Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Nicole's point of view: (Next Monday) I looked over at my clock, it read 6:15am "UGGG" I said rolling over. "Why do I have to be so dang nervous, he's just asking me to dinner nothing else." I say pulling out my phone. MSG; Sutton!! HELP ME!! I don’t know what to do what to wear what to say! HELP! I texted my BFF. Since its 3am in California I don’t expect a reply but just then my phone buzzed.

 MSG: Why the heck are you texting me? ITS ONLY 3AM!! But what r u freaking out about? MSG: Guess who asked me to dinner so he and his family could properly meet me? I texted her with a smile knowing she would freak out. MSG: AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! TELL ME UR KIDDING!!! OMG R U SERIOUS?!?!?! I look over to make sure I didn’t wake Libby with my laughing; sure enough she's sound asleep still. I quickly text back. MSG: no Sutton I’m lying...... of course I’m serious. Well I guess ill figure this out. It’s to friggen early to be up.

 MSG: Ur telling me... G'nite. U better call me later(: When I wake up I look at my clock and it says 12pm. "Well I guess I should get up." I say as I head to the restroom. "Hey Libbs." I call out. "Ya." I hear her say. "Will you drop me off at Scotty's later?" I say. "What for?" She says. "He envied me for dinner with his family." I tell her. "Ok" she says as I continue to get ready.

 Scotty's point of view: It's 2pm when I looked at my phone as I was heading downstairs. "Hey momma!" I say "in the kitchen! What's up Scotty?" She says as I walk in. "do you remember the other day when all the guys were hear, Nicole saying she has never heard of Bo's." I ask "Yes why?" momma says. "Because I was thinking since she's coming for dinner tonight we could pick up some Bo's for dinner so she can try it then Ash and I are going to show her around town." I say

 "That sounds like a wonderful idea, I’m sure she will be very grateful since she is so new here and doesn’t know very many people." momma says. "ok cool, I’m going to go chill with the guys and pick up dinner after cause I haven’t got to see them much since tour just started and this is the first break I’ve had." I say. "Ok have fun dear." Momma says.

Nicole's point of view: "Hey Libbs." I yell "I wanna get there a little early! You almost ready?" I say as I got to text my BFF. MSG to Sutton: About to leave to go to you know whos! Wish me luck! "Ready" I hear Libby say as I hit send message. "Do I look ok?" I ask giving a twirl. "You look great, cowgirl boots are a nice touch.' She says. "I used to get made from of for wearing them back home but they have come in handy here." I say with a laugh as we head out the door.

As we pull up to the house I quickly thank Libby and hop out. Walking up to the door I notice Scotty's truck isn't there. I’m lucky to have met Scotty, he has been so nice to me and I don’t have many friends around here. I think as I ring the doorbell. Seconds later Mr. McCreery answers the door. "Hi Nicole nice to see you again, please come in." He says. "Ash Nicole is her!" Mr. McCreery says up the stairs. "Coming" she says. As I walk into the kitchen I see Mrs. McCreery sitting at the island.

"Hi nice to see you again." Mrs. McCreerys says jumping up to give me a hug! "Hey you!" "You’re early." Ash says behind me. "Ya Libby dropped me off early, I hope that's not a problem." I say nervously. "Of course not, come sit, my parents and I would love to get to know you a little better.' she says leading me into the room were there sitting.”So what made you move from California to North Carolina?" "That's a big change." Mrs. McCreery says. "I’ve always loved country music and living in tight nit communities so I knew I wanted to move to the south and I found out that NC state had some good classes for what I’m majoring in." I say.

"What are you majoring in?" Ashley asks. "I'm majoring in Animal Science with a major in physical therapy." I say "I want to get into Domestic animal rehabilitation." I say "Since we’re all asking questions, I have one for Mr. McCreery." I say. "Uh-Oh." he says with a laugh. "Last week when I had tried sweet tea for the first time her I noticed you laughed after I told everyone what I thought." "What was that about?" I ask. "Oh I could tell by the look on your face you weren’t a huge fan of it and I don’t blame you, I hate that stuff." he says with a laugh. "Oh well, I don’t hate it and I don’t love it either." I say "sooo." Ashley says. "I wanna know what you thought when you found out this was Scotty McCreery's house." she says making air quotes. "Cause I heard Libby threw you for a loop and didn’t tell you beforehand." she says.

"So what did you think?”“Ya what did you think." I hear a familiar deep voice say behind me. When I look over I see Scotty leaning in the doorway with a large bojangles bag and a smile on his face. Aw heck I thought.
