Escape From Asgard

----- November 14th, 2013 - Asgard -----

Thor and Y/N are sat at a table. Y/N was eating something as Thor wallows. 

Heimdall walks up to the two of them.

"You're not in Odin's war council?," Thor asks Heimdall as Y/N looks up at them midbite.

"The Bifrost is closed by your father's orders. No one is to come or to go," Heimdall takes off his helmet and places it on the table, "We face an enemy that is invisible even to me. Of what use is a guardian such as that?"

He takes a seat beside them looking defeated. Y/N awkwardly puts his food down as he looks at Heimdall.

"Malekith will return, you know this. We'll need your help," Thor tells him, getting to the point.

"I cannot overrule my King's wishes, not even for you."

"I'm not asking you to. The Realms need their All-Father strong and unchallenged, whether he is or not. But he is blinded, Heimdall, by hatred and by grief."

"As are we all," Heimdall says.

"Well I see clearly enough."

"The risks are too great."

Y/N eventually says, "Everything we do from here on is a risk, there is no other way."

Heimdall looks at him and hesitates before replying, "What do you require of me?"


"What I'm about to ask of you is treason of the highest order. Success will bring us exile and failure shall mean our death. Malekith knew the Aether was here, he can sense its power. If we do nothing he will come for it again, but this time lay waste to all of Asgard."

Thor sits holding a meeting with Sif, Fandral, and Volstagg. Heimdall and Y/N stand just behind him.

Thor continues, "We must move Jane off world."

"The Bifrost has been shut down and the Tesseract locked away in a vault," Sif argues.

"There are other paths off Asgard, ways known only to a few," Heimdall tells them.

And Thor adds, "One, actually."

The three others suddenly realize who he means.

"No," Volstagg blatantly says.

Fandral puts up a better argument with, "He will betray you."

"He will try," Thor admits.

"Well, what then? Your lovely mortal is being guarded by a legion of our Einherjar who will see you coming from miles away."

"I won't be the one who comes for her," Thor says before he looks over to Sif.

"And what of the All-Father?," She asks.

Heimdall tells them, "It is my sworn duty to notify him of crimes against the throne.."

Volstagg pipes up, anxiously, "Assuming you can get Loki's help, and you can free this mortal, what good would it do? We'd all be dead the minute we step one foot outside the palace.

"That, my friend, is why we won't be leaving by foot," Thor explains.

"Very well, so you have a plan. Are you actually aware of everything that can go wrong?," asks Fandral.

Thor looks at him then back to Y/N behind him. He takes a breath before turning back to Fandral.

"..Then don't do it because you believe in the plan... Do it for your belief in him," Thor points to Y/N.

Sif, Fandral and Volstagg look behind Thor and at Y/N. They look confused.

Sif asks, "For the mortal?"

Thor smiles at them and tells them, "This is no mortal. This is my brother... Baldur."

Y/N just nonchalantly smiles at them. 

All three of their eyes widen and they all quickly stand, Sif doing so more elegantly. Each one of them bows to him.

And Fandral turns to Volstagg and whispers to him, "Wait, should we be bowing?"


Thor and Y/N walk up to Loki's cell where he is standing looking well kept and clean.

"Thor, after all this time and now you come to visit me. Y/N's been here every night since he got here. Why have you come? Have you come to gloat? To mock?"

Y/N replies instead, "Loki, you don't need the illusions just because Thor's here."

After a few moments, suddenly Loki's cell is transformed. The illusion is lifted and the cell is a mess, everything thrown around. And Loki sat on the floor, looking unkempt and messy, in the other corner of the cell.

Thor walks up to the other side of the cell, as Loki asks him, "Did she suffer?"

"I did not come here to share our grief. Instead I offer you the chance of a far richer sacrament," Thor tells him.

"...Go on."

"I know you seek vengeance as much as I do. You help us escape Asgard and we will grant it to you, vengeance. And afterward, this cell." 

Loki forces out a chuckle, "You must be truly desperate to come to me for help. What makes you think you can trust me?"

"I don't. Mother did.. Y/N does. But you should know that when we fought each other in the past, I did so with a glimmer of hope that my brother was still in there somewhere. That hope no longer exists to protect you. You betray us and I will kill you."

Y/N interrupts, "No he won't."

Loki smiles, "Hmm. When do we start?"


Loki, Y/N and Thor walk out of the Dungeons. Thor had a frown on his face while Y/N and Loki were grinning.

"I expected this from Y/N but this is so unlike you, brother. So clandestine. Are you sure you wouldn't rather just punch your way out?"

"If you keep speaking I just might," Thor threatens.

"Fine. As you wish. I'm not even here," Loki turns himself into an Asgardian guard, "Is this better?"

Y/N looks at him impressed and as if he's watching closely for something, "That's cool as hell."

"It's better company at least," Thor says dismissively.

"Still, we could be less conspicuous," Loki turns back into himself but turns Thor into Sif, "mm, brother. You look ravishing."

Thor looks down at his body then replies in his own voice, "It will hurt no less when I kill you in this form."

Y/N struggle to contain laughter from hearing his brothers extremely masculine voice come from Sif. 

"Very well. Perhaps you prefer one of your new companions, given that you seem to like them so much," Loki then turns himself into Captain America in his full Captain America costume, "Oh, this is much better. Woah. The costume's a bit much, so tight. But the confidence."

Y/N smirks and says, "I wanna try!"

He clenches one of his fists and attempts to copy Loki. After watching him do it so much, It works. He looks down to see not himself but Steve in his costume.

Loki and Y/N grin but the grin being on two identical Steve's faces. And a somewhat proud look comes from Loki, but obviously on Steve's face.

Captain Y/N announces, "I can feel the righteousness surging."

"Hey, you wanna have a rousing discussion about truth?," Captain Loki asks.

"How bout honor?" 

"Or patriotism?"

The two of them wrap an arm around each others shoulder. "God bless Amer–" 

Suddenly Thor grabs hold of them and pushes them against the wall making the two of them turn back into themselves and ask simultaneously, "What?" 

Thor looks to the side and they see two Asgardian guards walking away, and Loki turns back to Thor, "You could at least furnish me with a weapon. My dagger, something!"

Thor looks at him and Loki hears a noise like a sword being drawn, "At last, a little common sense.."

Loki then looks down and holds up his hands which now have iron handcuffs on them. Y/N nearly snorts from surprise.

"And I thought you liked tricks," Thor mocked.

Thor laughs and turns to walk off. Loki looks over to Y/N and holds up his cuffs with a confused face.

Y/N just shrugs at him and follows after Thor.


At the Bifrost, Odin visits Heimdall accompanied by some of his guards, "You called me here.. on an urgent matter. What is it?"

"Treason, my lord," Heimdall tells him.

Confused, Odin inquires, "Whose?"



Jane is sat in her guarded room when one of the guards enters with a tray of food.

She turns to him, "I'm not hungry."

Suddenly Sif comes up behind the guard and knocks him out, causing the tray to fall to the ground. 

She looks over to Jane, "Good, let's go." 

Jane and Sif walk down a few hall and to the Throne Room. They meet up with Thor, Y/N, and Loki.

Jane points to Loki as they get closer, "You're..."

"I'm Loki. You may have heard of-" 

Getting cut off, Jane slaps Loki hard in the face, "That was for New York."

Loki smiles and looks at Thor, "I like her."

They hear the guards approaching, "There they are! Take them. On my command."

"I'll hold them off. Take her," Sif says.

"Thank you," says Thor.

Sif looks at Y/N before saying as a sort of prayer, "May the Lonely God shine a light in this moment of darkness."

Thor, Jane, and Y/N go off but as Loki goes to follow them Sif draws her sword and places it under his throat, "Betray them and I'll kill you." 

Loki chuckles, "It's good to see you too, Sif."

Loki leaves to join the others as the guards get closer to Sif.

Thor, Loki, Y/N and Jane meet Volstagg where Malekith's ship had crashed into the palace.

"I will give you as much time as I can," Thor and Volstagg do a forearm shake.

"Thank you, my friend."

Volstagg also glances at Y/N before reciting, "May the Lonely God prevail and bring hope to us once more."

Then as Loki is about to follow the other three, Volstagg stops him, "If you even think about betraying them..."

"You'll.. kill me? Evidently there will be a line." 

Volstagg then lets him pass.

Y/N, Thor, Jane and Loki board Malekith's crashed ship.

Thor looks at the controls and starts pressing some button, looking unsure of what he's doing.

Loki says, "I thought you said you knew how to fly this thing."

"I said, 'how hard could it be?'"

"Well, whatever you're doing, brother, I suggest you do it faster."

"Shut up, Loki," Thor demands.

Thor continues to frantically press every button to start the ship.

"You sure you didn't miss something?," Y/N asks.

"No, I didn't, I'm pressing every button on this thing."

As Thor starts smacking everything, Loki tells him, "No, don't hit it, just press it gently."

"I am pressing it gently. It's not working!!," he smacks harder and suddenly the ship comes to life, Thor laughs. 

The ship starts to rise, hitting the columns of the palace.

Loki releases a breath and says, "I think you missed a column."

"Shut up!"

Finally the ship breaks through the palace walls and takes off.

"Look, why don't you let me take over, I'm clearly the better pilot."

"Is that right? Well, out of the two of us which one can actually fly?," Thor asks him.

Y/N adds, "I'm pretty sure flying and piloting an aircraft are two seperate things."

Suddenly Jane collapses and the three of them look over as Loki asks, "Oh, dear. Is she dead?"

"Jane," Thor calls.

Jane raises her head, looking weak, "I'm okay."

As they continue to fly and dodge shots, the ship hits and breaks off a part of a massive building.

Thor immediately says to Loki, "Not a word."

Several smaller Asgardian ships start following after them.

"Now they're following us," The smaller ships start firing and Loki adds, "Now they're firing at us!"

"Yeah, thank you for the commentary, Loki! It's not at all distracting!"

The ship then hits a massive stone monument of King Bor, breaking the head off. Y/N and Loki look back at it.

Y/N eventually says, "I think you just decapitated our grandfather."

The smaller ships continue to follow and fire at them as they fly over Asgard. Thor steers the ship along the Bifrost Bridge.

"You know this is wonderful. This is a tremendous idea. Let's steal the biggest, most obvious ship in the universe and escape in that. Flying around the city, smashing into everything in sight so everyone can see us. It's brilliant, Thor! It's truly brillian-"

Thor interrupts Loki by pushing him off the ship. Y/N looks over the edge as Thor picks up Jane. He jumps off the flying ship shortly followed by Y/N and lands onto a smaller ship being flown by Fandral. 

Loki has also fallen onto the ship and was on the ground.

Fandral laughs, "I see your time in the dungeons has made you no less graceful, Loki."

The Asgardian ships above them continue to follow and fire at Malekith's ship and fly past them.

Thor lays Jane down as Loki quickly stands, "You lied to me. I'm impressed."

"I'm glad you're pleased. Now, do as you promised. Take us to your secret pathway."

Loki smiles and takes over the ship's control, at the same time an Asgardian ship spots them and start firing at them.

"Fandral," Thor calls upon him.

"Right..," Fandral picks up a rope and steps on to the edge of the ship, "For Asgard," And like the others he looks at Y/N and says, "For the Lonely God."

He jumps off the ship and uses the rope to swing onto the Asgardian ship following them.

Meanwhile, Loki flies them directly towards the mountains. Not around it or over it but into the mountains.

As they get closer, Thor warns, "Loki!"

"If it were easy.. everyone would do it."

Thor turns to him, "Are you mad?"

"Possibly," Loki smirks.

Y/N starts grinning. Thor holds on to Jane, as Loki heads straight for the wall of the mountain.

As they reach the mountain, Y/N yells out, "WOOO!!!"

But instead of crashing, they enter right into a crevice of the mountain and then enter through a portal directly to Svartalfheim.

As the ship bounces off the ground, Loki let's out a little, "Ta-da!"

