Say Hello to....Miss Vedika Bhat...

Raghav's POV:

Once the dress was delivered...soon I received a call...

It was from an unknown number...

I picked the call...

A sensual female voice on the other side said...

'Its delivered on time... I hope now you know that I believe in valuing time and people too'

How can I not identify that voice...

'Thank you much' that's all I could manage to reply to her cryptic question...

I heard her have a mighty laugh...

'Do let me know if that woman ...I mean your 'Wiffffffe' doesn't like it...ideally she must ...our choices are pretty much similar' she said...

I couldn't manage a counter answer to that query...

I just dropped the call saying I'm getting late.

My phone beeped again...

I looked at the message on my was Radz...

It read... 'Dont be late... I will wait for you both... specially Siya'

That's when I remembered about the reunion party...

I saw the time, it was already ticking 6:30pm

I went upstairs while I noticed...Siya was sitting on the bed busy on her laptop.

I noticed the delivered package was not even opened and kept on the dressing table.

She didn't even open it!!!

I didn't know what had I done that irked her so much...just because I couldn't give her enough time... But I honestly tried...

I walked to her and asked
' didn't check the dress?'

To which she replied that
'She was busy with some urgent orders and had to sort them out'

I was pretty much pissed but I tried to keep a straight face and maintain my calm.

'Siya ... there's a party at 7... Please get's my college reun'

She cut the conversation and said

'Im busy Raghav...I have a call with my Mangalore team... wedding season is in now... Please excuse me I am' she said

This time I cut her conversation and said
'Its necessary for you to come Siya... Radz wants to meet you... Also many of my college mates who couldn't attend the wedding... please... So be ready by 7'

This time I didn't wait for her response and left...

We reached the hotel by 8 pm...

We were late and Radz started pulling my leg...

I introduced Siya to everyone... Radz teased us a lot as both of us wore white.

I wore a white blazer with pink shirt and Siya wore a white Saree with a tint of pink at the border...

Everyone was congratulating us just then a hand touched my shoulder and a sensual voice called my name...

'Hi Raghs'

I turned around and she was here...

She wore a black and golden skirt a black stretched full sleeves blouse...her dark makeup made her fair skin look way too shiny...

With her lips painted blood red she said...

'So we meet again'

The next thing she gave me was a side hug...

Siya kept staring at me like she may grill myself and her on a fire grill tandoor.

Siya's POV:

I'm here at this stupid party where I don't even know people.

I could have politely disagreed to it again but I just got ready and surrendered...

The only nice thing about this party is Radhika...I mean Radz...she's a sweetheart...

She kept cracking PJs and made me laugh the entire evening...

Just then I see this woman in black skirt, kgs of makeup hug my husband...

Only when I saw her face I was shocked...

She was the same lady with whom I saw Raghav on a date that night in Goa...

Post that Raghav tried to act all innocent and sweet but my heart somehow didn't like to talk to him...

Now I see her here... At Goa I thought she was a random chick but she being here proves she is someone 'dear' to Raghav...

Raghav also didn't protest to hug her...

Huhhh...with me he trembled, shivered, acts all wierd...and this ...this... whatever is ok with him...

Just then I heard Radhika ask me...

'Shes still in touch with Raghav???'

She who??? I asked and Radz looked at me...

'Raghav told you about her right??? '

I nodded a no.

Didn't he mention about a girl on whom he had a crush during College days...

I recalled what Raghav told during their initial days of post wedding...

'Ummm...yes I remember"

'Hmmmm... That's her...Miss Vedika Bhat... Such double standards this girl has.... Initially she would not even look at Raghav but since Raghav set up his business empire she turned out to woo him so badly...'

'And Ra... Raghav???'

'Well Raghav doesn't believe in looking back in time and hence never paid her heed...
But now she's in India... so just be careful'

Radz said....

In no time I saw that there was a ballroom dancing organized that begun...

All pulled their partners to dance, soon I saw Radz was also pulled into dance by her husband Yash...just when she left she asked me to go to Raghav...maybe she was too worried about Raghav spending time with that Miss Vedika Bhat.

I somehow still didn't feel like throwing myself at Raghav...I mean come on... everyone is matured enough to choose their partners... And if Raghav wants he would ask me to dance... but wait...
Raghav doesn't dance...he doesn't know to... remember Siya he rejected to dance on our own reception...

That's when dj switched to one of old famous tracks...

'Aapki kashish...sarfarosh he....aapka Nasha...yu madhosh he Kya kahe tumse Jane jaan... Gum hua hosh he...'

I look at the crowd dancing and I notice Radz a little shocked look behind me...

I turn around to only notice the scene I didn't expect...

Raghav... In a dance with Vedika 😡

While his hand was on her back, her hand freely roamed on his chest...

Tears literally prick and heart sank... I didn't come here this night to see this...

That's it ..I couldn't handle it anymore...
So I just left from there...

Soon I heard Raghav's voice behind my back but my anger was already on cloud 9...and I definitely didn't want to break down in front of him and his 'Old school crush!!!'
