Chapter 29

Chapter 29

 Nicole’s point of view: I don’t know how long I had been sleeping but I was woken up by something falling on my stomach. “What the?” I say opening my eyes to see what fell. “SP, SP, SP, SPIDER!!!” “AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!’ I scream at the top of my lungs flinging it off me which cause me to fall of my top bunk. 

But something broke my fall and I quickly realize its Scotty and he is holding a rubber spider. Not a second later Scotty’s family comes flying in the room on the bus. His family takes one look at us and the spider in Scotty’s hand and starts busting out laughing. “Looks like you prank backfired huh bub.” Ashley says taking a picture before walking back to the other room with everyone else.

 “You do realize I have full advantage of you considering the fact I’m laying on top of you right?” I say with a grin while sitting on his stomach then I lean down and kiss him. “And suddenly I don’t mind you taking advantage of me.” Scotty says still laying on the floor. “Uh-huh I bet.” I say Leaning down till I’m about a centimeter from his lips. 

When I’m about to kiss him I hear the girls voice from last night say Scotty’s not who you think he is. I quickly push the thought away and close the distance between my lips and his but in the back of my mind I can’t get what that girl said out of my head. The thought continues to haunt me as I continue to kiss Scotty.

 “So what time are we suppost to get to the next venue.” I ask Scotty. “Hmmm?” “Oh umm in like 7 hours.” Scotty says still slightly dazed from our mini kissing session. “Oh ok.” I say fixing myself some breakfast trying hard to push what that girl said out of my head.

Scotty’s point of view: Are you ok, you have been acting kind of strangely.” I say to Nicole who is just staring at her cereal. “Actually no, do you remember that girl that you had kicked out last night?” Nicole says. “Yes, why?” I ask leading Nicole into the backroom of the bus and closing the door. “Because I saw her again last night.” Nicole says. “What? When and what did she say?” I ask slightly worried. “She was waiting by the bus, and she said I hope out relationship lasts and that something bad doesn’t happen to one of us.” Nicole says picking at her thumb. “I’m sure she was just trying to freak you out, I’ll make sure you never have to see her again.” I say.

Nicole’s point of view: “But that’s not what’s bothering me, it’s something else she said. I say. “What?” Scotty asks. “She said….. She said that you’re not the guy that you seem to be.” “Now why would some random fan that you don’t even know say that to me, it doesn’t make sense?” “The only thing that would make it make sense is if you knew her.” I say as I notice the expression on Scotty’s face turn kind of pained. “You know her don’t you, and don’t try and lie to me.” I say looking Scotty dead in the eye. “Ok, yes I know her, her names Jade, she used to live in Garner and she’s my Ex, we dated in 8th grade but I broke things off when I realized how jealous and nasty she could be.” Scotty says not wanting to meet my eyes. “Wait you dated her?” I say standing and putting the pieces together in my head.

“You saw her in the meet and greet before you met her, I remember you makes eye contact with her.” “And you just flat out said you broke things off because she gets really jealous and mean.” I say getting very upset.

 “We tell each other everything Scotty!” I almost yell. “I’m sorry I should have told you when I had the chance.” Scotty says still not meeting my eyes. “She you knew how she was like but yet you didn’t warn me?” I say with my voice raising. 

“I was going to, but I didn’t know she was there until fans had started coming up to me and I guess I got distracted.” Scotty says. “But yet you didn’t you have never even mentioned her before yet we have talked about previous relationships before.” 

“You saw me stuck there crying while the girl insulted me, yet you didn’t step in at all you just let it happen and stepped in after.” “What else have you not told me Scotty?” I say as a few tears escape down my cheek. “Maybe she’s right, maybe your not the guy I thought you were.” I say as more tears pour down my face.

 “What’s that suppost to mean?” Scotty says finally looking up at me and I see he was crying. “It means that maybe me dating you was a bad idea.” I say leaving the room as more tears pour down my face. 

“Nicole I might have been listening in on your guys fight, and I understand why you’re upset, he should have done something about it.” Ashley says sitting next to me on my bunk. “What are you doing?” Ashley asks giving me a hug while watching me on my computer. “Booking a flight, I’m going back to Raleigh.” I say
