Mesmerized by evening or her?

Raghav's POV:

Oh God ... It's getting tougher to ignore this woman post what happened few minutes ago...

At lunch she was sitting opposite to me...but my bloody mind was playing all crazy games...once it says look at her...once it says Shut up you shameless soul..

It's getting wierd.

But she seems to be a little more emotional. I mean when Ajjo offered her bapama's jewellery and Sarees she was in tears.

She hugged Ajjo... Ajjo is my most special one... specially after I lost bapama in my I realized one thing for sure that Siya will take care of Ajjo just like me, Namu, mom or dad.

In a way she's a perfect fit in😊

I dressed up in my 3 piece Armani avoiding the typical kurta pajama...I'm never so comfortable in it.

My suit gives me confidence. So I chose to dress up as per my comfort.

Applied my cinammon flavoured perfume and walked down the staircase only to meet a pair of beautiful eyes...

She looked into my eyes with a pout. I couldn't control my laugh.

I'm not that handsome..but this woman and her wierd looks were making me feel embarrassed.

Just then a bubbly girl , almost the same age as Siya introduced herself to be Siya's bestie.

The next minute she blurted out my wife's confession that she feels

'i am hot!!!' my eyes immediately followed Siya's face who was looking everywhere except my face.

I had a slight smile on my lips... Soon she dragged her friend into the guest room as makeup artist was getting her ready there... Mom doesn't appreciate outsiders enter our bedroom, unless it's family or close friends.

In no time the clock ticked a 6:30 and mom was getting desperate to leave...just then she went to check upon Siya and didn't come back even after 10 mins ..

Soon I saw mom coming along with Shilpa and I see her just behind mom.

I was stunned.

Traditional jewellery

Neatly tied hair into a loose bun

A strand of hair stroking her pink cheeks...

But above all she was wearing...

Bapama's saree...

Mom was feeling proud looking at her. I understood that mom had cried...she was extremely close to mom lost her mom at a very young age and Bapama was her lost mom..when bapama died my mom was broke...she always wanted to be the best mom in law just like she got one... But little did she know her daughter in law was also the perfect fit into Prabhu family.

While everyone were emotional seeing her including me....Ajjo was rubbed his eyes to wipe his tears...

I was the only one standing there like a meteorite struck onto me directly.

She looked absolutely royal...

My mouth automatically said out loud


And Naman started laughing.

Dad teased me saying ' Son...kindly close your mouth... else the saliva will drool out'

I was embarrassed... clearly while everyone burst out laughing.

Shilpa slightly nudged Siya teasingly who was just looking down not knowing how to react...

These were foreign feelings happening to both of us since yesterday and were blowing up crazily since our morning encounter.

Both of us had tough time looking at each other.

Our embarrassment was clearly visible even at the reception party.

The couple who clearly didn't bother to click pics with any kind of pose till yesterday was feeling shy and uncomfortable with each other even to stand next to each other.

And the photographer made us hold each other in various positions.

The most embarassing was when the photographer asked me to hold Siya by her waist...the minute I touched her waist...she jumped like a corn seed put in microwave...

Siya's POV:

I don't know why the hell are we acting this wierd...

It's like we are unable to face each other since this morning...And to add these two idiots Shilpa and Naman ....

I have no idea when they got along so well...they both were helping us pick the bouquets and were laughing at our universal embarrassment and the photographer's antics.

Shilpa was however with Naman inspite of Aditi being there... Aditi hated Shilpa and Shilpa couldn't tolerate my sister's existence...but today the trio was together...Aditi was on the stage staring at me while holding Naman's hands....Naman, who was clearly feeling uncomfortable due to his fiance's antics as it was our reception and we maintained a decent distance and Aditi was up for a good show for PDA on stage... When I heard Naman softly explain her the same... She shut Naman by saying 'We are in love and they are's simple' and continued clinging onto him.

Aditi however was giving me a stare from top to bottom as if she was analyzing me...and was giving side smiles...i understood I didn't match up to her beauty standards even today and I was least bothered. I knew my sister's taste...I could never dress up or look like her taste...I always preferred my comfort.

However I didn't expect her to vomit venom at this party.

While everyone finished wishing us on the stage and we went down to meet our friends and guests...

I was introduced to Naman's friends...

Shreyus and Shipali ...they were a newly married cute couple who had settled in Mangalore. Shreyus was a doctor and Shipali owned her own clothing line and was a successful designer.

Meghana and Madhusudhan...both were IT professionals and had their own IT company in Mangalore which was flourishing extremely well...they were the youngest billionaire couple in market.

Then there was Harshita... she was also a budding entrepreneur and was also Raghav's business partner in the Goa project. She had many resorts in Mangalore and Chennai... Goa was her first co venture with Raghav as the land was purchased by Raghav and resort investment by Harshita.

She was Naman's bestie but considered Raghav as an elder brother.

All these folks loved Naman and had immense respect for Raghav.

Soon I saw Shilpa got all chatty with Shreyus Shipali, seems like they knew each other... Do all doctor's know each other? I wondered...

While all this I soon saw my sister wave a hi to everyone... Strangely today Raghav wasn't making faces or behaving odd. He looked normal... Not sure if he felt the same. Feelings can't be overcome within a day or two.

Soon Aditi came closer to me and whispered in my ear.

'What are you dressed in? Why are you looking like a old lantern in this thick borderered red saree and that grandma jewellery... I expected better from you today dumbo... Remember I packed your reception dress... Why are you in this'

I knew this will come from her
..I looked down and I tried to explain the same time... Music started playing and everyone was pulled to dance while everyone expected me and Raghav to dance...

Raghav denied.

Aditi gave a smirk and told slowly in my ears

'Huh... See...this is why I didn't marry this bore... Who doesn't dance at his own wedding reception'

I felt a rage in my heart... Why is Aditi a snob always... I hates it when sge speaks so lightly about Raghav...I rolled my eyes while she dragged Naman to floor and they kept dancing.

Slowly everyone stepped on the floor and I was standing in a corner with him.

I could feel his gaze on me. I looked up to meet the two most mesmerizing eyes...

He smiled.

If looks could only heart said yo me❤️

Raghav's POV:

I hate loud music and crowd... But how can someone run away from their own wedding reception.

I had to stay... As usual everyone went dancing on the floor...but today for the first time I wasn't left alone. I had company.

A beautiful company.

Siya looked like a goddess in this dim light and her deer like eyes had a shine I couldn't take my eyes off from...

She was standing in this corner and clapping at everyone. Suddenly her eyes met mine and boom...

I was gone...

I got lost in those eyes...I don't know why...

I don't know for how long we kept looking at each other.

It's only when Shilpa came shook us both and we heard the gang laughing at us...we were back to this world.

EMBARASSING!!! With a Capital E!!!

What's happening to me...

Just then mom asked us to have dinner and I was asked to feed Siya...

Embarassing again...but I picked a spoon full of rasmalai to feed her ...and damn I was lost in her eyes again such that I dropped it on her Saree...

Oh .. I'm so sorry I told her trying to offer my handkerchief to clean up....

Shilpa helped her clean up...

While Aditi casually blurted out something insensitive and annoying

' That's ok... finally now she has a reason to get rid of that tacky saree... I mean look at everyone... Who the heck wears that 1940 saree at a happening party like this in a club...' here's she laughed making fun.

I could clearly see Siya feel bad but she ignored that comment...

Shilpa's looks were such that she could literally burn Aditi into ashes.

Naman nudged Aditi asking her to shut up...

I didn't like the way Aditi spoke about Siya...

Siya excused herself saying...
Let me wash this off with's a bit sticky

And walked towards washroom.

'Lol she wants to wash that tacky saree...' Aditi blaberred again.

That's it...

'Well I think my wife looks absolutely stunning in my grandma's saree... Everyone wears fancy gowns, fashionable ethnic wear but if she could carry my grandma's saree this gracefully ...I think carrying anything else is a piece of cake for her.. anyways beauty lies in the eyes of beholder and she's absolutely gorgeous. Infact the most beautiful lady in this party' I said at once without looking at Aditi's face.

Everyone was shocked. Naman literally had his mouth open and Shilpa was laughing. Aditi had a bitter face and left from there.

Shreyus-Shipali, Madhu- Meghana looked at me with surprise and Harshita held my arm saying...' Good one bro'

Naman had a smile on his face...

I didn't know why I did that... I back answered Aditi...


For Siya???

But I kinda liked it.... Aditi couldn't do that to Siya ... It's not right. Not just because they were sister's... because now Siya was going to be Aditi's sister in law.
