Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Nicole’s point of view: “Scotty can we please talk about this?” I say. “No not now, and please before this gets any harder, please just leave Nicole.” Scotty says. All of a sudden everything starts to get blurry, and then everything slowly fades into darkness.

When I open my eyes I see Scotty lying next to me with a concerned look on his face. I instinctively reach out and touch his face. “You had another nightmare didn’t you babe.” Scotty says whipping a few tears from my face. Instead of answering, I pull my close and give him a long much needed kiss.

 “Dagum girl, was it that bad?” Scotty asks while looking lovingly at me. “I dreamt that we had a really horrible fight and that we broke up.” I say leaving out the part about the prank and rubber spider, so I don’t give him any ideas. “I’m not going to make you tell me about the dream if you don’t want to, but why do you think you have been having so many bad dreams about us?” Scotty says sliding closer to me so he can wrap his arms around me.  “Remember how I told you I’m adopted?” I ask.

 “Yes.” Scotty says. “Well ever since I was old enough to understand what my parents meant when they said I'm adopted, I’ve had abandonment issues, I have a big fear of being abandoned and trusting people, and since you my fist and current boyfriend my abandonment fear has been a bit worse, so I guess its playing into my dreams.” I say seeing the tears behind Scotty’s eyes for the first time.

“I don’t really like talking about my adoption.” I say as Scotty hugs me close. “Well I don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon; you are where I want to be.” Scotty says giving me a kiss. I lean over Scotty so I can open the curtains to the small window and when I do I see it’s still dark. I look at Scotty who looks like he is trying to hide a smile. “Mr. McCreery what time is it.” I say giving him my best intimidating look.

“Uh…. It’s uh….. 3am.” Scotty says looking down. “Are you kidding me?” I say quickly rolling over. Before I can even realize that I was on the top bunk I feel myself hit the floor. I get up and see Scotty facing away from me. I know he is laughing because his shoulders are shaking. “Ohhh ill so get you back for this chipmunk cheeks.” I say climbing back onto the bed. Scotty continues to laugh, so I do they only thing I know that will stop him. I lean in and meet his lips with mine. I only takes a second for him to respond.

“So what was I laughing about?” Scotty asks with a smirk on his face when he pulls away. “Oh so now you’re making fun of me, you’re definitely asking for trouble.” I say giving Scotty a playful shove. “I’m sorry I couldn’t resist, I think it’s cute that you sometime forget what you were doing when I sneak in and kiss you.” Scotty says with a chuckle then leans in to kiss my forehead. “Yo lovebirds, its 3:30am, now quit the lip locking and go to bed.” We hear Ashley’s voice say from a few bunks away. Scotty and I just look at each other and start laughing all over again.

“I swear if you make me get out of this bed, you will regret it.” Ashley’s voice says again. “She is definitely not a morning person; I’m going to head back to my bunk.” Scotty says starting to walk to his bed. “Nooo staaay!” I say grabbing his arm. “Well this gives new meaning to the lyrics “just as you walk away you hear that sweet voice say, stay.” Scotty says walking back over to my bunk. “Very funny.” I say. “Pleeeease stay!” I say giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

 “Ok fine you win.” Scotty says climbing back in my bunk then taking his hands and cupping my face to kiss me. “Yaaay!” I whisper pulling the covers over us as I rest my head on his chest. “Why are you so Dagum adorable?” Scotty says kissing me again. “I dunno, I was born that way.” I say giving him a grin. “Goodnight Bub, I love you more than you can imagine.” I say giving him one last kiss. “Goodnight babe, I love you to the moon and back.” Scotty says as I drift into a peaceful and dreamless sleep still wrapped in Scotty’s arms.
