Chapter 18

Chapter 18

 Nicole’s point of view: “YAAY today’s the day Scotty comes home.” I say waking up. Msg to Sutton: SCOTTY COMES HOME TODAY!!! Msg from Sutton: I know…. Every time we talk on the phone you mention that…. Now GO AWAY! Its 3am for crying out loud. Msg to Sutton: Sorry.. I decide to watch some Fully House until I fall back asleep. When I wake up its 11am. Msg to Ashley: I’m gonna go crazy if I don’t find something to distract myself… Shopping? Msg from Ashley: sounds good, I’ll pick you up in an hour.

 I open up my twitter. Twitter: @NicoleElizabeth94 OhBoyOhBoyOhBoyOhBoy!!! Shopping with @ashleymccreery2 today then a certain someone comes home. #GonnaBeAGoodDay I tweet as I pull out of my closet and get dressed. Twitter: @ScottyMcCreery @NicoleElizabeth94 @ashleymccreery2 just don’t buy out the mall(; I retweet Scotty’s message then reply. Twitter: @ScottyMcCreery @ashleymccreery2 No promises!!(; I tweet before hoping into Ashley’s car. As we drive I start flipping through radio stations and suddenly I hear Scott’s voice. “Oh ya, I forgot he had a radio interview today.” I say as I listen.

 Reporter: ok I have just one last important question for you Scotty. Scotty: Uh-oh! Shoot! I hear Scotty say with a chuckle. Reporter: I’m sure your fans are dying to know and I’m curious too, but who this mystery girl Nicole were hearing a lot about and seeing pictures of you with on twitter? Do you have a girlfriend?  Scotty (pause) “ummm, ya actually I do, she’s the Scotty McCreery is officially off the market. Thanks so much for joining me today. Scotty: It was a pleasure. I just look at Ashley in complete shock! “I can’t believe that just happened!” I say pulling out my phone. Twitter: you have 5,496 new followers Msg from Scotty: Did you listen to the interview? Please tell me you’re not mad. Msg to Scotty: No of course I’m not mad just taken by surprise, we both knew it was going to come eventually(:

 (Later on)

*ding dong* I hear as I grab my purse and run to the door. “You ready?” Mrs. McCreery says as I hop in the car with Ashley. “Of course, it’s been a long two weeks, I can’t wait to see him again.” I say. “Me neither.” Mrs. McCreery says as we start driving into Raleigh. “Yaay! Were here!” Ashley says as we hop out of the car and head over to baggage claim 57 just as the people start coming out to get there luggage.

 “Wait wear are they that was the last of the people.” I say. “I don’t know, why don’t you call Scotty.” Mrs. McCreery says as I pull out my phone. “Hey Nicole.” Scotty says over the phone. “Hey babe were are you?” I ask. “About that, my flight go messed up turns out my manager booked the wrong flight so I won’t be able to fly back in for a couple more days.” Scotty says sadly. “What.” I say starting to cry. “Please don’t cry Nics, I’ll be home as soon as I can, I’ve got to go now, I love you.” Scotty says hanging up leaving me crying. “Hun I’m so sorry, Mike just filled me in.” Mrs. Mccreery says as we get in the car to head home.

 (At home)

“Thanks for the ride.” I say leaving them in the doorway with Libby. “Oh hey Nicole, some surprise package came for you, I put it in your room.” Libby says as I head upstairs. Once in my room I turn on the lights and am shocked by what I see. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!” I scream at the top of my lungs running across my room and jumping into Scotty’s arms which causes him to fall back on my bed. I’m barely aware of laughing downstairs and Mrs. McCreery saying “I guess she liked her surprise.” I don’t give Scotty a chance to say anything instead I just crush my lips to his and he responds instantly. Suddenly Scotty pulls back.

 “Dagum, I should go away more often.” Scotty says with a laugh. “You almost gave me a heart attack!” I say whacking his chest. “Ow. Hey no need for violence! And besides I got you back for that stunt you pulled on me.” Scotty says. “Well if you pull something like that again were going to have a problem and this isn’t over!” I say giving him a stern look while still lying on top of him. “I love you Nicole.” Scotty says giving me puppy dog eyes then meeting his lips with mine. “If you weren’t so dang cute, I’d probably still be mad at you, but I love you too.” I say giving Scotty a kiss. “I really missed you.” I say squeezing him. “Me too.” Scotty says giving me another kiss.
