Siya's Raghav ❤️😢

(Holding a glass full of whisky 🥃 he kept his intense glare on the two people dancing onto salsa now)

Music played:

Pyaar ki ik kahani suno...

Ik ladkaa tha...ik ladki thi...

Hoti kya he jawani suno...

Ik ladka tha...ik ladki thi...

Wo bhi ik daur tha...

Waqt hi aur tha...

Jab wo the ajnabi...

Dono tanha he se the...

Par wo kehte kaise...

Baat jo dil me thiiii....

Next heard the song beat up...

And he saw her taking plunging steps holding his arms...

Aniruddh was holding Siya by her waist and doing complicated lifts while Raghav wanted to lift a huge rock and dump him under that and kill him.

His blood boiled seeing his wife in Aniruddh's arms and the worst part everyone including his own family was clapping and cheering them.

And he couldn't stop swallowing the big shots of whisky one after other.

It's like he never drunk ever and when he did he drank like there's no tomorrow...

His eyes were pouring out tears...

His blood shot red eyes were enough to burn Aniruddh and Siya...

While he felt a hand on his shoulder...

'Bro are you alright??? You are drinking oh my god ...' a worried Vish was standing in front him...

Raghav's POV:

'Let me be.....just let me be....' I pushed Vish aside...

I couldn't feel anything now...

I don't know how many glasses of that bitter crap k gulped in...

I couldn't however look at those two...

Why is she so close to him..

She was my only partner who accompanied me in crowd...

I don't have her now...

'This bloody bastard took her away from me...
I l kill himmm Vissssss...Vissss... Shhhhh'

I don't know I suddenly felt Vish's name was so complicated...

Vish tried to make him drink a glass of water...

While I heard claps and the next minute everybody were appreciating that bloody gooseberry and my wife...

My wife!!!!


I however didn't want to see her face ...I loved the alcohol better.

So I continued gulping some more shots.

Siya's POV:

I danced after long long time like old times...

It was memorable and fun❤️❤️❤️

I remember last I and Appy danced like this during my college days.

Appy is the best dance partner anyone could get. Although western was never my forte and I am a trained Kathak dancer Appy is the only one who can get me doing Jazz, Salsa also sing tonight...

I was very happy ❤️

My life looked content today.

My friends, family and him...I had everyone with me and after almost 2 months I was now thinking my life is complete ❤️❤️❤️

Post the dance I quickly switched back to a baby blue saree with a sleeveless blouse and greeted all the relatives. Everyone appreciated our performance. Specially mom dad. They never knew I danced.

Dad chuckled saying 'Finally a creative person in our house... unbelievably it's Raghav's wife. Who can sing and dance 🤣'

I hugged dad dearly. While mom asked me to make sure to perform Kathak as well once during any of the functions they were proud that their daughter in law could dance well. And they already liked Appy a lot❤️

But my eyes were looking for him...I wanted to know how did he like my dance... It was the first time he would see me show my talent although he had heard me humming once in our bedroom... But singing and dancing both were my passion...

I couldn't wait to see his reaction...even while singing or dancing I was trying to find him...but I couldn't find him in the crowd ..

So now that I'm done I started looking for him ...

Although I didn't find him...I noticed Vish...

I rushed to her...

'Vish... where's Raghav'

I asked her...

While she looked elsewhere and said..

'I don't know Vanni... Why do you care. ...go dance with your friend' he answered me rudely...

I could sense a pinch of anger and frustration in her voice.

She sounded pissed off. Irritated and angry.

I touched her shoulder and she jerked off her hand...

'Please Vanni....just go.. go to your...your friend' she said...

While suddenly I heard Appy's voice from behind me...

'Any problem Siyu?' he asked...

While I was about to reply...I heard Vish reply him ..

'Everything is not for you to know Dr Aniruddh. It's our family matter... please stay away' I was shocked her reply Appy so harshly....

She seemed quite angry and annoyed.

I looked for him everywhere...

I literally searched for him in the entire room, corridors, I even happened to ask mom dad and finally I heard Aditi tell me she saw Raghav walking towards his room.

I went back to ask Vish if she knows what happened to Raghav and why he left the party...

The horror incident I saw there was even worse.

I saw Vish slap Appy???

'Next time stay in your bloody limits Dr Aniruddh' she stormed at him while I was dumb struck seeing her so angry...

She shot glares at me

'Vish.... please listen....tell me what's going on'

'Vanni...just...let it be' she glared once again at me and him and left from there.

I wanted to console Appy but right now all I wanted to know was what happened to Raghav...

So I rushed to our room...

The room door was open...

I wasn't locked...

The room was dark...

No lights were switched on...

I noticed Raghav sit on the bed with s bottle in his hands.



I was shocked.

I knew Raghav doesn't drink.

I froze.

I went near him....I saw the wind was blowing like crazy from the beach side ..

It looked like it was going to rain ...

I heard lightening and thunderstorms....⚡🌩️

I saw his was literally sipping the whisky directly from the bottle...

The white curtains of the window and balcony were flying high ...

Soon I heard water droplets hitting the ground...

Rain started pouring....💦🌧️💧☔ First rain...I could smell the wet had a different aroma...I always enjoy the first rain due to this smell....but today i was irritated as one side the wet mud smelled good yet my bedroom smelled alcohol!!!..

I called him ...

'Raghav....what are you doing'

I didn't get a response...

'Raghav is there a problem? What happened..'

I didn't get a response from him...

I saw him walk away near the balcony...

I walked closer to him...held his hand...and asked...

'Raghav...can you please tell me what happened...why are you ..with....with...this thing' I pointed towards the bottle in his hand.

The next second he jerked his hand...I was taken back...

'Fuck off...I don't need you' he roared.

I was shocked...I didn't know what to say....

I thought it's not's the alcohol doing the talking...

So I again went near him touched his shoulder and the next second I heard him scream...
'Dont you understand...I said the get the fuck out....I don't want to be with you'

I flinched at once...

I still made an attempt to go near him...this time he pushed me...I literally fell on the chair next to him...

He came very close to me...

I could smell the alcohol from his mouth...

I was disgusted...tears already started lingering on the sides on my eyes ..I could see his face glassy due to tears in my eyes....

'Do not touch me ....just get lost...I have had enough...I cannot handle more... Get lost... It was my biggest mistake to marry you ...we are not meant for each other...we can' need to go....get lost...I hate to look into your sick face... ' he said at once...

'Raghav....but why what hap' he didn't let me complete the statement and said...

'Women like you don't need husband!!! Just go!!!'

I was raging in anger....Tears were flowing nonstop from my eyes now ...he called our marriage a mistake? He hates to my face??? He questioned my character!!! How dare he!!! It was all so smooth so many days .. suddenly... when we thought things just got better...why is he... atleast he must speak out...but this is not the right time to confront him....he's drunk to the core... It's his alcohol doing the talking... Although...there is a saying...that people speak truth while drunk!!!😢

Next minute I saw Raghav open the balcony door and drench in rain...

As it was pouring there was no one near the common pool area ..Dim lights were of pool area... heavy rains...thunder.... lightening...
Me and him and his alcohol bottle....

I was worried for him... although I wanted to leave the room after his disgusting statement!!!...

I went to him running...

'Raghav please come's raining... '

'Who cares Mam...heart here is drenched in pain...'

I couldn't understand his cryptic statements... Was he upset again because of Aditi getting married?? Although Aditi doesn't love him...what's bothering him to be behaving like this I was clueless...

I tried holding his hand and again he pushed me hard...this time I balanced myself hitting to the door of the balcony...

I was thankful for the rains in s way because there was no one in and around and I was worried if mom dad or Ajjo saw him like this...or his staff...or anyone...

I again tried to pull him inside...
'Fuck off Siya...I don't need you'

This time I was pissed to the core ..I started walking away from him...while I heard him sing...

'Pyaar ki ye ik kahani suno...ik ladka tha ik ladki thi...hoti kya he jawani suno....'

I froze....

'Get lost Siya...who needs you...go to your childhood love...after all you are perrrrrfect for each other...' he said hanging his body at the balcony door he couldn't stand properly due to the alcohol dose.

I was shocked by his words.

I didn't know how to react to his accusations...

He came closer to me and said...

' Go....why are you anyways like his love everything about him right...

Appy's hardwork
Appy's achievements
Appy is good-looking
Appy can dance
Appy can sing
Appy knows you well....

And this bloody husband of yours is a looser right?

That's when it striked me when yesterday at Sumanth uncle's hometown we were having a chit chat where Appy was answering everything about's obvious he knows for all my life .. and Raghav hardly from 2 can he compare...

And he's annoyed because I danced with him or was roaming with him all the time....

I couldn't believe Raghav could have such a shallow mindset...

'That man is your life na must be in love with him too'

He accused again...

I literally wanted to shoot him with mu eyes... however I only looked at him once....

I could see my own reflection in the glass door owing to dim lights from pool area my eyes turned red...

I was shocked about his hatred towards Appy that I was unaware of...

'If you want him so much...why don't you just leave me and live with that bloody Dr Gooseberry' he said at once

And it striked me... gooseberry??? I had heard him say that once before... Raghav had these emotions build up inside him for a long time...

However he never confessed...

I couldn't handle it any longer...I also had self respect..he cannot go on blabbering shit about me and my childhood friend...

'Fine Raghav....I don't think I should give you an explanation...about my relationship with my bestie... Appy is my childhood friend'

'And me??? What am I to you Siya.... what's our relation??? ' I saw him cry his heart out at that minute...he was overwhelmed with emotions and pain...I could sense it...

'Raghav you are my are'

'A joke to you right? Huh and my feelings are a joke to you??? I wanted to spend time with with you....not from now...from so many days... You can do anything you want anytime....when you feel like... leave me and go ...when you feel like come back...when you feel like come close to me....when you feel like go away from's all about you always Siya...that fucking bastard is coming between us...oh no no.... sorry...or is it this one??? ...' he was hitting his chest like s maniac...

I was crying helplessly when he was hurling abuses and blames at me...

'You can do anything you want Siya....go....just get lost....go dance with close dancing with him...stick yourself into his body...just go' he said looking away from my face and the next minute I saw him throw out the whisky bottle... thankfully it fell into the pool.

I was shocked seeing his rage.

Then there was a huge lightening...

By now it was raining cats and dogs and the curtains were flying high to touch the roof...

There was sudden silence in the room...

Only tears and rain were flowing non stop.

'Are you jealous Raghav?' I asked him softly

Next minute I didn't expect but I felt like an angry lion roared in the room...

'You don't bother me anymore Siya...just leaveeeee...get lost' he roared.

I looked at his eyes that were facing the floor....but my eyes were on him...

I took a step closer..

'Seeing me in someone's arms bothered you? If so why Raghav'

I asked...

The next minute I felt his grip on my hair...he pulled me closer and my head was tilted and near his face

'Dont try this with me Siya...I am not that Raghav who dies to be with women...Vedika...Aditi and you....I don't need any woman in my life...I'm a bad man... egoistic... sadist...loner....let me be that.... You can do whatever you don't make a difference in my life...youre bloody presence doesn't matter to me anymore...go....leave me like other women...just go...' he screamed out and I saw tears flow out his red bloodshot eyes...He left his grip on my hair and pushed me away...I literally fell on the balcony door.... I balanced myself...we both were drenched in rain ... although i wanted to have this conversation...It was important!

I walked closer to him... I looked at his face... I touched his left cheek...He was drenched in rain and now I was also getting wet in baby Blue saree was literally sticking to my body at the force rain poured on both us...

He pushed my hand again...
'Doooont touch me!!!' he roared. I saw him rub his forehead and then his face to clear water from his face.

Water droplets dripped from his little stubble...

I tried to touch his face again...

'I said Don't' he pushed me away ...

But this time I pulled his shirt collar and pulled him closer....

My teary eyes which were drenched in the pouring rain met his bloodshot red eyes....we had an eyelock.

I was also angry but more than that I was hurt....

'You think I will leave you like Vedika and Aditi??? You don't need me right???I don't need a husband right???? My presence doesn't matter to you??? If so then why is your heart beating so fast Raghav?' I kept my hand on his chest.

He tried to push me but I didn't let the grip on his collar... Rains continued pouring on our bodies.... lightening struck again and again while thundering screamed at its loudest.

'Everytime I come closer to you...why do we both breath like this Raghav...why is there so much tension every time our eyes meet ..'

I pulled his hand and placed it on my waist.

'Everytime when someone else touches me waist like this why does it bother you'

I pulled him closer my breasts collided with his hard chest ... 'Everytime when someone is closer to me why does it bother you Raghav...Answer me damn it!!!'

I said at once.

Now we were literally breathing into each other's face.

His bloodshot eyes became softer and it traversed through my lips and again my eyes ...he looked much more calmer now although his heartbeats were fast and his face is now a bit more softer.

'You don't need any woman in your life? Correct! You won't need 'ANY' other women in your life! I am your only one!!! Get it??? And for your kind information to know how much I affect you!!!

.... Handle this if you can!!! '

I said and pressed my wet drenched lips hard against his mouth.

He was shocked!!! His eyes almost bulged and then went soft...Rains poured and so did my emotions. It was uncontrollably pouring out tonight.

I bit his lips hard and swallowed every inch of his lips hungrily ... I pulled his collar tightly to drag him more into my mouth ...

He opened his mouth to say something and my tongue took the opportunity to traverse around his mouth...

I kissed every corner of his mouth passionately...there was fire in every single moment of this kiss ... I again went back to his lips while this time I felt his lips capture mine...he bit my lower lip and continued kissing me passionately... Rain poured endlessly while his hand on my waist slipped inside my saree to feel the skin on my waist and roamed freely pinching and squeezing every muscle of my waist. I moaned and jumped slightly at the touch of his cold hands while already rains drenched us badly. The minute I moaned and open my mouth I felt his tongue entered my mouth and the pressure he pushed me my back hit the balcony door. But he didn't let the grip go....he kissed me with more passion and fire and explored my lips, my mouth like never before while his hands moved from my waist to my stomach and were slowly touch my belly button. I could feel him drawing circles at my belly button while I felt his passion increasing ten times more while his mouth was acquiring and claiming my lips and tongue....we kissed like never before....with the force he kissed me I felt although our front touched each other he suddenly felt the need to push his chest harder on my breasts.. he literally hovered on me standing in the same position we were while could here the balcony glass door hitting the wall behind...

Maybe analysing that the door may not be able to handle our passion he pushed me inside the room towards the wall. The vase next to us fell down and broke just like the thin ceiling of patience our bodies had kept before expressing the heat that had aroused in them in last 2 months...

His lips didn't leave my grip. He kissed and bit my lips again while slowly his hands made way from my belly button upwards and tension was building up like the beach waves hitting hard rock again and again.

I couldn't handle his touch so I pushed him towards the wall and took charge of our kiss that was going in a teasing way for last few minutes... I continued exploring his lips while this time he squeezed my waist and tried to attack my lips hungrily... But I didn't let the grip go..
I kissed him... pecked him...kissed him again. And just while he moved his hands freely and wanted to continue this passionate romance I pushed him.

I breathed hard. His lips almost had swollen at the intensity of our kiss. I believe mine too was same but I was least bothered.... I was was he... He looked at me panting hard while he took a step closer and I showed him my hand and asked him to stop.

'This is what I want to do to you... This emotion if you think I can feel for anyone else or if you think I can share with anybody else then I am reduced to a mere slut and nothing else'

Looks like our kiss had brought him back to his senses. He tried to explain...
'Siya listen...'

'No...this time you Shutup!!! Aniruddh is my best friend. We have been this way since childhood. I danced with him...he has carried me on his shoulders in my childhood...he had fed me when dad's surgery happened...I took care of him when his parents left him alone in India. We are friends. Pure friends. If you don't understand sanity of this relationship and had issues with it you could have spoken could have discussed with me but you chose to rant about it... speak about my character... My feelings are not like seasons Raghav they don't change like summer winter or rains... I have had my own share of insecurities I agree but I never questioned your character. I chose to keep quiet but I didn't talk rubbish like you did. '

Tears flowed like niagra falls from my eyes...I wanted our moment to be special but it was rather painful.

I continued ...
'If you don't trust me there is no point of our relationship Raghav. If I have to keep proving what I feel for you I don't think this will work out. We must rethink about this. Let's just think again once we go back to Mangalore. It's high time we take a call.'

He was shocked.

He tried to talk but I stepped out of the room...

Although while walking out I turned back once at him and said with my eyes filled with fresh tears...

'And ya... Please don't judge my character for initiating this kiss. It wasn't lust. It was an emotion you never understood and I will never..😢.... never express to you'

Saying this I ran out of the room.

While I saw Raghav fall on his knees and cry his heart out but I didn't want to hear anything...

I wanted my own corner to cry my emotions out... I was hurt.

My husband questioned my character today.

I needed to cry loudly...I wanted to scream on the top of my throat and cry out loud.

Rains were extremely supportive. They washed my tears and help me pour more and more fresh tears out helplessly.

I wanted Raghav to know Siya is always only and only Raghav's.

But with growing differences will Raghav ever be Siya's alone?

Only time would tell!!!
