned around and walked away and yuta stood their and watched Toge walk away"thank you, inumaki-kun. but I'm all right.lets do our best together!"

"oh?" the cursed said as yuta walked behind it

"get him, yuta!"

Its mad?! why?! it was already scary enough!

the curse sprit lifted their hand up and yuta took a deep breath don't take your eyes off him. not stop moving. Imbue the curse into the katana.

the curse attacked yuta but yuta dogged them all Inumaki-kun is kind. he doesn't want to accidentally curse others, so he speaks in rice ball ingredients words that can't carry curses.Even today, he helped me out. he tried to keep me away from danger.Even back then, he was showing consideration for my anxiety, wasn't he?

yuta dogged all its attack and managed to cut its hand That was shallow!And he's tough! but then, the curse again attacked yuta hitting himI still can't compete with this curse, but...

yuta then ran towards the curse sprit sliding underneath it and getting the throat medicine successfully and opened it and drank it all"inumaki-kun!" yuta said as he throwed it to him ill make sure to respond to inumaki-lun's kindness!

"get crushed!" causing the curse the squish up "mustard leaf!"

"oh, I'm fine.its only a scratch"

"salmon" Toge said as he smiled and raised his hand up "yeah, good work!" yuta said as they both gave each other high five

once I break Rika-chan's curse, ill be a normal person. I won't be able to stay at jujutsu high anymore, but until then, I want to be useful to everyone.

"oh, what do we do about the veil?" yuta asked

"what a shame, came here to see this rumored Rika-chan. as a fellow special-grade, I was hoping to meet him soon.i needed to deliver something he dropped,too." Suguru said

Bach at jujutsu high

"Toge's cursed speech is something he's been able to use since he was born, so back in the day, he struggled quite a bit. sometimes he cursed people he never intended to curse. his situation was rather similar, to yours. that's why he's been worried about you since the day you transferred in.Its easy to misunderstand him, but Hess good guy. I hope you'll be kind to him." panda told yuta

"yeah ill-" but the maki hit his head "come on, lets starts morning training!"

"oh right" yuta said as panda laughed weirdly behind him "Panda! what are you laughing about?! ill kill you!" maki yelled at panda "huh? its nothing, though."

"maki-san um..id like to imbue my curse into my katana more Smoothly. Do you know any tricks?"

"nope. don't ask me about curses Energy go ask someone else for that like Tsukimura-san or someone" maki said as she walked away leaving yuta there

"my apologies. put inspection showed that someone lowered a second veil on top of my own. in addition, a semi-first grade curse made an unexpected appearance. its mt fault for not being more through.Ill accept any punishment." Ijichi-san said as bowed

"no, you're fine. you were just outclassed."satoru said

"meaning...? do you have an idea who did this?"

"Geto Suguru. one pf the 5 special-grade jujutsu sorcerers, who was banished from jujutsu high after curing over a hundred normal people to death. he's the worst curse user.

Yurika (🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵)

as I got ready in my kimono I coudnt help but feel worried for yuta and Toge but I'm sure they will be fine I know that they can do it

they maids around me help me get ready the tuskimura clan gas changed in many ways bad news is that the elderly has gotten more annoying and its frustrating every time even worse is that, they don't see me as the head of the clan. but today that will change I'm not letting my clan fall apart cause of some old people

the maids finished getting me Ready so, left my room I looked around my room and found a piece of paper and a pen remembing that satoru wanted me to write a letter

"dear satoru,  probably going to give this to you tomorrow or sooner I would send it to you but the old geezers are damn annoying and will make some random excuse to see what I wrote or not letting me send it. I remembered that you aid you love my hand writing and said it was beatiful its not my handwriting I stole it from, Haruka. when I was young and learning how to write my mother was the head of the clan and couldn't teach me and didn't want the damn elders to teach me my father was also helping my older brother with his combat skills. Haruka promised my mom that she will always be by my side and help me with anything so she taught me how to write. Haruka hand writing is very beautiful which is why I copied it. its rue Haruka noticed too, so did my mother. Haruka hobbies were writing poems to stories,she loved to write. she would often read my night time stories that she wrote and read them to me I'm sure I have all of her books somewhere in my room. would you like to see them one day? My favourite one she wrote was the little girl and the blue eyed rabbit when we were young you helped me get back home when I was lost after you took me back home I told Haruka everything about you I was the little girl and you are the blue eyed rabbit its a story about a little girl who was lost and saw a blue eyed rabbit and helped her back home years later she feel in love with them the rabbit also had a human form. the story is many about you can me and the day we first met.

love, Yurika

after I finished writing it one of the maids told me it time for the meeting with Tsukiura elderly and I stool¥d up and head towards the room where they all are.

"ah, Yurika-sama late. I told you to hurry." my grandmother said "no, im quite on time you told be to be here be a certain time and I made it here before 1o minutes and you're the one who told me to wear a certain kimono with many layers and took quite a long time but yet I still made it before 1o minutes, anyways, it everyone here shall we Start?" my grandmother just glared at me like always I don't think shell ever stop hating me my grandfather isn't mad at me is just his wife...

"we want to talk about this boy yuta and Orimoto Rika" one of them said

"what about them in sure its something not for the Tsukiura clan to join in?"

"well, we know that its just how you are handling it the boy had an exaction , and a curse spirt with him he should not be there!" some one said

"in jujutsu high we've already taken care of that,Yuta is slowly being able to control it and is getting better at with his fighting skills and is determined to break rika-chan's curse which I'm sure he can do. and he's a young boy I wouldn't let anyone take his youth away from him, if someone wants to then ill kill them first ,how about we end the discussion about yuta? there is no point for us to talk about him. is there anything else?"

"the boy youth? I'm sure you can protect him but what are you going to do when a person from the Fujita clan want to kill him or my him join their side? you failed to kill the Fujita who ruined you mission killing you favourite maid Haruka, poor Haruka only if she didn't go with you she would be alive , and after that the fujita also killed your mother, your cousin and your grandfather sibling all because you failed and many years before that they also killed your brother" my grandmother said as everyone looked at her in shock and I glared at her as she smirked at me

"I'm sure you know well about the Tsukiura clan? you married into the Tsukiura can and married Who was once the head of the clan. no one told me the reason why the fujita clan and the Tsukimura clan hate each other until I read those books about the history about why there rivals and hate each other son much. and not many of the Tsukiura members as been attacked by the fujita its because, the target certain people which is why most of the people who were the head of the clan die and not live until they dir of old age or different death cause.  during the Heian era the fujita clan made a deal with sukuna, sukuna helped make a stupid charm that can block of ant time curse techniques, which is why I count deafen them but when I see them again or anyone from the Fujita clan I will kill them.  the fujita killed my brother cause he was heir he killed my mother curse she was head of the clan and killed my cousin and grandfathers siblings as some sort od warning or I don't know and he killed Haruka cause he wanted me to be alone, I've lost people I loved the most and I will protect the ones I love the most right now. and I didn't fail the battle between me and the Fujita has only started."

I looked at my grandmother and she looked evermore angry "you are the head of the Tsukiura clan.yurika. act like it! protect those who may be targeted by the fujita clan its you're job to protect the Tsukiura clan. Yurika protect the innocent if more Tsukiura clan people die it will be your fault so act like the head of the clan." my grandmother said

"if I truly am the head of the clan, which I am then you will obey my orders and do as I say" I said to her as I stood up and coldly down at here

"you will regret that!"she yelled at me as she stood up too

"no. you will regret everything you've done to me, you have been cold towards me since I was young you've done nothing to help the Tsukimura clan. you may be my grandmother but if you ever cause harm to the tsukimura clan willl not hesitate to kill you. like you said its my job to protect the clan I am protecting them will all costs."

my grandmother scoffed and tilted her head ti the side and was lost for words and just dashed out of the room leaving , "meeting is over if want something to discuss about write a letter to me." as I said leaving the room too

I changed back into my uniform I was supposed stay for another 2 days or so but I'm leaving early I packed my things and called Satoru

"hello~ Yurika"

"satoru are you doing anything right now? can you come pick me up?"

"leaving so soon? ill come pick you up stay inside tho, its heavy rain right now"


I stayed near the entrance of mu housed waited until someone came behind me it was my grandmother

"is there something you want?"I  ask  her refusing to to look a back

"I wish my daughter never died , I wish my grandson never died I wish certain people in th e clan didn't die but , they all did because of you. this is all your doing.you have all the time cure techqine and yet you still failed maybe you should just quit being the head of the clan" she said

I tried to stay clam she hated me from a young age, I tried my beat to not yelled here but I've had it "you think I don't think the same?  I've trained hard since I was young so I can protect everyone I was still a child then! I was 15! I became the heir at 6 and became the head of the clan at 15 while I was still depressed from the mission I also wish I could break that stupid charm that the fujita clan has if is want for that I would have successfully killed them but what do you accept from a 15 year old year and her firtst time meeting the one who killed her brother?! I was scared that my curse techniques were working I panicked I wanted to protect everyone! I tired my best at 15! I also wish my mother and brother didn't die if I could go back in time and change the most I would do that but I can't! I can only go see it! and look at it! but I can't change it! and I won't quit being the head of the clan till in dead." I said as tears spilled and I dint care if it was raining I just went outside in the rain crying and frustrated and mainly tired..

I'm so tired I stood in thr heavy rain lettting all the rain put on me...


did I write the argument good? 😭

Also I wrote this on my Mac book so there may be some grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes if there please tell me I want to fix it 🫶
