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"Yuta Yuta."

"It's alright. I'm used to it now" Yuta said

"Are we done debating?" Suguru said as Yuta headed towards him in fast speed he's even faster?! And Yuta katana then shattered into million peices "you shout have done that. When you imbue A curse like that too apurtly, The vessel won't last long. Didn't satoru teach you that? Or Yurika? Your imbue curse hit by-" Suguru was cut of as Yuta punched him hard

"You're not bad..."

"I don't understand! I don't know any sorcerers outside after school. So I don't if you're right or wrong! But in order to remain with all my friends...... in order for me to believe it's okay that I'm alive...I have to kill you!"

"You're egotistical" Suguru said as he got up "still, self-affirmation,huh? there's probably nothing more important than that in life. In which case I will also have to kill you I'll also use my full corse to kill you. Did you know there are only Five people crowned a special grade. among curses there are 16.This is one of them. Special grade potential apparition, Tamamo-no-mae incarnate! On top of that I'll combine the 4,461 curses i posses into one, and strike you with it. Cursed spirit manipulation, supreme art Maelstrom." Suguru said as Yuta stood there but suprised "Okkotsu, i'm truly glad that I came here to kill you before you could fully wield Orimoto Rika."

It's a promise! When we both grow up, we'll get married!

Sure! Then we'll be together forever and ever!

"Rika." Yuta said as he walked over to Rika "yes~?"

" thank you for always protecting me, thank you for falling in love with me. Could you lend me your power one last time? I want to stop him. I don't need anything else after that I'll give you my future my heart , my body , everything. From now on will be truly together forever. I love you Rika. Shall we die together?"

"Yuta! Yuta! I love love love you!"

He's offering himself as a sacrifice to release her limit on her cursed energy?!

"So that's how you want it, womanizer?!"

"That's rude. It's pure love."

"Then I fight for justice!"

"Wonderful! Abousletly wonderful! Truly the power to change the world! If I had Rika, there will be no need to sneak around and gather curses. Next time. I'll obtain her! You're late. Satoru. To think you'd be here at my end. Is my family safe?" He asked

" Every last one of them and managed to escape. The ones in Kyoto we're under your orders too, right?"

"Yeah. Is Yurika doing alright?"

"She's doing her best for the Tsukimura clan and became stronger then before"

"Ah that's good the hear. You sent those two thinking that I would defeat them didn't you? To set Okkotsu off."

"I trusted you. Trusted as a man principled as you wouldn't kill of young sorcerers without a reason"

"Trust? Huh? I didn't think I still had any of that return this for me will you?"

" whas the elementary school also you're doing?"


"I can't believe you."

"Do you have any last words?"

" no matter what anyone says, I hate those monkeys but I never held hatred for those in Jujutsu high. I just couldn't wear a heartfelt smile in this world."


"At least hit me with some curses at me end."

Yurika ๐Ÿค

Before I came to jujutsu I run into some curses near my clan and I fought them off then called other members of the Tsukimura who could fight and fought the rest for me as to jujutsu high and heard some voices

"Yuta! Yuta! Wake up!"

"Oh he's awake."

"Everyone...your injuries maki-San inummaki-kun. Wait! Panda-kun your arm isn't healed?!"

"Chill out. We're all doing better that you right now."' Maki said


"Sorry...Rika-chan. I've kept you waiting."

What's the matter Yuta-kun?" I asked as everyone looked behind "Yurika-San?!" Maki said

"Well...uh I'm exchange for her power,um I promised to go with Rika -chan"

"What?!" maki yelled at him " don't you know that means dying?! What the hell are you thinking you idiot?!"

As Yuta turned around Rika-cha. Changed into her human slef

"Congratulations! You managed to break the curse!"

"Satoru.." i said

"Who are you?" The student said

"You good looking guy , Gojo satoru-sensei! I thought the theory Yuta-kun came up with sounded interesting, so I requested an investigation into your family. The investigation of Rika finished quite a long time ago, but yutas was full of holes at best. Then it came to light you're a descendant of the Tsukimura clan!" He said

"The Tsukimura clan?! What?! How?!" I yelled at him as I was suprised im related to my student?! "Juts kidding!" He said smirking at me "he's a descendant of the Sugawara Michizane! That's makes us super distant relatives!"

"Huh? What's that?"

"One of japans great appration!"

"You we're right Yuta. Rika didn't put a curse on you. You placed a curse on Rika."


What do I do!? Is she going to die?! I have to save her! Don't die! Don't die! Don't die! Don't die! Don't die!

"That's right back then I rejected Rika-chans death"

"Now the one who placed the curse has cancelled the bond so has long as the one who was cursed Disney seek any penalty, it's fully broken now. Of course, that was much obvious after seeing her in that form." Satoru explained as Yuta dropped down and started to cry

"It was all my fault, wasn't it? I turned you into that form, I hurt all those people, and I nearly caused everyone to die when geto came after me! It's all.... It's all my..." Yuta has as he cried

"Yuta, thank you... for giving me more time." Rika said as he hugged Yuta "and letting me stay by your side. These past 6 years, I've been happier since I ever was while alive" she said as she held him tighter as Yuta cried "bye bye take care. And don't come over too soon okay?"

"Okay" Yuta said "see you later" Rika said and she disappeared and bubbles surrounded Yuta and everyone

Time skip

"It's a bit late now, but you weren't at fault for the incident with geto. He would have come to jujitsu high even if you here or not." Satoru said as he walked next to Yuta

"You think so?"

"Also here." Satoru said as he handed him a card "oh, my student ID. You found it for me sensei?"

"No not me. My best friend. The only one I had." Satoru said as Yuta looked at him

Next it mainly about Yurika and others ๐Ÿ‘
