Chapter 27

Chapter 27

 Nicole’s point view: “Hey Scotty what time are we leaving for your new tour?” I ask. “You seriously think your coming on tour with me?” “Haven’t you realized that I never loved you, I was only using you to get to Sutton, and In fact, I hate you.” Scotty says walking out of the room laughing cruelly and over to Sutton so he could kiss her. “NOOOOO!” I yell jolting awake. I couldn’t control the sobs that were now coming out of my mouth as I start to cry. “Nicole!” “Shhhh, I’m here calm down, what happened?”

 Scotty says jumping awake and pulling me into his lap.  “I’m I’m, I’m ok, I tend to have nightmares when I’m upset.” I manage to say in between sobs. “I’m here; tell me what it was about.” Scotty says holding me close to his chest like you would a baby as I start telling him about the dream. “Babe, you know that would never happen, I love you and only you, you mean everything to me.” Scotty says lifting my tear soaked face up so he could meet his eyes with mine. “I know it was just so real, it freaked me out.” I hiccup. “I no but it was just a dream, try and get some sleep.” Scotty says giving me the sweetest and most caring kiss before I curl up against his chest and fall back into a peaceful sleep wrapped in Scotty’s protective arms.

I’m awoken by a pair of lips on mine. I open one eye and see Scotty looking at me with a grin on his face. “Good morning beautiful, it’s time to wake up, we have to leave for the airport soon.” Scotty says before giving me another kiss. “Normally I’d object to getting up this early but since it’s the first day of your new tour I will.” I say rolling out of bed and grabbing my phone. “Happy Valentine’s day babe.” I say giving Scotty a big kiss before heading into the bathroom to get ready. “I’m ready.” I say heading downstairs to see Scotty holding a teddy bear and a box of candy and a small box. “Awe thank you babe.” I say giving him a kiss. When I open the small box I see a delicate gold ring with a little cross on it that’s rimmed with tiny diamonds. “It’s beautiful Scotty and you will get your surprise later.” I say giving him another big kiss before sliding the ring on the ring finger on my right hand. “Press the bears paw.” Scotty says as we get in the car.

When I press its paw I hear Scotty’s voice. “Nicole, happy valentine’s day, I love you to the moon and back, you mean everything to me.” The recording says. “I hope you bought extra batteries cause I’m never going to get tired of hearing this.” I say with a chuckle as we head to the airport.

Scotty’s point of view: Flight 237 now boarding we hear over the intercom. “That’s us.” I say grabbing Nicole’s hand and leading her to our seats which are just behind my parents and my sister’s seats. “Not a fan of flying?” I ask Nicole as we take off. “How could you tell?” Nicole asks. “Oh just a guess not because I’m loosing feeling in my right hand.” 

I say with a chuckle as Nicole looks down and let’s go of my hand while her face turns red. “Your so cute.” I say giving her a reassuring kiss before taking a wolfnap. I’m awoken by Nicole’s voice then I feel her lips on mine. “Come on sleepy head wake up, were going to land in a minute.” Nicole says gently shaking me awake. When we land and get out luggage we load everything on my bus that’s waiting for us then we climb on. “Nicole this is Big Loretta and this is you bunk.” I say setting her stuff on it.

“Scotty, open the curtain to your bunk.” Nicole says as my parents walk in. When I open the curtain I see a basket filled with some of my favorite things. “This is awesome!” “I thank you and so does my stomach.” I say giving Nicole a kiss as my parents laugh. “Open the two boxes,” Nicole says as I grab one and tare it open. Inside is a big blanket that’s red and white, One side has out school symbol the other has a bunch of words that represent our relationship. “

You just had to add chipmunks cheeks in their didn’t you.” I say with a laugh. “Yup, now open the other!” Nicole says excitedly When I open it I can’t help but let my jaw drop. “It’s a guitar strap.” I stammer. “Yes and read what it says.” Nicole says as I do. One side says Phill 4:13 and the other says McCreery but underneath etched in tiny lettering so you can only see it if you look close it says ILYTB-NB .

 “Thank you so much.” I say giving Nicole an extra long kiss. “No problem.” Nicole says with a slight flush to her cheeks. “Guys were hear,” momma says. “Ready to have some fun and see what I do for a living?” I ask Nicole. “You bet.” She says as I grab her hand and help her off the bus and into the venue of the first show on my new tour.
