Thinking of making a nanami,Suguru,Megumi or someone fanfic after this maybe Nanami? Or Suguru? Or haikyu? I also put music here 👍

I slowly open my eyes and see that I'm in a room that looks familiar it was my own room I slowly sat up as I still had pain everywhere as I looked around the room next to my bed was a picture of me and Haruka

I grabbed the photo and looked at it.I creased very line of the frame and looking at every detail of the photo. The clothing the background the faces everything. I closed my eyes and remembering when we took to photo and I softly smiled but soon became a frown and slowly my eyes teared up I brought the photo closer to my heart and hugged it tight fearing that I would one day forget what Haruka's voice,face,personality was like.I never wanted to let go I kept sobbing thinking what could I have done to protect Haruka and help her I curled into a ball and cried my heart out

I cried so much that I lost track of time and didn't care I put the photo back where it was and layed back down looking up at the ceiling and then heard the door open

"Yurika? Are you awake?I brought you some food you don't have to eat it now but hope you eat it and have some pain killers too. Need anything else? Dose anything hurt?" It was Shoko she tired to cheer me up but I couldn't "one of the members of the maids the server the Tsukimura clan is here here name is Kasumi ( 歌澄 )" she said as I slowly sat up again and saw Kasumi enter she was few yess younger then Haruka but been serving the Tsukimura clan for a long time

"Yurika-sama when you were on the mission few member of the Tsukimura clan were murders by Fujita" my eyes slowly widened and I was shock but he did say he will but who did he kill? "Who?"

"Your grandfathers younger brother  Aran ( 阿蘭) was killed, and one of you cousin Kanami ( 花波) was killed..... and your mother Kaoru-sama" sudden chills ran down my spine as I also felt some rage I suddenly got out of bed but fell "Yurika-Sama are you alright?"
She said as she rushed to me side "I will kill him. I hate him. He took everything i love away from me. I'll do the same for him." I said has I never felt so mad in my life as tears spilled

Kasumi helped me back in my bed and left but before she did she bowed very low I was confused on why "Yurika-sama you are now the new leader of the Tsukimura clan." My brother died making me and heir and my mother died making me the new leader of the clan i couldn't feel anything I couldn't show and reaction I just felt sadness everywhere. Kasumi left but someone else came in I looked to see Satoru

"Satoru...? How did your mission go?" I asked Satoru looked down before answering and told and told me everything that happened "is Suguru alright?" I asked "Maybe he's been different lately.." he said "but Yurika are you ok?" He asked as he took my hand and held it i looked at him and held his hand tighter "I'm ok.." I told him after a while he left and I looked outside as it rained hard I suddenly felt the urge to go to my Tsukimura house and go look at the journal of the history of the Tsukimura clan no one I talks about Fujita and why we hate each other no one tells me anything about the Fujita clan

I slowly got up and opened the door there was no one but it would be risky to sneak out of here I looked at the window and I was on the second floor I'll just you my curse technique and slow the impact even tho I should be using my curse technique I'll use it any way

I opened the window and looked outside still was heavy rain but from here I would have lower risk of being caught I jumped out of the window and used my curse technique and heard towards the Tsukimura clan it's was big far but I ran

Gojo satoru pov 🩵

I got some fruits for Yurika so she would feel better soon and I opens the door and I felt like something was wrong

"Yurika? Is it ok for me to come in? I got some fruits for you." But there was so answer so I opened the door thinking she was sleeping but she wasn't there so I thought Shoko took here somewhere but I looked at the window and it was wide open the rain was heavy Yurika couldn't have possibly went out? I quickly but the fruits aside and rushed to Shoko

I found shoko and asked her "did you take Yurika somewhere? She's not in here room." I said

"I didn't take here anywh- what do you mean she's not in her room?" It was clear that Shoko was just as shocked as I was "she's not in her room in window are wide open"

"Where would she go in this heavy rain?!" "I don't know but we need to find her she still isn't healed completely" I said "I'll let the others know then call me when you have information for anything"

"I will" where would she go i heard from one of here maids that she got attacked was a rival of the Tsukimura clan could she have possibly went to fight them ? Or did she go to the Tsukimura clan house?

Yurika pov 🖌️

I entered my home and some maids  saw me "Yu-Yurika-sama?! You're soaking wet?! D-do you want a change? Anything warm ? You might get sick?!" The maid said as they bowed to me ignored it all and headed and to the room where the have all the books and journals about the Tsukimura clan history, curse technique, family history and everything I went inside that room and closed the door and went to search a book about anything about the Fujita clan

I grabbed a book the curse technique of Tsukimura I threw on the floor I was still filled with rage and needed to know about the Fujita clan curse techniques of Tsukimura, Tsukimura fighting technique, Tsukimura poems, threw each one I was about to give up until I found a book with the title of Fujita clan and the Tsukimura clan I grabbed few of the books and held it tightly

The room was dark and quite I can only heard my own breathing I leaned my back against the shelf and looked at the window and it wasn't raining anymore but the moon was bright I held my tears back then I didn't feel the moonlight anymore as it felt blocked I looked up with my teary eyes and see Satoru

He bends down to me and tucks my hair behind my ears "what are you doing here ?" He asked as he helped me stand up

I felt mad at him for coming here he didn't do anything and yet I felt mad I hit his chest wanting him to go away but he dosent  even budge but I grow tired I felt so much  rage for Fujita that I forgot about my own health I slump down as he follows , holding me by my arms  and we're both on our knees I look at him with teary eyes and he grabs the books I held on my hand and set them aside and pulled me in for a deep hug and hugged him back and sobbed and he held my tightly  he held me close I still felt sad but he was here. Satoru.


The music stops around Yurika pov so ig go back and start it again? If you want listen to it as you read it
