Chapter 20

Chapter 20

 *Scotty’s point of view: “Thank goodness, it looks like we had the 24 hour flu, and I still need to make sure everything is ready for Nicole’s 19th birthday.” I say to Colin. “So what exactly do you have planned?” Colin asks. “Well I plan on taking her out on a date and her birthday dinner tomorrow because Thursday which is her birthday, I have her best friend flying in which Nicole has no idea about.” I say walking to the kitchen. “So what did her friend think when she got a phone call from you?” Colin asks. “She was pretty shocked, she knew Nicole and I had met and been hanging out and she knew I had asked Nicole out but she didn’t know all the details so yah she was surprised.” “She was even more shocked when I said I pay for a roundtrip ticket to get her here to surprise Nicole.” I say.

 “Do you think Nicole has told her parents about you guys?” Colin asks. “I would hope so but it wouldn’t surprise me if she hasn’t, from what I hear she is only really close with her dad. I’m going to just let her go her own pace, I don’t want her to feel like I’m rushing her into anything, Yah no man?” I say getting ready. “You no, you’re a lot smarter then I give you credit for,” Colin says slapping me on the back. “Wait hold on, can you say that again?” I ask holding up my phone with a laugh. Colin just laughs and heads back to his room. Msg from Sutton: Got my plane tickets in the mail, so ready for Thursday and I can’t wait to see the look on her face(-: I read as the front door opens and I see Nicole.

 *Nicole’s point of view: “Hey bub, you look a lot better today.” I say sitting next to Scotty on the couch. “Still feel a little drained on energy, but no fever!’ Scotty says leaning in to kiss me but I pull away. “Hey, you may not have a fever anymore but it doesn’t mean your not contagious so not yet, sorry bub.” I say. “Whyyyy I’ve been home from that trip for three days and have only been able to kiss you twice.” Scotty says giving me the puppy dogs eyes and pout. “This is painful.” Scotty whines while pulling me into his lap. “Hey quit your whining chipmunk cheeks, it’s for my own good, I don't   want to get sick and trust me you have no idea how badly I want to kiss you.” I say

 “Nic’s when are you going to stop calling me that?” Scotty asks “I don’t know chipmunk cheeks, its fun to say.” I say with a smirk. “You’re asking for trouble.” Scotty says with a laugh. “Am I chipmunk cheeks?” I say with a grin as Scotty stairs at me with his eyebrows raises. As Scotty gives me the I’m going to get you look, I sneak my arms around to his sides unnoticed. A second later I start tickling Scotty’s sides. “HEY no fair!” Scotty says while laughing and kicking his feet.

 A minute later I feel arms grab me and hold me back. “What the...” I say seeing Colin. I’m fully aware of what’s coming next. “HEY that’s cheating!” “You can’t have help!” I say laughing as Scotty tickles me. “This is sooo not fair.” I say as tears start rolling down my face. “So are you going to stop calling me chipmunk cheeks?” Scotty asks as he stops tickling me. “I don’t know chipmunk cheeks.” I say as I make a run for it across the apartment. After a second I look back and don’t see anyone so I head back towards the couch.

 “What the heck?” I say still not seeing anyone. I then feel arms grab me. “Ahhh!!” I scream not expecting it. “Scotty put me dooown.” I say as he carries me back to the couch and then starts tickling me again. “STOOOOP stop!!” It tickles I say laughing. “Are you going to stop calling me chipmunk cheeks?” Scotty asks with a laugh. “NOPE!” I say laughing as he starts to tickle me again. “Quit iiiiit!” I say. “No way!” Scotty says. Ok i think. I lean up and meet my lips with Scotty’s and give him a much longer kiss then usual before pulling back. “What happened to the I won’t kiss you because I don’t want to get sick thing?” Scotty says with the largest smile I have ever seen. So large I fear his face might fall off from it. “I lied.” I say curling up against him. I lean in for another kiss and just as Scotty thinks I’m going to actually kiss him, I start tickling his sides again. “YOU'RE SUCH A TEASE!” Scotty says while laughing.

 “I know chipmunk cheeks.” I say as I continue to tickle him as I watch him roll around and kick his feet while laughing. Suddenly Scotty leans up and kisses me and it was the kind of kiss that made me dizzy and see starts. “So are you going to stop calling me chipmunk cheeks?” Scotty asks. “I guess.” I say staring into his eyes with a huge goofy grin on my face as I curl up against him again. “Hmmm..... interesting.... next time I can’t get my way ill have to remember to kiss you so I can get it.” Scotty says laughing. “Hey that is so not nice mister!” “That would be taking advantage of me.” I say with a smile. “I no but I’ve noticed that you always get the hugest most goofiest and cutest grins as your face turns red after I kiss you.” Scotty says rubbing my cheek with his thumb.

 “I can’t help that, I’m getting the most perfect kisses from the most perfect guy.” I say giving Scotty another long kiss. “I love you so much Scotty.” I say. “Not nearly as much as I love you Nicole.” Scotty says giving me another kiss and a hug as he turns on a movie for us to watch
