Sharing bed with Baby Dragon🐉

Siya's POV:

We finally reached the reception and asked for our room keys...
The receptionist handed a key and I looked at Raghav....

'Are we staying in the same room?' I asked him...

He quickly asked the receptionist...
'Was there only a single room booked? I actually asked my P.A for two rooms' he said...

My heart slightly sank hearing that...I thought he would say 'Ofcourse...why not..after all we are husband and wife...' I just wanted to be sure that we were on the same page but looked like I need to hold my horses... I'm thinking too much too soon...

Ok... yes we both are together here ..we had a romantic bike ride (atleast I did,🙄) but rest I guess we need to slow down...

The receptionist confirmed that there was only one room booked...

'Oh...we don't mind another one for the lady' he said...

I cursed him badly...I cursed my mouth too... couldn't it shut it's mouth... But then his comfort is important too...maybe he is tired of sleeping on the couch back in Mangalore 🙄 I thought to myself..

However the lady confirmed that this is their peak season time and no rooms are available.. infact this one room was permanently booked for Prabhu's from last December ever since they became a regular...

'Ok... that's because of the frequent travels due to our new's either for dad, Namu or me...' Raghav said...

I was happy within...

I somehow didn't wanna be away from him...

'Its fine we stay together in same room back home na' I said...

'Please make sure you let us know the moment a room is free ...' Raghav told the receptionist...

This man ahhhhhhhhh😒😠 I cursed

Raghav's POV:

Seems like I was expecting way too much too soon...

I'm supposed to take it slower... Looks like Siya expected 2 seperate rooms...and here I was dreaming to have some quality time with her all by myself...

Anyways...rooms shouldn't really matter provided till I get to be with her 😍

I somehow covered up the embarassment by lying that it was a miss from Anupam's end on booking a single room...

Where as I clearly told Anupam that it be a single room...and ofcourse he didn't need to struggle as we almost have a room booking pretty permanent in this resort as Goa has been a usual since last November for myself, Naman and Dad.

But seems like she wanted her own room...
Just to convince her....I told the receptionist to let us know once a room is vacated...but secretly I prayed in every nook and corner of my heart to god that please please don't make the lady call back 🙏 I need this woman with me in my room....our room....❤️

We took the keys and the bellboy escorted us to our sky villa-suite....a private cottage facing the sea with a private's the most lavish cottage in this resort and had ultimate privacy...
Anupam did his best knowing I got married just 2 weeks ago and that Siya accompanied me😎😋

We entered the had a neat wooden room setup with a private pool next to the room, a king sized bed with soft silk covers was all glass room being a Sky Romantica it was 2 pm in the noon...sun was all a peek-a-boo into the room... The room had all exotic candles, a bowl of chocolates, a bottle of champagne...a bouquet of roses...

There was a note along with the rose bouquet ...Siya picked it up to read it

'Mr and Mrs Prabhu... congratulations on your wedding...Have a pleasant and a loving time together on your honeymoon'

I choked on my saliva....while Siya went numb for a few minutes...

There was an awkward silence in the room..

I quickly clarified...' I didn't...maybe it's '

'Its ok Raghav....I's ... fine' she said looking elsewhere...

'Ummm...are you hungry?' I asked changing the topic...

'Very' she said...

As we both were tired we thought of ordering food via room service...

We ordered Goan prawn curry with rice, Greek salad, Barbequed chicken wings and Goan Pompfret fry...

I quickly showered while Siya did unpacking and made some phone calls back home and the temple for tomorrow morning...

While I came back I noticed food had already arrived... I started serving the food while Siya quickly had a shower and came back changing into her PJ's..

She couldn't wait to dry her hair smelling the awesome smell of food.... Mangaloreans have a special appetite for's more of fish in our blood that blood actually 😉

We both hogged the delicious meal like was lip smacking...

Post our meal we had some kokum buttermilk to digest our meal....we were all we needed was a good nap...

I looked around the room and noticed a couch here too 🤦

But this one was almost half my size...In fact it was impossible for anyone to sleep on was a cozy couch where two bodies could stick doing all naughty things 😈 but impossible to sleep on it...

I looked at Siya and she looked at me and couch...couch and me ..... blankly!!!

I understood...
Huh my luck...I cursed and took the pillow and quilt threw it on the floor...

Just when I was about the throw myself on floor...

'What are you doing...' she asked..

'Umm....the couch is way too small...i dont think anyone can fit into it... I ...I thought I'll hence take the floor'

'No... please.... Ummmm'll end up with back pain after this long trip...'

I looked at her silently...

Again there was pin drop silence in the room...we could only hear the waves hitting shore....

'If you are ok...we can share the bed's a pretty big one' she said...

My heart danced a little 😋😉😬😍 but I maintained my poise and patience and just said


And put up the pillow on bed back again...

I hit the bed...after a few minutes I heard a dip next to me...

My heart almost leaped at that feeling 😋

She was next to me...

I could feel her clinging onto the other corner of the bed... I had a mad urge to turn around...

I wanted to see her...trace every nook and corner of her face... Oh god those brown orbs I drooled...

Unable to control my urge I gave up and turned around...

Her back was facing me...

I couldn't see her face...

I noticed her long silky hair all on the white pillow...she slept silky they looked...

I could see the chic Mangalsutra's string stuck to her hair on her fair sleek back of her neck which was visible from her v necked t-shirt...

She looked attractive that very minute...

She slept sideways with her mermaid body curved and curled in all right directions...

The single thin anklet was seen from her cotton pajama pants making her legs look more attractive

How I wished I could see her face I thought...

But I was happy to feel her breathe next to me...
This close...

It was a overwhelming feeling sleeping next to my little baby dragon 🐉😍❤️😉 but as riding the bike made me quite tired and I had a very short nap last night...the minute I was on the bed...I was out like a light....
