Coffee confessions!!! confrontations!!!☕❤️

Raghav's POV:

She spoke her heart out...

She expressed her emotions...

She cried...


She left!

I let her go...

I blaberred shit ...I questioned her character...

I don't know what rubbish I blurted...

Alcohol was never my thing...

But was it all alcohol???

Wasn't it because of your emotions???

Wasn't it because of whatever nonsense you thought about her...

How could you Raghav!!!???

Again repeat it???

Agreed... Agreed you were jealous!!!

You were possessive...

But questioning her character?

Where did that come from!!!


I wanted to cut my tongue for speaking about her like that.

Siya is a simple straightforward girl. Haven't you learnt about her that much in last 2 months???

I must apologise to her...

So I tried to get up but my head was still under the affect of the alcohol although I was under the rain for sometime.

I thought I must have a shower quickly. So I took s quick shower and changed into a shirt and pant.

The headache was still there... although a little better.

I must look out for Siya and talk to her my heart told me.

Yes I must ..I thought and started dialling her number although I noticed her phone was on our bed.

I decided to look for her.

I went back to the party and saw everyone still dancing and singing happily.

I couldn't find Siya anywhere.

I couldn't find Vish or Shilpa...anywhere... I found Shreyus and Shipali-Shreyus dancing so I asked them if they saw which Shipali said that she left after her performance and they never saw her the entire evening.

I looked for her at the lobby, reception area, dining area... everywhere ..she was nowhere...

While I was looking for her everywhere I finally reached the farms area in the night. I noticed Siya with Shilpa, Aditi and the Gooseberry...I mean Aniruddh.

The minute I went near Siya she started to walk away. ..

'Siya please... listen... please'

But she continued walking away...

While I heard a voice from behind me...

'She won't stop Raghav...After all you don't need her na?' I heard his voice.

Aniruddh was looking at me angrily.

Although I still hate him...I didn't like his presence there in between our personal matter. Aditi was atleast family and Shilpa a close friend but this guy was an outstider.

'Siya please listen just once' I pleaded but had already left from there and I was standing helplessly. I had noticed her tears.

While I still heard this man taunt me...
'She is planning to go back to Mangalore and seperate from you soon...better apologize for your mistake Dude'

Seperate??? What the hell does he mean by seperate???

She's going to leave me??? divorce???

No no no no!!!! Siya.... No I can't loose her.

I started walking towards the direction she left...

While I felt a hand on my shoulder.

'Where do you think are you going Raghav. She is my sister. She is hurt. She is's tough...she wont listen. Why did you do this? If you had a problem with Appy you could have told her...but it's unexpected from s gentleman like you...'

While a man was still glaring at me from behind.

I also shot him a stare.

While he came asking me ' why are you looking at me like's your fault...'

'My fault???? You came in between us...'

'Between???? You came in between us...I was her friend first...get that? '

I froze hearing that.

'Ohhh.... so you have feelings for her???'
I said

And the next minute I felt his hands grabbing my collar...

Aditi trying to calm us both...

'Are you crazy Raghav... You are still on the same track??? You are unbelievable' he wanted to maybe punch me...

While Shilpa and Aditi took him away.

Now I was standing alone in the farms.

I don't know how long I stood like that thinking about what happened...

If he really meant that I came in between their friendship???

Did they love each other,???

Ofcourse not Siya ..but maybe Aniruddh...

Maybe Aniruddh loved her...


I walked to the corridor area while I saw Aniruddh with Siya. I stood behind the pillar and noticed the next minute I saw her in his embrace. My blood boiled.

He held her hand tightly and said ...
'Thank you're the best... And whatever you are doing for me...I assure won't regret.'

What did he ask her to do!??? Divorce me??? No no no....I can't loose Siya...

'I love you will always remain my first love my darling... thank you for everything...' he said

I froze!!!

I waited for her response...

'Anything for you Appy. It's just the matter of one night. Trust me...I'll try my best to get this mess cleared...give me some time'

Mess??? 😢Our marriage is a mess.?? Just one night??? Will she leave me tomorrow...

I saw him kiss her forehead while I wanted to literally stitch his lips and maybe burn those hands with which he cupped Siya.😡😡😡

The next minute I saw her enter Aditi's room.

When I saw him take few steps towards the corridor I pulled him by his collar and punched him hard.

Next thing I saw was he was on thr floor...

I dragged him by his collar to the lobby area which was empty now.

'What the hell is wrong with you psycho want to fight me?' he asked angrily...

'I will kill you tonight...I heard you bastard??? Whatever you are planning....That's never going to me till I'm alive it'll never happen' I said and BOOM👊 another punch landed on his right cheek.

'But why Raghav....i really feel for her dude' he said and boom I punched him again 👊

'Whats wrong with you Raghav??? Are you on weed or something???' I heard him get up and question me...

'How dare you touch her, you also kissed her?? Bloody you' I took my hand to punch him again but this time ..I landed on floor.

His one punch and I was on floor.

'I am a State champion in boxing Mr Raghav Prabhu me you don't want a swollen eye at your own brother's phool Muddi function' he said setting his hair back again...

'If you're a state champion in boxing I am a trained martial arts expert...come lets try who's stronger'

Now both of us were at loggerheads.

While we heard a voice from behind us...

'Stop it both of you??? This is my wedding event not a boxing ring' I heard Naman yell at both of us.

He walked towards us and said...
'One man is a reputed surgeon...and other man a reputed businessman and what are you both fighting for??? Huh....???'..

'Its not a misunderstanding Naman I heard' Naman didn't let me complete the statement...

' you trust Vanni?' I heard Naman ask ..

'Yes I do ..' I said softly...

'Then why are you both trust Vanni right then just stop it!!!'

Then Naman looked at Aniruddh and said....

'You dude!!! You have fucked up enough...when are you stop creating these confusions ....please sit and talk to my brother before he ends up like a maniac... he's very possessive about her!!!' he said looking at me and Aniruddh.

Finally we decided to behave like matured educated men.

Naman took us to coffee bar. It was nearly 11... Coffee bar was about to close but this is my resort... exceptions ofcourse...

We sat inside and three cups of coffee.

Two latte, one Americano was kept in front of us.

I had my Americano and Naman Aniruddh picked a latte each.

Naman started...

'I don't beat around the bush Aniruddh!!!'

'Do you love her???'

There was silence in the room...

I heard him reply 'I do...'

I was shocked.

And ..

'And...she...?' Naman asked him while I was clenching my fist and glared at Naman...

'I....I don't know... She loved me dearly back then..but now..I know ...a little more time I can win her back'

And I got up and threw the cup of Americano on his face.

His grey suit went ugly...

'What the heck man... Naman you need to tie your brother somewhere...he needs help...he needs to keep his shit together' he yelled...

And the next second I jumped on him...

'Keep my shit huh??? You bastard you want yo win her back??? My wife is not a trophy to be won!!! She is mine... and I'm never letting her go....NEVVERRR!!! Now that she kissed me absolutely NEVER'

I roared!!!

While I noticed Aniruddh was confused...

'Win your wife??? Why will I win your wife' Aniruddh said

'You kissed Vanni 😍 when did this development happen Brooooo' I heard Naman sing like a love sick puppy...

I glared at both of them one after other.

One was confused other was drooling and I didn't know what was happening 🙄🧐🤨🤔

R: 'You just said you love Siya'

A: 'Who told you I love Siya huhh?? You're on weed oh what dude???'

N: 'Did you guys propose each other'
(Well this one was on another planet altogether 😒🤦)

R: 'You just confessed you love Siya and you will win her back...'

A: 'Crazy or what...Siya is 7 years younger to me ...she's like my baby... don't make me feel like a pedophile'

R: 'Excuse me 😡Siya is 7 years younger to me too... infact almost 8 years 😡😡😡'

A:' Ummm... No no...I didn't mean to offend you's just that she is like my baby ..I have seen her in diapers so I honestly can't have those feelings for her. She's just a friend'

N: 'Have you both gone on a date bro...tell na'

I was so annoyed with Naman that I literally asked Aniruddh if he can wait for the next coffee....

'Sure' he said and I splashed the hot latte on my brother's shirt...

'What the fuck bro....' he screamed...

'Exactly!!! Now Shut the Fuck!!! Bro!!!' I said shooting my glares at Naman and he literally kept finger on his lips.

Now some business to finish.

I turned back to Aniruddh and asked him...

'If not Siya...then...who? I mean I saw you kiss Siya outside Aditi's room...' I mean...

'Oh Goshhhh!!!' he caught his head.

He breathed hard and said...

'See I am in love ...but not's....'

'Its???' I raised my eyebrows...

'Aditi??? No not again please... Aditi can't switch again' I said while

Naman spat his coffee on my face.

'Broooo.... Not Aditi...she loves me and only me' Naman our love sick puppy said.

I cleaned my face with the tissue.

Aniruddh laughed hard.

Well we all were smelling coffee now!!!

'Then who dude???' I was irritated now.

The waiter got us three more cups of coffee and we picked each one.

'Ummm.... It's your sister Vishakha'

Aniruddh broke the bomb on my head and I froze

'Whattttttt' 😳😳😳

I didn't know how to react.

I picked my Americano and took s sip

'Well.... Vish is my longtime girlfriend ...since last 5 years' he broke another bomb on my head.

I spat the coffee of his face this time.

'Well.... expected!!! ' he said and wiped his face with the tissue.🙄

'Why didn't you tell me or anyone of us ..' I asked him angrily...

'Well that's because Vish broke up with me last month and came here
...I didn't know whom to tell what to do...then I met her in Shalini aunty's house and then I discover she is your cousin....and I have heard about your temper ...if she ever told you that she caught me with another girl you would hang me to death' he said...

'You were involved with another girl??? How dare you and you want to reconcile with my sister way' I said firmly...

'No... Raghav please listen....she saw me with someone and misunderstood...I love her man...I really do ...'

I saw tears in his eyes and I felt bad...this strong man had tears for Vish in his eyes...

I patted his shoulder...

'Have your coffee... we'll find a way... Don't worry' I told him.

He smiled.

We all took a sip of our coffee...

'Dude I have an idea must kiss my sister' Naman blurted.

And we both spat coffee on his face.


'😒😬 expected's ok' Naman said.

This man was in a complete honeymoon mood 🤦

However I was somehow relieved that coffee confessions and confusions were all cleared now ❤️
