A/n added music

"Huh" satoru said as I was just as shock as he was

"Don't make me repeat it again.. Suguru killed everyone in the villag-

"I heard you the first time.that's why i said huh" Satoru said I looked at him as a way worried about him too while I'm also very shocked about Suguru

"Suguru old home was already an empty husk, as well. through the bloodstain he also probably did kill his parents too"

My eyes widen in shock "what?! Why would he do tha-"Like hell he would!" Satoru interrupting me as I looked at him in shock I haven't seen satoru like this before "satoru..."

"Satoru. Yurika. I don't understand what's going on either." As I sweat nervously and satoru hand stared to bleed as he held it tight "satoru..." I said as I grabbed his hand healing it with my reverse curse technique I left go of his hand softly and walked away

Time skip โญ๏ธ

I headed to a train station and to get some thing for satoru and got off and headed to a store then I heard someone call my name "Yurika-chan~ hey!" He said

"Suguru.." I softly smiled as we headed to a bench and sat down "I'll ask but any chances the charges are false?" I asked him hoping they were false "Nope. Unfortunately not" I sighed "May I ask why?"

"I'm going to create a world with only jujutsu sorcerers." He said calmly and my eyes widen "A world with only sorcerers..? I don't get it..." I said as I softly laughed

"Have you meet with Shoko?" I asked him "yeah I did earlier she said the same thing as you did too. And she called Suguru. Bye Yurika-chan I'll go now?" I waved bye until I couldn't see him anymore

And texted satoru I just talked with Suguru he's in Shinjuku right now

"Explain yourself Suguru."

"You already heard from Shoku and Yurika-chan right? That's all there is to it."

"So you're just going to kill everyone who is not a sorcerer?!even your parents?!"

"I can't allow my parents to be a special exception. Besides there not my family anymore."

"That's not what I was asking!" Satoru yelled " I thought we weren't allow to kill when there's no point to it."

"There is a point to it. Even a great cause." Suguru said "there's not! You're going to kill non-sorcerer and create a world of only jujutsu sorcerers?! You know that's impossible!" Satoru yelled "there's no point in chipping away bit by bit at something you possibly you can't not do!"

"How arrogant."


"You could do it, couldn't you Satoru. Yet why would you try to convince someone else that's impossible to do something isn't possible for you?" Suguru said as he turned around "Are you strongest cause you gojo satoru? Or does being the strongest make you Gojo satoru?"

"What are you trying to say?"

"If I were able to become you this foolish ideal would become a lot more grounded and real, don't you think? I've decided how to live take care of Yurika-chan" he said as here turned back around

Satoru raised his arms "if you wnat to kill me then kill me. There would be a point of that."

Time skip โญ๏ธ

"Why didn't you pursue him?" Yaga asked "you really asking me that ?"

"Also have you seen Yurika? I've looked for her every where and could find her"

"She's probably at the Tsukimura clan." Satoru sighed

Yurika pov ๐Ÿฉต

I heard to my clan as there were some thing I needed to do and as I was walking around someone slapped me I looked to see who it was I thought I was my grandmother but it's was my aunt. Noa she glared at me it's clear that she hasn't sleep good and her Haori was slipping off.

"You have some nerve showing up here! After you're the reason why my sister is dead." She said as she glared at me "because of you I have no one to play the shamisen too. I don't have any curse technique and I was called the disappointment of the Tsukimura clan because of that no one treated me good cause of that only my sister no one will listen to the poems I wrote or the shamisen I can play?" She said as she angrily glared at me with tears in her eyes I calmly looked at her and steppe closer to her

"I always looked up to you. When ever I was a small child I would listen you your shamisen even if our rooms were far away.I wanted you to teach me one day." I said as I softly smiled at her

"You're lying I know you are!The only reason why everyone listen to you is cause your the head of the clan! My sister should still be the head of the Clan! Not a weak 15 year old!" She yelled at me

"Weak? I can use reverse curse technique and time technique including the forbidden curse technique of the Tsukimura clan I know everything about the Tsukimura clan." I said coldly

"If you're the head of the clan the. Act like it.Your job is the protect the clan and protect those who need you."

"If I'm truly the head of the clan then you will have to listen to me do as I say obey me." I said as I looked down at her coldly and he glared back but this time she was a but nervous

As we looked at each other memories filled in

"Yurika-chan?" Noa said as she softly looked at me "do you wnat to play the shamisen with me? I can teach you" she said as he held her hand out and I came towards her and she held my and put me in her lap and played the shamisen it was a beautiful melody

"Noa-sama..." Yurika said as she was shy and Noa looked back "what is it Yukita-chan we're your mother?" She asked "I want to play with you" Noa softly smiled "of course"

Me and Noa stood there as we felt the memories of us together flow in and tears began to fall down her check and I walked closer to her "Noa-sama can you teach me the shamisen?"I asked her and she looked at me "of course! Im so sorry Yurika-chan!" She said as she hugged me tightly and cried on my shoulder and I hugged her back

That after noon she taught me how to play the shamisen and she brought something to me "this was your mothers favorite hair accessories I want to give it to you" she said putting it in my hair "and I'm sorry what happens to Haruka-San she meals were delicious"

"No one can cook better then her." I softly smiled and waved bye to her and she waved back too and I headed back to satoru

Sorry this was short the next chapter is gonna be a big time skip lol we'll see itadori and megumi Nobara and the others too ๐Ÿ‘ or it might be the Jjk moive
