Hide and 'Seek' 🔥❤️- Part 2

Siya's POV:

(Lying on bed at 4:30 am)

Last 24 hours of my life has been the biggest roller coaster ever...

I experienced and went through so much I cant put in words...

I saw so many sides of Raghav and myself...

An Angry to an apologetic Raghav....

From a possessive to a worried about our relationship to the flirty sexy husband...

I have almost seen his every side in last 24 hours 😊

I.... I even kissed him...

Not just...kissed...

I smooched the hell out of him🙈

Although it was full of passion it had the all the pain from my broken heart that was poured into it...

I was extremely hurt at that minute...

I thought we could never overcome the bridge that was built post our last night showdown!!!

But then started he and his antiques 😌

Mr Raghav Prabhu is a total nutcase.

He did everything to woo me...

From roses to Chocolates to cards...

And what not 🤦

But I was still pissed off with him.

But my heart told me not to judge him too soon today post our breakfast incident today.

Today morning I joined everyone for breakfast but couldn't get time to have a breakfast. Although I was still irritated about last night's incident and wanted to just hide myself somewhere I am the eldest daughter in law of Prabhu's.

I am expected to function a certain way and to add on my sister was getting married in 2 days to my brother in law.

I was busy as a beaver totally swamped handling all the arrangements, entertaining all the guests. I couldn't let mom and Amma both run around for things. And I had dual responsibilities.

I was late for breakfast.

In fact you can call it brunch.

It was 11am. I was quickly serving myself food from the buffet table which was kept open only for me.

Although the breakfast table was smelling awesome with all traditional Mangalorean breakfast recepies may it be

Undi Dalitoy (Rice Dumplings served with Lentil soup)

Khotto Chutney Sambhar (Idli batter cooked in Jackfruit leaves served with coconut chutney and sambhar)

Panpolo Chutney (Soft rice flower thin dosas served with coconut and red chilli chutney)

Jivkadgi Phodi (breadfruit fried in gramflour batter)

Puri with bibbe upkari (non dried cashews sauted with coconut, mustard seeds, curry leaves and chillis)

With authentic Mangalorean favorite sweets like Kashi halwa, Sheera and malpuri.

I still chose 2 panpolo with Chutney and some bread with butter.

Although every sweet option on the table was tempting I chose to avoid them all as I had to do the running around... So much was done yet so much more was pending.

I sat down with my plate preferring to rather sit outside in the garden area.

Usually no one takes the table here for breakfast and is mostly the crowded dining space for candle light dinner in our resort.

I could smell the grapes from the farm just a few steps away from the garden area.

The sun wasn't too angry and was smiling luckily even at 11 am.

I dragged a chair and took the corner most table and started sipping my latte.

I can't do without coffee when there is so much stress.

I took my first bite of panpolo. I was hungry as hell. Although mom (Raghav's Mom is now more my mom 🥰😍) fed me a few spoons from her plate while I was organizing the phool Muddi prep work this morning, I obviously was hungry with all the running and jumping around.

The breeze from the sea made my hair fly high in air. I kept the spoon down to tie my hair into a pony tail.

The next minute I heard a chair been dragged infront of me.

It was Raghav. I already started getting up while he said...

'Please Siya... Once listen to me.... I know you threw my flowers, chocolates and cards away... but how will you throw my emotions away... '

I quickly hissed back 'Raghav... you're emotions are fucked up like you are... Better stay away from me... I witnessed them last night'

And I started to walk aside...

R: 'Siya please... That was not emotions... That was... That... That was'

S: 'That was what Raghav!!!'

R: 'That was my jealousy! Yes...I was jealous as fuck!'

Although I knew it....I didn't expect him to tell it to me on my face... I started walking away...

He held my hand...

'Yes Siya...

I was jealous...

I didn't know Aniruddh was just a friend of yours...'

I turned back ' Seriously Raghav.. that was your bloody trust on me?' I shouted at him

To which he held both my hands and said...

'No Siya...

I know you...you will never break my trust...

But you can call it insecurity...

I was insecure of Aniruddh...


I was worried....I'll... Loose you...'

I froze... But he didn't stop...

'And ... Honestly...I'm sorry .... but that expression may...may never change in life ... Although I will still trust you... But my feelings...

That's not under my control'

I was shocked at his open confession...

I jerked his hands off and started walking away...

Although entire afternoon the same thought repeated in my head...

'I was worried....I'll... Loose you...' hammered in my ears ang heart again and again...

Then at Aditi Naman's Phool Muddi ceremony...this man was staring and glaring at me like no one's business 🤦

He had his camera 📸 which kept flashing on my face every now and then...

I don't know if it was Aditi Naman's engagement or my modelling session 🙄🤦

Then I heard him dedicate a song to me...

'Jiya Dhadak Dhadak jaye' 😳

What was he doing to me...

Although I was still angry on him...

Every single lyrics from the song were cryptic and I saw his smile creep up every single line...

While I was turning pink and red at this act of his.

Although still pissed off!!!

And looking at a starry sky at approximately 8:00 in evening I hear him next to me...

Although he was again trying to convince me...this stupid fellow's eyes were wandering everywhere on me making me concious...

He was passing me side glares making me concious for wearing a crop top lehenga and my stomach was visible although covered my dupatta, my waist was exposed more than necessary and this man was looking at me again like no one's business...

I walked away... But post this event the entire evening and night I saw him irritated and always avoiding his phone.

I already suspected something fishy...

I was waiting for an opportunity
..I evesdropped and heard Raghav when he was near the gents washroom...

'What the hell are you a psychopath??? 21 bloody missed calls??? Are you mad??? '

I was worried now... I was trying to listen more so I know who it was...

Then I heard
'Vedika please!!! It's impossible!! No no ways... I can never.... No ways... Stop blaming me for this.... Not I'm not'

I was shocked on hearing about Vedika... what was she blaming Raghav for!??? What's her intention...

Then I heard Raghav pleading her not to come here...

That doubled my worries...

Why was Raghav not wanting her to cine here???

What's he insecure about???

I knew Vedika was a cunning fox...

I had read about her company undergoing huge losses as one of my classmates in London during my PG days was getting married and had placed an order for a Indian wedding dress, her order was been cancelled at the nth minute saying they were shutting down.

So I decided to read and find out more about Vedika Bhat and VB Designs from Raghav's PA Anupam.

Anupam was working with Raghav since last 6 years and was Raghav's right hand wingman.

I asked him to get me all details about Vedika in next 1 hour and Anupam used all his contacts and got me all about VBDesigns and her.

One interesting piece of information that Anupam shared was she visited MMC hospital recently and illegally tried to access information about Raghav's blood reports.

But I knew Raghav didn't fall ill offllate then what reports was she trying to access???

Just then it striked me Raghav donates blood for needy and last month he donated his blood.

I was sure something cruel is cooking in her head!

Although we weren't getting much details.

I had to protect my husband.

Yes my Raghav.

I was angry with him.

But this woman can't ever harm him may I be pissed with him to any extent.

It's between us.

It's between husband and wife.

And no bloody Vedika Bhat.
Can enter our bedroom!!!

I was determined!

And way to go she was ready at Namu's birthday party to create a scene!

Thank god Raghav had strict security and media was banned.

We already had enough drama running on local news channels about my pregnancy and baby bump🤦😠🤷

Vedika came up with stupid allegations.

I heard everything but kept quiet.

Although I knew Raghav can NEVER do this!!!

I looked at his eyes once.

His eyes spoke truth.

I didn't need any further clarification or confirmation.

So I played reverse psychology with Vedika. She was shocked to know Raghav still didn't hold powers completely in Prabhu Group of Hotels... I also convinced her that Raghav is only a beginner when it comes to independent ventures.

Although Prabhu Group of Hotels was Raghav's baby. And Karmarkar would never break ties with Raghav as he trusts Raghav much now. The trio grew stronger just in a month's time.

But Vedika need not know it.

And then she spit out everything.

She was not exactly a gold digger but also was annoyed from his rejections. Ofcourse money was a quotient now to her but I had heard from from my friend she had one of her collections for her last summer collection named RagVed collection🙄

She wasn't a bad woman it's just that she fell for Raghav when he was completely done with her.

Initially she didn't value his emotions and looked down upon him for his looks and introvert personality. But she realised her emotions for him 3 years back probably when he proved his worth. Of course she was charmed by his success but then no one tries indefinitely upon a man who keeps rejecting you Unless you really feel for him.

Now again when her truth was out she cursed and tried to degrade Raghav which I couldn't take. I showed her place. And she stormed out of the resort.

Vish was squealing in happiness, looks like both brother and sister hated her like hell😂

Vish hugged me in the pub and gave me a new name 'Savage Siya Vanni' 😂😂😂

I was laughing at her antiques. But she and Aniruddh although not on talking terms wanted me to launch a case against Vedika. Seems like they both didn't trust her a bit. But I didn't want to take any legal actions against her. Raghav was initially her one sided love which later turned into an obsession for her. I somehow felt pity for her. So I let it go. And I didn't want more drama in Aditi Naman's wedding we already had enough running on tv channels. 🤷

But Raghav has completely gone crazy since that minute. Entire evening and night all he did was 'Send me uncomfortable glares 🙈'...

I was literally running away from him.

I didn't know I guess I confessed a tad bit too much infront of him when my showdown happened with Vedika.

I called him hot, handsome and sexy🙈

Although he is🔥 😉 but Raghav need not know that...

Since that very minute this man is everywhere.

Even some minutes ago I tried avoiding the conversation with him and ran into this room. I couldn't shower in peace ..I couldn't sit in peace 🙈 and now I'm not able to sleep 😋

What's he doing to me🙈 god...

He's turning like a drug...

I'm trying to get rid of it but then I ....

I want that drug badly ❤️ I'm addicted to it!!!

I want Raghav ❤️

I have no idea what this feeling is...

But he makes me crimson pink ❤️

(Saying she pulled the duvet on her face, just then the door knob clicked)

Oh Shit ...he's here!!!

Oh my God... My heart is running a marathon literally..

Control Siya...calm down...

You have attended drama classes in school...time to practice 😨

Raghav's POV:

'Siya here's your la...tte'....

Oh guess she's asleep.

I kept the latte on the dressing table. And started removing my watch.

I needed a good shower before hitting the bed.

So I picked my bathrobe and towel and went to take a quick shower.

After having a quick good shower I was tying my bathrobe I heard anklet sound.

I slowly opened the bathroom door to see Siya was trying to quickly remove her anklet and trying to shove it in the nearby dressing table drawer.

So....she's awake😊 and trying to hide from me😋😉 interesting...

Let's have some fun😁

And a quick smirk had occupied my lips...

You will so regret lying to me my Jaan❤️❤️❤️

This one's gonna be fun😉
