Not an update- Author's Note

Today morning I had the biggest smile on my face 🥰

Our 'Destiny Planned this one for us'
Crossed 5k reads.

The best part is... this novel is just 1 month old❤️

This is my second novel.

My first 'Rebound' didn't get the expected response so I am waiting to see if people need me to write it further else I will discard it.

Writing is just a hobby I had since my childhood days...

I believe in strong characters may it be lead protagonist or antagonist.

You'll hence find a pinch of human emotion everywhere in my writing.

My characters aren't perfect because I believe we are all humans.

May it be a 'self obsessed yet caring' Aditi...

May it be a 'selfless yet a tad bit jealous' Siya...

May it be a 'selfmade, dynamic yet introvert, under confident' Raghav...

May it be a ' all about herself, fed up of trying to woo, selfish, calculative' Vedika...

Or May it be ' Carefree, confident, cool...Although I love my brother, but if I don't marry her someone else would' kind Naman.

Every character has a human flaw...

Some less...some more...

You loved Siya at times... You hated her too...

You laughed at Raghav's possessive nature but at times I'm sure it got on your nerves too...

And you hated Vedika from the bottom of your heart😂 ❤️

But that's all your love for my characters.

I am absolutely smitten by Pearbhi... which is my favorite pair since last 2 years...I cherish to dream and write about ❤️

I have many more stories in my head, will try to pen them in future.

But this one is only for my supporters of my first successful novel❤️

Thank you all for loving each & every character.

Also thank you for putting up with my mistakes, my half edited, half baked stories, my random posts sometimes as I'm a software professional and writing is just a hobby which I do when I get my free time... sometimes in midnight too... but still you guys have always been making the effort to express your love & opinions so vocally ❤️❤️❤️

So thank you so much for your love and support ❤️❤️❤️

More to come in 'Destiny Planned this one for us'

Keep reading...

Keep loving...

Keep expressing...

Keep supporting...

❤️❤️ Love love 💕❤️

Vpsisthename20 ❤️
