Few years later... ( the chapter before this [1] there ages Yurika is 9and gojo is 10 in this chapter they are Yurika is 12 gojo is 13๐Ÿ‘

It now spring and I still have the scarf satoru gave to me I've been wanting to give it back to him but haven't seen him for years

"Yurika-sama since today is such a beautiful day with the beautiful cherry blossom do you want to go out for a walk and go by the river with cherry blossom I can bring some snack if you would like your parents today have some important things to attend but I can go with you if you would like me too." My maid said

"Haruka I want to go with you" I said smiling at her

"I'll get some snacks ready then I'll ask the other maids to get you ready! I'll bring you favorite snacks! And some of you favorite drinks!" She said excitedly and she quickly when out of my room and called the other maids and she went to get ready too.

"Yurika-sama" Haruka said slowly coming it "are you ready?"

"Yes I am Haruka" I said smiling and Turing around to show her the cherry blossom kimono that the maid put me in with some cherry blossom hair pins

"Yurika-sama you look beautiful! I love your hair pins too!" She said

"Do you want to wear one? I have two in my hair right now I can give you the other one?" I said smiling at here and handing here the pin

"Yurika-sama I can't. It's yours I can't take something that is yours" she said

"Haruka I insist" I said smiling "who you mind bending down a bit do I can put the pin in your hair?" I said

"Thank you" she said smiling while blushing a bit ( blushing cause she's so happy lol) I put the hair pin in her hair and smilies at her "Haruka were now matching!" I said Haruka smiled back at me with her bright smile

"Let's go to the river" I said grabbing her hand and heading out

We arrived at the river and there's some shops near by we sat near the river as Haruka was laying out the picnic blanket and getting stuff ready I saw some food "Haruka I'm gonna go to the area for a few minutes I'm going to go buy some food for you and me"

"Oh really? Thank you! I'll be waiting right here" she said

"Ok I'll get our favorite!" I said waving at her while she waved back at me

I headed towards the shop and saw Haruka favorites Sakura mochi and I saw some dongo but remembered that Haruka made me some and didn't by it but bought the Sakura mochi for Haruka and bought some more for the other maids

"Excuse me can I have 10 Sakura mochis?" I asked the owner

"10? Thats a lot" he laughs "you having a big picnic it's nice with the cherry blossom isn't?" He said

"I only brought one friend with me but I bought more for her friends."

"Well that's nice of you! That's will be 1,500 yen!"

"Ok" I said grabbing my wallet and handing him the money

"Thank you come again! Enjoy the cherry blossom and Sakura mochi!"
He said waving bye

"Don't worry I will!" I said as I waved back

"Haruka! I'm back!" I said sitting beside her " I bought you some Sakura mochi and some for your friends too!"

"Yurika-sama! Thank you so much" she said hugging me but then quickly let go of the hug

"Why did you let go of the hug so quickly?"

"I didn't ask your permission or anything im sorry Yurika-sama" she apologized

I hugged Haruka and said "Haruka you don't need to ask any permission when you wnat to hug me you can hug me anytime you want."


"Yes"I said ask i hugged her I felt her hugging back.

As we were hugging behind her I say a boy with white hair and beautiful blue eyes it is? No it has to be satoru

"Haruka I'll be right back I'm going to go by something again I think i saw some delicious food I'll be right back i promise!" I said letting go of the hug

"Don't worry Yurika-sama ill be waiting right here. Take your time."

"Thank you Haruka" I said quickly standing up and running towards where I saw satoru

When I went to where I saw satoru I didn't see him again but then I saw him at the top of the stairs and and when there after I got at the top of the stairs we were in a beautiful field with a beautiful blue sky and cherry blossom petals flying in the sky. As I searched for satoru I saw him

"Satoru?"i said while walking slowly towards him

"Yurika it's been long!" He says laughing "hope you haven't gotten a cold after I took you to your home 3 years ago."

"I didn't get a cold don't worry"I said but the i remembered something "ah! I forgot that I still have your scarf been wanting ti give it back but haven't seen you since. When can we meet again? I haven't brought with me so I can't give it today."

"Keep it" satoru said "what?"
"I said keep it i don't need that anymore besides I have more" he says while outing his hands in his poket

"Satoru what are you doing here?" I asked "well I came to see you."
"See me why?" I asked confused
"I noticed you didn't have much friends besides well your maid I think her name is Haruka I heard you calling her that and plus it's better to have friends that are around or near your age"

I looked satoru with surprise and happiness "so you came to see me so we can hang out more?" I asked
"Yep I've been trying to get to you but my clan was a bit annoying I snuck out today" he said with a grin
"Well I have same Sakura mochi and Haruka made some snacks do you wanna come?" I asked
"Yes! I wnat some snacks I haven't eaten much yet."

"Then let's go!" I said grabbing his hand and running back to Haruka
"Haruka!!" I yelled "i brought back a friend!"I yelled at Haruka

"Yurika-sama be carful don't trip!"

I ran to Haruka out of breath with satoru behind me "Haruka remember the boy who helped get back home during the cold winter 3 years ago?" I said "yes I do, I think you said his name was satoru."
"Well it's him! I found him again!"
"That's wonderful Yurika-sama!" She said

"Satoru this is Haruka and Haruka this is satoru!" I said happily

"Wait" Haruka said "what's wrong"
"He has white and and blue eyes is he gojo satoru...?" He said

"Yep I'm from the gojo clan I snuck out today since today is a beautiful day I thought maybe Yurika would be here."

"Oh wow would you get in trouble?" Haruka asked "probably but I don't care there annoying anyways." He said with laughing a bit "so what kind of snack to do have?" He asked

"Well I have dango , Sakura mochi , some sweets and snackwiches and more here you can have a look." She said hanging him the basket of food

We enjoyed watching the cherry blossoms and we ate some snacks and we played some games together
We laughed and had a lot of fun

"Satoru!" I hear someone say
"Oh great" Satoru said "they might see me so I'll go before the find me thank you Yurika and Huruka" he said standing up to leave before he stared to walk away I grabbed his kimono "will I ever see you again?"

"I don't maybe" he said "my clan is a bit annoying so it may be hard" he said

"Is there a way to see you again?"
"Well in 3 more years I'll go to jujutsu high if you go there two we can see each other for sure" he said holding more shoulder while softly smiling

"I'll follow you to jujutsu high!" I said "we'll see you there then" he said waving bye and I waved back

Hi. I tired to fit the title of the story in this part by putting in illl follow you hope it wasn't cringe lmao
Anyways fun facts I love love love dango ๐Ÿก๐Ÿซก lol there my favorite ๐Ÿ‘

Also I didn't check this fully cause kinda got annoying lol ๐Ÿ˜ญ but hope there's no grammar mistakes????

Btw the maid name is Haruka ๐Ÿ˜™
