Thor: The Dark World


"Baldur's Back, Bitches!!"


Thor Odinson

"We found you curled in a ball. Of course I'm going to ask if you are okay."


Loki Laufeyson

"It wasn't a trick.. I truly wanted you to join me."


Jane Foster

"You look familiar. Have I seen you somewhere before?"


Odin Borson

"Bringing the girl here was one thing. But him? I explicitly told you not to."



"When I learned of you, I didn't exactly agree with your fathers decision. But the way I see it, If he hadn't, you wouldn't be the same person."



"Welcome Home, Baldur."



"Darkness returns, Asgardians. Have you come to witness the end of your universe?"


Darcy Lewis

"He's my intern."


Professor Selvig

"Thor! Superman!.... The other brother isn't coming, is he?"


A/N: The next chapter most likely won't be out until next week.. I did just like publish 3 or so chapters today to finish 'The Avengers'.
