Adding fuel into the Fire 😈🔥🔥🔥

Raghav's POV:

I exactly knew from where to begin this and who can help me best...
Radz was a God's child so she was a big no...My only goto was a devil's advocate 😈 who better than my little Dr Devil who is back in Mangalore...

So next thing I did was to bribe her😛 what better than ice cream and Mangalore had the richest icecream parlour in entire Karnataka...

So next thing I saw her do was eat the 3rd chocolate ice cream in a row🤦

'Vish...are you really a doctor??? I swear anyone looking at you wouldn't say so 🤷' I told her...

She smiled with her teeth that was now brown stuffing in a spoonful of chocolate choconut icecream in her mouth...

She moaned like a singer.... licked the spoon like a child

'Mam...if you're done making love to that spoon can we talk?'

'Hmmmm....Tell me bro... anything for making me eat ice cream' she said dumping another spoonful of it in her mouth...

I explained her everything and she listened patiently...

' you mean you want to make vanni realize that she loves you' she said winking back at me...

'What love??? There's nothing like that... I just want her to realise that I matter to her...that's love shove pls'

She laughed out loud...

'Raghz Bro please... You want to make her confess her emotions too...and you say you don't feel for her... then why do you want her to confess...tell me'

I honestly didn't have an answer to that question... however being the businessman I am...I put up my argument...

'I want her to realise that it's not just me who wants this's her too...'

'And why do you want her to realise it?' she counter questioned ...

I was getting irritated with her counter questions...

'Are you here to do a problem Root cause analysis is it? What are we ??? Playing 5 why's here 😡 ' I was getting irritated...

She laughed and said...
'O.K fine ...I'll let you figure it out yourself when time comes... It's just that I'm a doctor and I believe in getting to the root of every problem before prescribing medicine!!!'

I just sipped my coffee and looked elsewhere...

'Bro please ya... Ok fine... I'll help you🤗...'

Finally 😬 emotional torture always works with my cutie sis❤️😛😋

She hatched a plan and my eyes almost popped up.

I wasn't really sure about it.

'Vish...this is quite a thing to do...I don't know if I'll look like a loose character after this' I told her

But Vish knew exactly how to handle this...

She confidently said...

'Bro...chill...I'll organize everything... We just need to book a really cool pub for I'll handle it😉'

Well although I nodded a yes... My brains warned me this is going to be wayyyy too much if not handled heart chickened out but Vish told me to trust her instincts.

And we went home.

Next day morning was Aditi and Naman's engagement ceremony followed by lunch...

It was a lavish affair like how Namu and Aditi preferred it to was a grand event although mom wanted it to be. Traditional engagement ceremony and a silent one there was no dancing, partying . Although it was one of Mangalore's richest events.

Siya was busy organizing everything while mom dad were on the stage doing the rituals.

She ignored me like plague.

Vish kept winking at me and gave me a thumbs up saying everything is mouth went dry but I somehow nodded a OK.

Soon after the engagement followed by lunch we all youngsters gathered in a corner of the hall while Vish came and announced...

'Guys...on the honour of Aditi and Naman's engagement I have organised for a party at a happening pub it's gonna be all night partying '

While our gang which had Madhu-Meghana, Shreyus-Shipali, Radz-Yash, Aditi-Naman hooted loudly...

I looked at Siya who looked uncomfortable and got up saying she has to go home and help mom as the house was a mess.

While Vish side hugged her saying ' Vanni a sport. Come's just one night... please'

While Aditi also joined in saying 'Ya Siyu please don't screw it know mom won't let me all night party with Naman... atleast I can convince her that you are coming... please'

Finally she nodded a yes!!!


Our gang directly left from there...

Shreyus-Shipali joined Madhu Meghana in their cars...

Naman chose to go with his newly engaged bride Aditi.

I was finally happy to go with Siya all by myself until my devil sister jumped onto the backseat of the car🤦

This girl...The gooseberry between us 🤷

I started driving while Vish instructed me the route...

And soon we reached...

Our cars almost reached at the same time...

We were literally in a jungle...???

'Where is the pub' Shipali asked...

'Are we at the right location guys??? ' said Madhu...

Vish smiled and said...Guys...the cars can't go let's walk...

It's just 5 KMS from here...

We looked at the Rocky muddy roads...

'What a mess...Which pub is here' Aditi looked around and asked.

'Guys just follow me' Vish instructed and we started walking...

Most women cursed my little sister atleast at their heart as all wore pointed heels...

I'm sure Aditi hated her the most🤣 she wore a designer lehenga which almost weighed 10kgs with jewellery and stuff...

My sister I tell you...she could have atleast warned people about her adventurous trekking 🤣

Imagine a newly engaged bride fully dressed trekking in jungles 😋

Other women wearing sarees also cursed Vish...😛😛😛

We men also started sweating in the screeching summer of Mangalore, after all except Madhu the lucky bugger we all were in our sherwanis...

I was lucky to have worn a sherwani kurta on my jeans... 🤠 On my way j started unbuttoning my Sherwani and my darling wife started panicking walking by my side as everyone walked way ahead of us...

Finally she spoke the first line to me in the entire day...

'What the hell are you trying to do'

I looked at her and stopped in front of her...

She was shocked...

I walked towards her...

Now she was walking in the opposite direction...

I started unbuttoning my Sherwani...

'Wh...Wh...What ar are doing'

She was shocked...And she suddenly hid her face with her palms 🙈

I started laughing loud...

'I have a t-shirt within this Siya' I screamed...

She slowly removed her palms off her face and saw I was in my white t-shirt and jeans...

She started shooting daggers at me and started walking quickly from there... She was finding it tough to wear her sandals (although no heels) walk further...but she was so angry with me that she literally held her sandals in her hands and started walking on the stones and muddy roads like a pro 😹🤣

I followed her...

Soon we all reached a resort named

'Green Jungle Retreat'

Everyone was mesmerized looking at the greenary there.

While I looked at her❤️

It looked like a nice nature friendly was situated next to a mini water stream...a natural spring which looks like flowed from the hill behind the resort...
Mangalore outskirts are indeed beautiful I must say.

We soon entered the resort... While the manager greeted us saying

'This way Mam Sir'

And we were made to sit in a lounge and served some drinks...

'Its indeed beautiful Vish' I heard Shipali say...

We were made to sit on a table which was by the side of the flowing water...

We could see the sun set and hear the chirping of was beautiful...

Everyone praised Vishakha's choice ❤️

Vish went away and was back in no time offering us keys ..

'Here are your keys...

This one's Ships-Shrey

This one's for the MadMeg couple 💕 cuties

This one's for my loving bro Raghz n Vanni 😉

This one's for us you both don't have the official license to Hmm Hmm Hmm' she cleared her throat...

While everyone was laughing...

Naman was cursing Vish in his heart 😁🤣

While the only person uncomfortable was Siya!!!

Just then Vish announced...

'Guys don't even think about sleeping tonight... No one's sleeping clearly...

We are going to party hard... But I chose the rooms just in case any of you pass out post the late night plans I made for us post the DJ ends his music here'

Everyone hooted 'Voooooooahhh'

'But this place is so silent and boring' Aditi said

'Hey Aditi just wait for it to tick a 8pm'

And everyone dispersed deciding to go their rooms where Vish had got some t-shirts and jeans organized for the men and some skinny dresses for the women...

Siya although tried them wasn't comfortable...she hence chose to stick to her saree while we all changed.

'But how will you dance with a saree vanni' Vish tried convincing Siya...

'My comfort is most important Vish...I'm happy with my saree anyways I'm not here to entertain anyone' she said firmly.

I understood that taunt was for me in particular.

In the room while we freshened up Siya was all the time on phone talking to mom...but as there was a network issue she wasn't able to talk...

But atleast she informed mom that we reached safely.

Finally it was ticking 8 and I asked Siya...

'Shall we go'

She looked elsewhere saying

'You go... I'll come later...'

I felt sad to leave her alone while I tried convincing her...but she being she


Huhh...this is a flop's never a cake walk with this woman I thought...

While I opened the door my little devil stood there and in no time she pulled Siya out from the room...

'Ill look dumb coming to the pub in a saree Vish please....' she argued...

'Come on just said it's all about comfort and the sexiest thing a woman carries best is confidence and that I know have in loads as you married my business toolkit brother 🤣🤣🤣 you deserve bravery award too' she teased and laughed out loud while I felt like hitting her head with a stick!!! Little 😈

We entered the pub looked fabulous... No one could imagine this kinda silent jungle had such a ravishing pub...

It was crowded...I honestly hated crowd but today Vish instructed me to cope up.

Soon our plan was to execute.


Everyone got on the dance floor and started dancing like crazy...

Soon I noticed everyone getting drink including Naman 🤨 since when did he start drinking and the next I see Aditi join him...

Literally my gang took turns to the bar and danced like maniac...

In no time a girl came and pulled me in for dancing...

She literally was throwing herself on me and got all touchy with me while Siya was boiling ...

Next thing I saw was Vish instructing me to do close dancing with her...I was feeling nervous... It was all a plot by Vish...

Soon we saw a bunch of belly dancers groove on the stage and everyone hooted...

Soon many dancers came down and started getting all touchy with me...

Well my sister went a little way too ahead in this confession game making me uncomfortable myself...

While although Siya was getting angry ...I was getting way too uncomfortable with women literally throwing themselves on me...My friends, Naman, Aditi looked at me like I turned into a 7 headed snake 🐍

I was trying to get away from each one and finally said a sorry to each one and ran out of the pub...

That's when my gang started laughing at me and I knew the plan backfired and was a total fail.

And Vish was like so pissed 🤦 I poured jug full of water on her plan.

Siya's POV:

I couldn't control my laughter while those women were trying to woo Raghav and he literally ran outside the pub 🤣🤣🤣

And yesterday night he was trying to give me feels of getting touchy and today when the women tried it on him...he got so touched that he ran out of the pub 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I will never forget it in my life...

But the next minute I realized...a man who literally ran away from women who were throwing themselves at him won't he be loyal?

Why am I acting like a 5 year old child who is like 'Mummy she stole my chocolate'

I behaved like an idiot last entire week without letting him explain... maybe what he said was right.... maybe it was Vedika who was trying to get closer to her...but why will she???

Well.... atleast he deserves a chance to explain...

I must go and talk...

So I walked out of the pub...

I looked for him everywhere...I went to the room... he wasn't there too...

I went outside and finally reached the water bank and noticed the unimaginable

Raghav was with her!!!


And she that B**** was in his arms!!! Their faces were so close...

Was he going to k ...kiss h...h...her??? 😢

Tears literally couldn't hold back themselves... They just said...'We are done now...not anymore Siya...let us flow please'

I couldn't stand that sight. I walked back to the pub and threw myself in a corner.

Aditi came to me...

'Heyyyy Siyu....what are you doing here....come wwweeeeeeww let's party' she was fully drunk

She saw me crying...'hey why are you crying....oh waiit no one got you a drink...wait I'll be back....she said....' I was crying non stop...

Aditi tried to force feed me the smelled alcohol...I pushed it aside and that smelly thing fell on my saree'

I just walked out of the pub and ran back into my room

Anyways I needed a place to be alone and cry my eyes out.
