Jealous Much ??? Mrs Raghav Prabhu - Part 2

Raghav's POV:

I started running behind her...walked down the building but I found her nowhere...

In no time I saw her take an auto...I tried to stop her but the auto already left...

I ran to the parking area to drive my car back home...

There was usual traffic at the Kankanady junction and it took a complete half an hour for the traffic to clear...when I reached home it was 11:30pm...

Mom asked me why did I and Siya come home seperately... unfortunately I had to lie saying Siya wasn't feeling well so she came shouted at me for letting her come alone in an auto at this hour of the day. Night!!!

I quickly went upstairs dodging her questions... I saw she had already slept off.

I went and sat next to her...For a minute I wanted to wake her up...but I didn't feel like doing it...

So I just lied down next to her.... slowly drifted off to sleep...

After sometime I felt like the table lamp was switched on and off minute I felt a movement next to me...I quickly opened my eyes...the room was all dark...only the single dim light near the washroom area was on... I saw her pick a pillow and walk towards the couch...

That's when I realized out of my habit in Goa I slept next to her on the bed...

'Siya stop... please... I'll take the couch if you want'

I heard no response from her...

I got up from the bed when she was putting up the pillow on the couch... inspite of replying me back she chose to ignore the entire conversation completely and was about to take the couch...

I held her wrist...

'Siya... I said I'll take the couch...I know you're angry it's fine'

Surprisingly she turned around and first smiled...

That sarcastic fake smile again...uhhhhh!!!

'No Mr Prabhu...I'm comfortable...I anyways had to get up early for finishing some finance work and manage also plan some orders... including the engagement preps after all mom has given me the responsibility for sweets and the cake too... tomorrow morning we will be expecting guests pouring in'm just trying to...'

I cut her explanation to short...

'So... you are not angry with me Siya?'

And the fake smile returns... what's with that fake smile!!! Really....

'Why should I get angry? What's happened after all for me to get angry...I'm good' she said looking everywhere except my eyes . ..

'Look into my eyes and say that Siya...I see you're changed attitude towards me since Goa... and today when I was dancing with'

She cut me in between...

'Why do you think I'll be upset with you...what's happened that should bother me...huhh...' now she sounded a bit annoyed...

'Because you were shooting me with your eyes alone all the time I was dancing with Vedika' I said once and for all...

She laughed...

'Oh please Raghav... I'm not upset ....infact why should I care with whom you dance or be's your life...your choice...your friends... Your girlfriend'

'She is not my girlfriend Siya...I told you about Vedika before'

'You think I'm interested Mr Prabhu? It's your life your choice...I don't care' she damn that fake smile.

That line 'I don't care' got into my head like a snake...And that smile added fuel into the fire... I pulled her towards me and she crashed into my chest...

I looked into those brown orbs that almost popped out at my reaction...

I stared directly into those eyes and asked...

'If you really DID NOT CARE...then why the hell did you storm out of that party....'

She walked towards washroom without answering me...

I held back her wrist...

'You are not going anywhere without answering me'

I said firmly!!!

'I have answered you what I felt Mr Raghav're friend..girl friend or whoever she none of my business... I guess you keep forgetting this marriage is nothing but a really doesn't bother me what you do... with whom you be... So...cut the crap once and for all'

She pushed away my hand and started walking away...

'So mean you felt nothing when you saw Vedika in my arms? Right?'

She turned around and said

' fact even if you are with anyone Does not Bother me!!!' she said going to the washroom...

I was boiling like lava!!!

Really Siya??? I was gritting my teeth in anger.


Siya's POV:

There were so many guests who were home for Naman's engagement...we had a good crowd already although engagement was next day afternoon owing to mom dad's 35th wedding anniversary today.

Family planned a small house party owing to Ajjo's health. It was just close nit family members and a cake cutting ceremony followed by dinner in the loud music no was very much unlike the Prabhu's Prabhu's functions were one of most happening ones in Mangalore for years.

I hadn't faced Raghav since morning...I didn't know where he was ...but I was glad that I didn't have to face him...

Last night after seeing him with that woman only I know what I went emotions...they are all mine...why should it reach anyone...why should I ...I don't care what he does...with whom he goes around...after all this marriage is nothing but a compromise!

I organized everything for the party and our close friends and relatives were here...

Dinner was cooked by our hotel chefs and sweets and desserts by my chefs.

The anniversary cake was baked all by myself.

It was a total 5 kg was a vegan choco walnut cake with mint and cherry gloss poured. It took me hours to make it but it came out perfect.

While I was decorating the cake I saw mom entering the kitchen with my Amma...

I was so happy to see Amma...I hugged her...asked for dad...she said he was talking to Raghav's Dad outside.

She was so happy seeing me do all the mom in law was also very excited to see I made a cake myself for her anniversary...

She proudly said 'Although every year the cake for our anniversary came from Siya's... This year the owner of Siya's herself has baked a special cake free of cost in my house 😄'

All three of us laughed out...

Soon I saw Aditi come in... She greeted mom and side hugged her...I always felt mom didn't like her much and Aditi didn't care.

Aditi saw me with the cake and came her comment...

'Ohhh God Siyu... Stop this today atleast..I mean you could ask your chefs to make it...I have to still keep preaching you about all this... I mean there's a reason Prabhu's have cooks... showing off your cooking skills everywhere...every time you don't need to look like a maid...for god's sake go dress up...its just a cakr big deal' she said very casually...

'Aditi!!! It's not just a cake!!!Siya baked the cake because she loves us not because she wanted to show off her culinary skills...she's already very good at it and everyone knows it very well...she doesn't need certification from anyone. Also kindly behave when you to talk to her...she's just no longer your sister alone. She is my eldest daughter in law and Narayani Prabhu will not tolerate if anyone tries to ill treat her daughter in law'
Mom was really angry at Aditi...

'Mom I was just trying to'

'Listen maybe Siya's elder sister as of now...but in future Siya becomes your co-sister... Relationship wise she is your elder brother in law's wife. She becomes elder to you and also the eldest daughter in law of this house...this family... So no one will tolerate this! Mind you...careful next time' mom warned me...

While Aditi was pissed...I could see it clearly as her voice which was pretty rough now...all that came from her mouth was

Soon after mom left she left the kitchen gritting her teeth in anger.

I didn't honestly care today about Aditi today... I wasn't in a mood at all. Although I didn't want to think about Raghav i somehow ended up looking for him all the time...

'Where the hell is he?'


All guests had arrived, including Radz, Naman's friends Shipali-Shreyus, Madhu- Meghana...only Harshita was missing but she promised to reach for the wedding.

I was dressed in my pink Georgette saree , mom wore a beautiful Benaras silk saree and dad looked dashing in his white silk kurta a
Pajama...Finally the cake was cut and even then we didn't see Raghav around...

Soon the cousins played some light music and everyone was dancing (ofcourse not too loud knowing Ajja's health)... I made sure Ajjo ate his meal, had his tablets and went to sleep.

When I came out of Ajja's room I saw Raghav in a white Sherwani with another woman... she was wearing a skin colored short pencil cut dress, sticking to him like she didn't have any strength in her body...His hands were on her shoulders freely...

Oh....he has got this girl to our family function now excellent!😠

Radz and Naman both were busy talking to each other. They also didn't bother to ask him??? And mom dad...they are ok too???

Aditi asked me like she got a pickle served with biryani ...'Who is she? What is she doing here...etc etc...' I was already irritated and my sister... Can't she for once not be a bitch...I thought...

Oh this man brought 'his Vedika Bhat' home...guess he doesn't need me here anymore...

I literally wanted to go back to my house to my parents...but I couldn't do that...

What will I say dad? How will he react...No ...

So I just quietly chose to walk into our eyes no longer wanted to tolerate him romancing his ex girlfriend or crush or whatever she meant to him...

While Raghav stopped me ..

'Hey Siya... please meet her..she...

I cut him right there without even turning around...

'I m not interested Raghav... Im having a headache...let me go'

'But just meet her na'

Is he out of his mind...why the hell should I meet that B**** of his...what pleasure will I get doing that... F off Raghav Prabhu...I cursed him all bad words in my head...

'Let me go can introduce her to your family...I am not important'
I managed to reply still looking towards roof and curtains ...

'Atleast turn around and greet her ...I meant...she couldn't come for our wedding'

Huhhh you would have any day chosen to marry your so called first crush if you had a choice...

Hard luck!!! Huhh...stuck with an unwanted relationship I thought to myself.

'Let me Go Raghav... I need some sleep' I said and started taking quicker steps towards the stair case...

Just then I heard an unknown voice...

'You are really that busy that you can't meet me once is it...I am sorry I missed your wedding but please don't be angry at me 'Vanni' (Vanni means sister in law)....' the voice said...

'Vanni??? Why is Vedika calling me vanni?'

'I promise you and Bro both that I will treat you for free and will address your every phone call at a single ring and make sure my idiotic brother Pampers you like a baby when you both get pregnant vanni' she said...

Huhh??? what??? Brother??? Pregnant???
And I turned around...

I saw a girl with a short skin colored dress ..nice silky hair with a million watt smile...

I was confused...She isn't Vedika... who is she???

While Raghav introduced me to her..
'Meet Vish... Oh I mean Dr Vishakha Prabhu... Gynaecologist and Obstetrician earlier at a well known hospital in Chennai...from next week at MMC Hospital Mangalore... In short my darling younger sister is back home yeayyyy...' he hugged her tightly and she hugged him back...

'Missed you re' she said...

'Sister???' I was dumbfound...

'Eyy by the way Raghz...Shutup are just 2 months elder to me...that doesn't even count if you were born on time at 9th month it wouldn't have been the case but you were in hurry there too' she punched him teasingly...

I smiled at her...she hugged me...

'Sorry vanni...I got caught with a few emergencies and missed your wedding...but see I'm here.. finally after 5 long years I'm staying with mom dad in Mangalore...It's so good to be back '

That's when Raghav told me that she was dad's sister Sunita Aunty's daughter.

Sunita Aunty stayed along with her husband and son in Mangalore. They owned a cashew factory in outskirts of Msngalore... Wooww dad sells calories daughter is a doctor...I laughed at that thought...🤣 I didn't know they had a pretty daughter too.

Although Vishakha was 7 years elder to me she addressed me as vanni...she was warm and no time she and I became good friends...

I asked Vish to call me Siya...but she preferred vanni better. She was well mannered and a humble person inspite of being a top notch doctor in Chennai...she only came back as uncle aunty forced her to come back home as they wanted her to get married.

She met Aditi and they greeted each other and got busy chatting about the wedding prep and stuff like shopping, dresses, etc... soon Naman joined them too...that's when I felt a strong gaze on me ...

It's like a pair of eyes shooting me all the time. Yes ..none other than Raghav Prabhu!!! The great!!!

Raghav was only smiling post the situation that happened some time back .. the party was on...all elders were dancing and teasing each other... Slowly all the guests left and I still felt Raghav's gaze on me ...

He wanted to talk to me...

I quickly went upstairs to avoid our conversation lying I had a headache...

Vish hugged me and told that she will meet me tomorrow at the engagement and that I should take rest if I am tired...while Aditi hugged me and asked me to take rest too...

I was in no time in our room. Removing my earrings while I heard the bedroom knob click.
