Chapter 23

Chapter 23

 Nicole’s point of view: “So you have been here for a few days, what do you think of the town and the people?” I ask Sutton “I like it, everyone’s super nice but I don’t know if I could ever live here but I’d definitely come back and visit.” Sutton says. “I just literally still can’t believe you dating Scotty McCreery, the guy you have been madly in love with since you were 17, but I’m curious what do you love about him?” Sutton asks. “Oh man, I mean what can’t you love about him, he’s super sweet, kind, caring, has the biggest heart, he’s goofy and seriously the biggest kid I know and you can’t forget he is insanely cute but that’s keeping the list short.” I say as I notice Sutton looking behind me. “Oh man, is he…”

I say looking behind me, and seeing Scotty leaning against the wall with the biggest grin on his face. “You can go on, I don’t mind listening.” Scotty says with a chuckle. “Mr. McCreery didn’t your momma raise you to know that eavesdropping is rude and impolite?” I say with a laugh. “Yes but it was totally worth it this time.” Scotty says. “Now what are you doing here?” I ask while standing to give him a kiss. “I came to say that the guys and I are leaving on a weekend ski trip to the mountains before my new tour starts, with Ashley and her boyfriend and we were wondering if y’all would like to come to.” Scotty asks. Sutton and I just look at each other. “YES!” we both scream!

“Ok good, meet at my place at 4am tomorrow morning.” Scotty says rubbing his ear. “Tell Ashley to pack extra snow pants for Sutton.” I say. “Ok see y’all in the morning.” Scotty says kissing my head before leaving. “Yah no I really gotta start locking the front door.” I say laughing while looking at Sutton. “What?” I say to Sutton who’s grinning. “He’s crazy about you; I can tell by the way he looks at you that he really, really loves you.” Sutton says as we head upstairs to pack. “Well I love him more then you can imagine.” I say turning on the lights to my room.

(Next morning)

Scotty’s point of view: I’m awoken by a pair of lips on mine and I know immediately there Nicole’s. I respond to her kiss before opening my eyes. “Can I get woken up like this everyday?” I say giving Nicole another kiss, then looking at her next to me. “Uh-Huh you wish bub.” Nicole says hugging me before I roll out of bed. “It’s almost 4am the guys will be here any minute.” Nicole says as I run around getting ready. “Ok, let’s go!” Nicole says running down the stairs to where Suttons sitting. “Have y’all, don’t break anything.” Momma says hugging each of us before we get in the car. “We’ll be careful momma.” I say out the window as we start to drive away. “So how long is the drive?” Nicole asks. “About 5 hours.” Will says. “Ok then my plan is to sleep.” Nicole says grabbing her pillow. “Are you sure you plan isn’t to make out with Scotty boy there.” Colin says laughing. “Guuuuys come on.” I say as Ashley, Sutton and the guys crack up and Nicole buries her face in her pillow against me from embarrassment.

About an hour later everyone’s asleep except Will who’s driving and Nicole and I. “You can sleep if you want, I don’t mind.” I say seeing Nicole fight to keep her eyes open. “Ok.” She says leaning against my shoulder and closing her eyes.  I wrap my arms around her before closing my own eyes for a wolfnap.

Nicole’s point of view: When I woke up it was 7:32am. I look around and pretty much everyone’s awake except Scotty. I decide to snap a picture of him and open twitter. Twitter: @NicoleElizabeth94: Left the house at 4am with the gang for a trip to the mountains and look who’s still taking a wolfnap(; I tweet attaching the picture before closing the app. I notice Scotty starting to stir. “Morning sleepyhead.” I say kissing him. “Mornin.” He says not even opening his eyes instead falling back asleep. About 30 minutes later we pull over at a rest stop so Will and Colin can switch places. “Hey Colin can you make me a small soft snowball?” I say with an evil grin. “Remind me not to ever mess with you.” Colin says with a laughs has he handles me the snow ball while climbing into the drives seat to drive away.

As soon as were back on the road I smush the snow in Scotty’s face which jolts him awake. “Really Nicole?” Scotty says glaring at me with a face full of snow as everyone laughs. “Sorry it was hard to resist.” I say. “You’re lucky you’re so cute.” Scotty says pressing his now wet face against mine before kissing me. “Ok love birds, break it up, theirs other people in the car.” Sutton says as everyone laughs.

“Ok guys here we are, Mountain High ski lodge.” Colin says as we all pile out into the cold. “Let’s hit the slopes!” Ashley yells after we all drop our bags off in our hotel rooms. “Oh boy, here we go.” I say walking to the ski rentals hand and hand with Scotty.
