Chapter 11

Chapter 11

 Scotty’s point of view: Ok today’s the day; I’ve got to get everything ready. I think as I pull up a new text. Msg to Libby: Today’s the day! I need you to get Nicole out of the house and distract her, but I need her to be all ready at the house by 5pm. Msg from Libby: Chill out Scotty I’ve got this! U must really like her because your never this nervous(; Taking her to the mall now.

 “Momma, Dad I’m heading out to get everything ready and make sure everything’s set!” I say. “Nicole’s one lucky girl, hope all goes well Hun, call us if you need anything.” Momma says as I head out the door.

Nicole’s point of view: “Ready for our girls day out?” I hear Libby say as I grab my purse. “Yup!” I say as we head out the door. After we shop till we drop I noticed Libby pull out her phone and when she looked at it she got a worried expression on her face. “What’s wrong?” I ask

 “Nothing we just have to get you home and ready.” Libby says practically dragging me out of the mall. “Ready for what?” I ask. “I can’t tell you, just go with it.” Libby tells me as we pull up to the house. When I get inside I see Ashley is there. “Here put this on then we will do your hair and make-up” Ashley says handing me a knee length floral dress with my boots.

 After I change they start doing my hair and make-up. “Why do I have a feeling Scotty is somehow involved in this.” I say.  “Finished!” They both say as Ashley hands me a mirror. “Wow y’all have really out done your selves.” “Now can you tell me what’s going on?” I ask as I head downstairs.  “Ready to go?” I hear a deep southern voice say. I turn to see Scotty there. “Hey you!” I say going on my tip toes to give him a kiss.

 “Yes I’m ready but can you tell me what’s going on?” I say giving Scotty a pleading look. “Nope.” He says grinning as he gives me a kiss on the cheek. “Y’all are so cute!” Ashley says pushing us out the door. “Have fun!” They say before locking us out.

 Scotty’s point of view: “You’re bringing me to chilis!” Nicole says  excitedly. “Yup a little birdie told me that this is your favorite restaurant besides Islands and In-N-Out which we don’t have here.” I say. “Besides I haven’t taken you on an official date yet.” I say flashing a smile. “You are too sweet.” She says as we get out. “Reservation for McCreery.” I say to the attendant

 “So how was your day?” I ask after were seated and have out drinks. “It was so much fun!” “I may have spent a little too much in Forever 21.” She says with a laugh. “No wonder you and my sister get along so well!” “She loves that store.” I say as out food was being set down in front of us.

 “Thanks for an amazing first date.” Nicole says giving me a kiss as we get in the car. “Oh it’s not over yet.” I say. A few minutes later we arrive. “Lake Benson?” Nicole says as we get out. “That’s correct.” I say blindfolding her. “You know I hate surprises McCreery.” Nicole says to me.

 “I know but just trust me.” I say kissing her on the cheek while leading her to the start of her surprise.

Nicole’s point of view:  “Where are we going?” I ask Scotty. “Almost there, just trust me please.” I hear Scotty say. “Were here!” “But don’t take your blindfold off yet.” “Wait till you here your phone rings, then you can take your blind fold off.” I hear Scotty say. “Scotty?” I say after a few minutes. Silence. Did he just leave me here? I think starting to freak out but then my phone rings.

 I take off my blind fold and look at my phone and see I have a text from Scotty. Msg from Scotty: Look around, do you notice anything? Msg to Scotty: Ya I’m alone -___-  Msg from Scotty: I’m sorry:(  just keep looking. As I look around I notice a white card on the ground with an arrow.

 As I follow the note cards the arrows disappear and start forming words. Lets… Make…. It… were the first three words. As I read the next card which said official a huge grin broke out on my face. I kept going.  Will…. You… be…  will I be what? I think getting excited. My…  then I saw the next card. Girl friend. “Let’s make it official, will you be my girlfriend?” I whisper.

 As I look up after reading the last card I see Scotty in the distance and he’s holding something that I can’t make out. As I get a little bit closer he sets whatever he’s holding down and I completely lose it. “ZELDA!!!!” I yell as my dog jumps into my as I start to cry.

 “How?” I say to Scotty, tears still falling down my face. “I got in touch with your friend Sutton from back home and she helped me get your dog on a plane over here. And I talked to Libby already, so she’s fine with it.” “Your friend Sutton was speechless when she picked up the phone.” Scotty said with a laugh. “So did you read the cards?” Scotty said nervously. “Yes.” I say giving him a big hug then reaching up till my lips met his.

 “How did I get so lucky to have such an awesome Boyfriend.” I say as I watch Scotty’s face light up like a kid on Christmas morning. Before Scotty can say anything I lean up and meet his lips with mine once again. “Thank you… for everything.” I say as I pull away.
