A Death In The Family

----- November 14th, 2013 - Svartalfheim -----

As the four of them fly over Svartalfheim, Thor puts a blanket over Jane. Y/N looks around the dilapidated Svartalfheim.

Loki glances down at Jane and sighs, "What I could do with the power that flows through those veins."

"It would consume you," Thor tells him.

"She's holding up alright, for now."

"She's strong in ways you'd never even know."

Y/N smacks Thor upside the head while continuing to look around the place. Thor rubs the spot he was hit.

"Say goodbye," Loki tells Thor.

Still rubbing his head, Thor replies, "Not this day."

"This day, the next, a hundred years, it's nothing. It's a heart beat. You'll never be ready. The only woman whose love you've prized will be snatched from you."

"And will that satisfy you?"

"Satisfaction is not in my nature."

"Surrender not in mine."

"The son of Odin..."

"No, not just of Odin! You think you alone were loved of mother? You had her tricks, but I had her trust!"

"Trust. Was that her last expression? Trust? When you let her die!"

"What help were you in your cell?"

"Who put me there? Who put me there?!"

Y/N finally looks at the two of them as Thor grabs hold of Loki, "You know damn well! You know damn well who!"

Thor raises his fist to punch Loki but Y/N grabs it, "Do you really think she'd want the two of you to fight? You're both over 1,000 years old, so act like it."

Loki smiles and replies to the question, "Well, she wouldn't exactly be shocked."

Thor and Y/N both smile at that, and Thor tells Loki, "I wish I could trust you."

Thor turns his back to Loki, and moves back to Jane. Y/N and Loki sit at the back of the boat.

"..Trust my rage."


----- November 14th, 2013 - London, England -----

Back on Earth, Darcy stands in a mental hospital at the front desk. The Officer on the other side sets down a pen and paper in front of her. 

"You'll have to sign for your father's belongings, Ms. Selvig."

Darcy goes to sign the form. The Officer starts pulling out the belongings that Erik Selvig had on him.

"One man's leather wallet, brown. One key ring with three keys. Prescription medicine," he places the wallet, key ring and a plastic bag containing medicine bottles on the counter, "Various."

The officer then bends to pick up another item from behind the counter, at the same time Darcy notices Erik being escorted towards them, "And...," the officer places Erik's gadgets on the counter, "These."

Darcy gives him a fake smile, "Yeah, those. Thank goodness."

Darcy grabs the gadgets and walks over toward Erik as she mumbles, "God, I wish I still had an intern."

When they stand a few feet apart, she says, "Erik.."

"Yes?," he asks, looking at her funnily.

"It's uh...Darcy," she tells him as she points to herself.

"..Darcy," Darcy holds up her hands and smiles, Erik then hugs her, "It's so good to see you."

"Uh...I missed you too," Darcy looks awkward as Erik continues to hold her tightly.

"How did you find me?"

"Uh... You were naked on TV. Okay, time to go. Lots to do," Erik continues to hold her, "...Getting weird now."

He lets go and the two of them make their way down the corridor of the mental institution, when Darcy says, "I should not be left in charge of stuff like this, I don't get paid enough. I don't get paid period." 

Erik takes his bag of medicine from her and she asks, "Are you alright?"

"I have had a God in my brain.. I don't recommend it..." 

As they step out of the building, suddenly the gadget in Darcy's arms starts to beep, "Erik, your thingamajig is beeping at me."

"It's happening, sooner than I calculated."

"Wait, what's happening?," They look up to see flock of birds flying above them, "Birds? Birds are happening?.. Erik?"

"Look," he points.

The birds all fly in the same direction and they all suddenly disappear.

"Where did they go?," And just as instantaneously, all the birds appear behind, them flying away frantically making Darcy screams in terror, "What the hell was that?!," Erik smiles, "Why are you smiling?"

"There's nothing more reassuring than realizing that the world is crazier than you are," He walks ahead and throws his bag of medicine into the garbage bin nearby, "Take me to Jane's lab!"


----- November 14th, 2013 - Svartalfheim -----

As they continue flying on their ship, Jane's eyes open. It's clear that the Aether is doing something.

She sits up and looks ahead.

"Jane?" Thor calls.

Still looking ahead, Jane says, "Malekith."

Up ahead, Malekith's ship appears as it descends.

The four of them land the ship and walk over to watch Malekith and his men in the distance. Malekith, along with a few Dark Elves were exiting the ship.

"Alright, are you ready?," Thor asks.

Jane nods her head. Y/N just gives a thumbs up.

"I am," Loki says as they rise from their hiding spot and Malekith spots them, "You know this plan of yours is going to get us killed."

"Yeah, possibly."

Loki holds up his shackled hands for Thor to uncuff him, "You still don't trust me, brother?"

"Would you?"

Thor takes off Loki's cuffs. Y/N starts grinning.

"No, I wouldn't," Loki takes out a dagger, stabs Thor and throws him down the hill.

"Thor! No!," Jane screams.

Malekith sees this and starts walking towards them. Y/N grins and snickers like a madman as he follows Loki. 

Loki walks over to Thor, "You really think I cared about Frigga, about any of you?," he kicks Thor in the stomach as Y/N laugh semi-maniacally behind them, "All I ever wanted was you and Odin dead at my feet!" 

Thor raises his hand, attempting to summon Mjolnir, but Loki cuts off his hand making Thor scream out in pain.

Jane rushes over to Thor but Y/N grabs her and throws her to Malekith's feet. 

Loki turns to them, "Malekith, I am Loki of Jotunheim and I bring you a gift! I ask only one thing in return, a good seat from which to watch Asgard burn."

From beside Malekith, Algrim tells him in Dark Elvish, "He is an enemy of Asgard, he was locked in a cell."

Still grinning, Y/N looks at Algrim with slightly widened eyes, "I like your funny words, Magic Man."

Malekith looks at him and sniffs in the air, "...You smell familiar."

Loki speaks for him, "Ignore him. Y/N has his uses but being of sound mind isn't one."

Malekith's gaze lingers on Y/N for a moment longer before he walks over to Thor, squirming in pain on the ground, "Look at me."

Malekith uses his foot to turn Thor, he then lifts Jane in the air and extracts the Aether from her. As the Aether leaves her body, Jane falls to the ground.

"Loki, now!," Thor shouts

Loki uses his magic and in turns out he had never amputated Thor's hand. Thor quickly summons Mjolnir and shoots lightning at the Aether attempting to destroy it as Loki and Y/N rush to protect Jane from the blast.

But he failed as the Aether merely hardened and dropped to the ground as shards. Malekith is still able to absorb it. 

Malekith quickly starts heading for his ship.

Two of the dark elves start attacking Thor but he quickly takes them down. 

Algrim then throws one of his implosion grenades in the air, Loki pushes Jane away and he is nearly sucked in when Y/N pulls him out.

Y/N shoots of toward Malekith and manages to knock into him. As Thor battles with Algrim.

Malekith stands from the ground, turns to look at him and takes another sniff of the air, "I thought I recognized your scent.. So the Beyonders have returned?"

"Is that actually what they called themselves?"

"Ah, A Beyonder raised as an Asgardian then?"

"As a human actually," Y/N says with a smirk.

Malekith's face contorts in disgust before he warns, "Fear me, child. I've killed hundreds of Beyonders."

Y/N goes from smirking to frowning as his eyes grow cold, "..Fear me.. I've killed all of them."

As Y/N goes to advance, he gets knocked away by a rogue Thor knocking into him. 

The two go flying.

They both look up to see a boulder hurtling toward them. Thor holds up his arms as Y/N sends a punch straight into it.

The boulder breaks into pieces around them as Algrim makes his way toward them.

Algrim goes to punch at Thor but Y/N grabs his fist. Algrim goes to hit him with the other but Y/N grabs that one as well.

Algrim headbutts him to no effect and Y/N headbutts him back. After a few seconds, Algrim goes to headbutt him again when a blade is pierced out through his chest.

Y/N lets go as Algrim turns to reveal that it was Loki who stabbed him.

Suddenly he pulls Loki into the blade that is sticking out from him.

"No!," Y/N and Thor both shout.

Y/N runs over to him and kneels. Algrim takes a step towards them.

Loki looks up at Algrim, "See you in hell, monster!"

Algrim then realizes that attached to his belt, his own vortex weapon is beeping. It explodes before he can do anything, destroying him. 

Thor then rushes over to the two of them, "No. No, no, no! Oh, you fool, you didn't listen!"

"I know. I'm a fool. I'm a fool!," Loki squirms in pain.

The two of them hold onto Loki as Y/N tells him, "..Stay with us, okay?"

"...I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.."

"Shh," Thor and Y/N urge as tears well up in their eyes.

"I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, "Thor tells him, "It's alright. I'll tell father what you did here today."

"....I didn't do it for him..," Loki closes his eyes and as he dies his skin turns to it's blue Frost Giant form.

Y/N holds onto him and stares at the ground in silence. Tears were streaming down his face.

Thor had the opposite reaction, Wailing out loud and desperately, "NOO!!!" 

Jane approaches them from their left. And when they looked up at her, once more did they have different reactions.

Thor looked at her in grief.

Y/N looked at her in anger.

