Hips Don't lie...But men do?👯🕺

Raghav's POV:

(Men were in the sports room... Yash, Naman, Madhu played snooker, Aniruddh and Shreyus were playing chess while Raghav was lying on a lazy chair thinking of how to get that rewarding kiss 😘 from his wife❤️)

Well I have challenged her....

But how do I execute it😌

Hmmmm.....the Bachelor's party 💋

But they are seperate parties...🤔🤨

'What if we can sneak into the girls party Bro'

My high on harmones overexcited brother Naman blurted playing a decent shot...

He's getting married tomorrow 🤦 God bless Aditi 🤣

'They will think we are despo' Yash responded keeping the stick aside...

'Guys it's not going to be easy....And Naman did you forget the brands and sizes of sandals and chappals you were counting today morning post your extremely proud act of 'Being caught' in your own wedding trying to sneak into your wife's Mehndi function in a lehenga choli....

'Wooooow 'Tuchi Maraya Dhani Malari'
(Taunting In Konkani- You're the lord indeed!)

'Marta tu made' - (Konkani slang for 'you will so dead dude!')

He said and moved his queen taking away yet another pawn of Shreyus's white clan.

While they were quarrelling amongst themselves...

It striked me...

'We won't gate crash anything this time!!!'


I said with pride!!!

Aniruddh came to me...

'Dude.. see this is a queen and this is a bishop...

Although bishop is powerful but nothing beats a queen!!!

They are queens!

Impossible' he said getting back to his seat...

To which I replied...

'But if your king is under a check even queen has to give up and come in to cover the king!!! Am I right Aniruddh'

I said with a devilish smirk...

I had a plan😈


Siya's POV:

Time was ticking 6:30 pm.

The mehndi event had finally come to an end.

It was fun but I was dead tired...

Our next programme planned was the Bachelorette party...

I had changed to a golden saree in afternoon post a bowl full of Henna fell on my saree.

I was in my peach saree that I wore on my golden sleevless crop top.

Aditi and our gang didn't even let me change. All I did was carry a blue denim which I could wear on my golden crop top and my night t shirt with my floral pink hot shots as we had planned a bachelorette overnight pajama party 😜

It was going to be finally my relaxing hour...

I hadn't slept since last 24 hours, from last 48 hours my husband turned a complete pervert shameless lion 🦁 all trying to pounce and eat me raw🤦 and his sweet tortures which although I enjoyed but were really making this happening inside my stomach and many other body parts🙈 although I wanted to ignore...

He was touching me, kissing me, holding me and giving me sweet tortures only to hear those three words from my mouth 🙈

He had gone absolutely mad😄🤣

And now he and his innocent challenge.

He thinks he can make me say it so easily 😜

He however challenged me!!!

And I so wanted to win!!!

Because if I loose🙈 it would be my death!!

God.....I can't kiss him🙈🙈🙈 no ways....

Just then Aditi came pulling my bag saying...

'Time to gooooo'

And in minutes we were standing in fron of a beautiful beach sided bungalow...

It was a cozy bungalow with a complete wooden look... making it look more classy and gorgeous!

We girls were very happy...

In no time there was music booming in the bungalow...

We switched into our pajamas and in no time...

Dancing, swirling we saw the clock was already ticking 9:30...

We sat down to eat our pizzas, pastas and munchies we craved these many days...

Vish and Aditi had got a few bottles of beer, vodka and taquila.

I cringed looking at alcohol. I just hated the smell of it!

But you kissed your husband for the first time when he was drunk...😋

And the second time he was drunk 😬


Ahmmm.... well 🙄😒

So .. Shutup 😍

My heart said thumping hard remembering how passionate every moment it is when Raghav is so close to me...

When he touches me...

His kisses😍

Him calling me Jaan❤️ is my new normal ❤️❤️❤️

I'm whipped❤️

Totally ❤️

'Well that you areeee Vanni'

'Shit was I too loud?'

'Well....yes' Vish stood next to me holding a bottle of beer.

'Why dont you call him Vanni and confess it to him' she said...

I looked at her firmly and said...

'And why don't you listen to Appy huhh?' I asked Vish immediately...

Her smile face turned all pale...

'They are 2 different chapters Vanni' she said at once

'No they are not Vish...it's a case of clear misunderstanding...and you also know it....what is it!?? Your ego!??! Tell me Vish' I was quick

'Vanni I saw him kissing her" she hissed

'Well all that glitters isn't gold and I have seen that girl's sleazy cheap fluizy messages to Appy... Believe me Vish...I know Appy since my childhood days .. he is a gem of a man and you are his first love.... please give him an opportunity to explain' I urged...

She stood there silently for a few minutes and she finally nodded her head...

I was so happy that I hugged her❤️

That's exactly when Shilpa came hugging us from behind...

A little drunk...

'Girliiiiies.... Come lets play truth or dare'

Just then her phone buzzed...




No....I don't know...

I mean it's Goa ..

I don't know belly dancers in Mangalore and how will know in Goooooaaaa...

Go go Goooooa'

She started dancing...

I and Vish looked at each other.

'Shilpa....why did Aniruddh call 'you' !??

I had a bigger question...

'And why do you need to know about belly dancers...' I asked already fuming...

While she was almost at the verge of collapsing...

I knew my bestie is drunken monkey...

So I called Aniruddh directly...

'Hey Siyu....' he said...

I could hear loud music in background...

'Why do u need belly dancers' I asked...

While Vish still pushed to nudge me ask...

'Why did he call Shilpa;!!'

This girl I tell you ignored him like he was a ghost and now is bothered...

Jealous Brother sister... same genes I tell you 🤣🤣🤣😄😋 I thought...

But my brain went back to...

'Belly dancers'

'Appppy, why?' I asked firmly...

'Ohhh....ummmm...I dialled Shilpa by mistake... Wrong number' he said

and quickly cut my call...

And I was like 'Huhhh???'

I dialled again...

He wasn't picking my call now...

I was getting restless...

Why belly dancers....

What's their plan 😒😒😒

I needed to know!!!

I called Naman...

Didn't pick!


Didn't pick!!

I dialled Madhu...

Didn't pick!!

I dialled Yash...

Didn't pick!!!

And my ego was way too big to call

So I decided to keep retrying Appy...

Just then I heard the phone been picked...

I kept saying "Hello'...

Although I could hear noise...

Looks like the phone got received by mistake!!!

'Man she's so hot'

That voice....

That was Naman 🤨?????

Who's hot...??????.

I stuck to the phone putting it on mute and speaker now...

'God she's hot man....how I wish I met her 2 years ago!!!"

That was Madhu...🤨

Soon I felt my gang had stood in circles listening to the phone call...

'Ill tell you how hot I can make our house environment once you come home!!!😠'

Saying Meghana breathed fire...😤

'Woow she dances so well na...Hot!!!' 😕

Another voice...????

What the hell.... where are they...

Where is HE!!!????🤨🧐

'Really??? You are going to be a daddy soon... I swear I'll make you dance on my little finger now' yelled an annoyed Shipali breaking my thought process...

And then I heard one word...

'Sexy indeed!!!'


I couldn't complete the name...

While Aditi kept a hand on shoulder frowning and saying...

'Raghav! It is....he's no saint!!! Bloody buggers are they having a stripper party tonight 😠😠😠 I'm going to kill Naman and divorce him before our marriage itself!!!'

She blasted like a bomb!!!

I was ANGRY !!!!

That's it....

I had lost it!!!

'Pack your bags girls...

We are gate crashing the bachelor's party!!!

Right nowwww!!!

I was boiling at 100' right now!!!

I needed to see who that SEXY Bitch was 😠😠😠

