Chapter 24

Chapter 24

 *Nicole’s point of view: I’m pretty rusty on my skiing skills so don’t be alarmed if I’m sliding down the hill on my butt.” I say as we get on the lift for the bunny hill to warm up. “Dang it, I hate these things.” I say burying my face in Scotty’s jacket. “You’re afraid of heights?” Scotty says kind of socked. “I’m fine on roller coasters but everything else, yup.” I say into Scotty’s jacket. “Hey look at me.” Scotty says lifting my chin. “Your fine, I won’t let anything happen to you.” Scotty says giving me one of those kisses that makes me dizzy. “Thank you.” I say giving him a kiss just as the ski lift gets to the top of the hill.

“Let’s go.” I say starting to go down the hill. I starting doing S-turns and snowplowing when I was going to fast and when we reached the bottom we watched everyone else come down. “Nice Sutton, your not to shabby.” I say hugging her while following Scotty back onto the lift. Once on the lift I realize it’s not for the bunny hill. “Wait were is this lift taking us?” I ask Scotty. “It’s going to the very top on the mountain for the black diamond run.” Scotty says looking away. “WHAT?” I yelp. “I’m not an expert.” I say flailing my arms. “I’m not that great of a skier, I’ve never done a black diamond before, how am I going to get down, I don’t wanna die, but why on earth did y…” My rant was cut off by Scotty’s lips being pressed to mine. “What was that for?” I say staring into Scotty’s eyes.

“Because you wouldn’t let me get a word in, do you no your tend to rant when your upset or frustrated?” I said. “I do not!” I say wrinkling my nose. “You do too besides I was kidding both hills are intermediate.” Scotty says kissing my forehead. “Sometimes I forget that when I prank you, you’ll get me back.” I say with a laugh as the lift gets to the top of the hill. “Come on Scotty were going to race the girls, let them go down that one.” Will says calling Scotty over. “Ready set go!” Colin yells as we head down the mountain.

We get down at pretty much the same time so we call it a tie. “Will where is Scotty?” Sutton asks “Uh umm, I think I found him.” I say pointing to a guy sliding down the last part of the hill on his butt. We all bust out laughing.

Scotty’s point of view: “You tricked me into going on a black diamond, why didn’t you warn me first, I swear I saw by life flash before my eyes.” I say glaring at Colin. “Nice butt sliding skills back there little bro.” Ashley says laughing. “I’m sorry I’m sorry I can’t…. his whole backside is covered in ice.” Nicole says busting out laughing as I feel my face get hot. “Ok that’s it.” I say throwing Nicole over my shoulder and walking over to a huge soft pile of snow. ”NOOO PUT. ME. DOWN! DON’T DO DON’T DO IT!!” Nicole says laughing. “Sorry I slipped.” I say dropping Nicole into the pile of snow, but she grabs my leg on the way down and cause me to fall in too. “I’ll get you back for this eventually.” Nicole says. “Uh-huh.” I say leaning in and meeting her lips with mine as we get up. “DANG IT DANG IT DANG IT DANG IT!!!” Nicole yells hoping around. “What’s wrong?” I ask slightly worried. “I got snow in my pants.” Nicole says hoping around some more as we all laugh.

Nicole’s point of view: Hmm I no exactly how to get him back I think as we head back to the hotel. I grab a piece of ice with my bare hands and hold it until I can’t hold it anymore. “Hey Scotty, hold up let me fix the back of your shirt.” I say lifting it up like I’m going to fix it, instead I press my freezing hands against his bare sides. “HEY!” Scotty yelps. “Sorry my hands were cold.” I grin flipping my hands over cause Scotty to wince from the cold. “What am I going to do with you, dagum girl.” Scotty says as we enter the elevator. “I can thing of something.” Nicole says leaning up to kiss me. “So are you ever going to stop pranking me?” Scotty asks while hugging me. “No way you’re to fun to mess with!” I laugh as we reach our rooms.

 One for the guys and one for the girls. “I love you Nicole.” Scotty says kissing me. “I love you too Chipmunk cheeks.” I say hearing Scotty groan and roll his eyes before walking into his room for the night. Twitter: @ScottyMcCreery: Had an awesome day skiing with @_willnorris @Colin_Perry @TVLassiter @ashleymccreery2 @SuttonRose95  and @NicoleElizabeth94. Home tomorrow. Only managed to get one face full of snow thanks to @NicoleElizabeth94. #GottaLoveHerTho(; I retweet the message before closing the app and falling asleep with a big smile on my face.
