Prologue: As Told By Odin and Battle of Vanaheim

----- November 15th, 2987 BC - Svartalfheim -----

Long before the birth of light there was darkness, and from that darkness, came the Dark Elves. Millennia ago, the most ruthless of their kind, Malekith, sought to transform our universe back into one of eternal night.

On Svartalfheim, Malekith looks up at the Convergence as it begins. 

Such evil was possible through the power of the Aether, an ancient force of infinite destruction.

The Dark Elves and Asgardians are fighting below, as a Dark Elf named Algrim stands up high. Malekith approaches him from behind.

Algrim turns to him, "Malekith! Asgard's forces are upon us."

The Bifrost shoots down from the skies, sending many Dark Elves flying. Hundreds of Asgardian reinforcements pour out and begin attacking.

The noble armies of Asgard, led by my father, King Bor, waged a mighty war against these creatures.

King Bor Burison steps out from the Bifrost. As he walks by, he shoots energy from the tip of Gungnir.

"Send in the Kursed," Malekith shouts from up high. 

Down below, some Dark Elf Soldiers crush glowing red objects in their hands and transform into giant Hulk-like creatures. They barrel through a few Asgardian forces.

Malekith looks up at the Convergence again. The worlds were aligning.

As the Nine Worlds converged above him, Malekith could at last unleash the Aether...

Malekith and Algrim walk back to the Aether behind them.

However, the Bifrost opens on top of it and Asgardian warriors attack Malekith. He pulls out two knives as the warriors charged. 

He meets them head on, sending a blade into the chest of one and into the neck of another. The last one jabs his sword at him but he dodges and grabs his arm. He trips him onto his back and plunges the warriors own sword into his chest.

The Bifrost disappears, just as Malekith tries to get the Aether, but it is no longer there.

Asgard ripped the weapon from his grasp. Without it, the Dark Elves fell. With the battle all but lost, Malekith sacrificed his own people in a desperate attempt to lay waste to Asgard's army.

Malekith watches as his forces are slaughtered, "Their deaths will mean our survival. This war is far from over."

He and Algrim get onto his ship and escape without notice, while destroying the other ships in the process.

The ships drop, killing some of the Asgardians in the process.

Malekith was vanquished, and the Aether was no more. Or so we were led to believe.

Down in the battlefield filled with the bodies of Asgardian and Dark Elves alike, King Bor stands looking at the results of war.

One of the Einherjar approaches their King, "Sire, the Aether. Shall we destroy it?"

Bor turns to look at him, "If only we could. But its power is too great. Bury it deep. Somewhere no one will ever find it."


----- May 5th, 2012 - Asgard -----

In the Throne Room of Asgard, The sounds of chains clanking could be heard. 

Loki, in chains, is brought to Odin.

Queen Frigga stands to his left as he approaches, "Loki.."

Loki turns with a smirk on his face, "Hello, mother. Have I made you proud?"

"Please, don't make this worse."

The smirk drops from his face, "Define worse."

"Enough!," King Odin demands from upon his throne, "I will speak to the prisoner alone."

Frigga turns to Odin then to Loki before she leaves. Loki watches as she exits and waits for her to leave before speaking.

Loki slowly and exaggeratedly walks closer to Odin. He then clanks the shackles on his ankles together as he stands at attention.

Loki lets out a chuckle, "I really don't see what all the fuss is about."

"Do you not truly feel the gravity of your crimes? Wherever you go there is war, ruin and death."

"I went down to Midgard to rule the people of Earth as a benevolent god. Just like you," Loki says slowly.

"We are not gods. We are born, we live, we die. Just as humans do."

"Give or take 5000 years."

"All this because Loki desires a throne," Odin says, as if he was mocking him.

"It is my birthright," Loki tells him, aggressively.

"Your birthright was to die as a child!," Odin yells at him before calming down, "Cast out onto a frozen rock. If I had not taken you in you would not be here now to hate me."

Loki smiles and steps closer, "You only took me in as a twisted way to make up for the child you abandoned. Now if I'm for the axe, then for mercy's sake, just swing it. It's not that I don't love our little talks, it's just ... I don't love them."

Odin's eyes grow cold at his mention of Baldur and he tells Loki, "Frigga is the only reason you are still alive and you will never see her again. You will spend the rest of your days in the dungeons."

"And what of Thor? You'll make that witless oaf king while I rot in chains?"

"Thor must strife to undo the damage you have done. He will bring order to the nine realms and then, yes. He will be king."


----- November 11th, 2013 - Vanaheim -----

Sif and the Warriors Three are fighting in a village in a one-sided battle.

Sif turns to see a marauder hold some sort of gun aimed at her, When the Bifrost opens. She holds up her shield as the marauder is taken out.

Mjolnir comes flying out of the Bifrost, taking a few marauder down and flying back. The Bifrost disappears and Thor stands there, catching his hammer.

A marauder runs at him, but Thor jumps over him and slams Mjolnir onto the ground.

The blast takes a bunch more marauders down.

Sif turns to him, "I've got this completely under control!"

She did not.

"Is that why everything is on fire?," Thor asks with a smile on his face.

Everything was on Fire.

A few marauders run into Thor as he's distracted, momentarily knocking him over.

The Battle rages on.

Thor, Sif, and The Warriors Three fight against the Marauders. One marauder aims a crossbow at Thor from behind.

He shoots but Sif holds up her shield, causing the Arrow to be caught.

Thor turns to see this and she tells him, "You're welcome."

Thor smashes Mjolnir against an incoming marauders legs, flipping him over. But a roar is heard from behind him.

Everyone stops fighting, including the marauders.

Thor turns to face the roar to see a Kronan walking toward him. An Asgardian tries to hit him, but the Kronan smacks him away.

Sif says to Thor, "All Yours."

"Hello," Thor greets as he walks up to the Kronan, "I accept your surrender."

The soldiers laugh and the Kronan growls at him. Thor looks at them as a smile forms on his face.

Thor swings his hammer and crushes the Kronan, "Anyone else?"

The soldiers reel back at the dead Kronan. And soon they all surrender. Each one of them quickly drops their weapons and kneels.

"Perhaps next time we should start with the big one," Fandral yells as he points his sword at Thor.

Guards eventually start escorting the Marauders away as Thor walks off to the edge of the village. Hogun follows next to him.

"Where do we go next?" Hogun asks.

"Hogun, the peace is nearly won across the Nine Realms. You should stay here. Be with your people, where your heart is. Asgard can wait."

"You have my thanks."

"As you have mine," The two grasp forearms as a sign of trust.

Hogun walks off as Thor looks up to the sky.

"Heimdall, when you're ready."


----- November 11th, 2013 - Asgard -----

Odin stands watching the warriors train. His raven was perched next to him. The raven flies off as Thor appears by his side.

"Is Vanaheim secure?" Odin asks his son.

"As are Nornheim and Ria. Though our work would have gone more quickly with you at the fore."

"You must think I'm a piece of bread that needs to be buttered so heavily."

Thor smiles at that, "That was not my intent."

"For the first time since the Bifrost was destroyed, the Nine Realms are at peace. They're well reminded of our strength and you have earned their respect and.. my gratitude."

"Thank you."

"Nothing out of order except your confused and distracted heart," Odin says.

"This isn't about Jane Foster, Father."

"You think you can disguise a truth by only denying half of it? Human lives are fleeting, they are nothing... And as for him... He is not welcome here. You'd be better served by what lies in front of you."

Odin motions to Sif as she knocks another warrior down and turns to look at them. Thor stands there as the All-Father moves to his other side to better view the warriors train.

Odin continues, "I'm telling you this not as the All-Father but as your father. You are ready. The time has come for you to take the throne. Embrace and celebrate what you've won. Join your warriors. Eat and drink, revel in their celebration. At least pretend to enjoy yourself."

