Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Nicole’s point of view: “You worry me sometimes.” Scotty says as I watch him walk into the dressing room and flop on the couch next to me. “Now why is that?” I say hugging him. “Because ever since you made that phone call earlier, that grin hasn’t left your face, what’s going on?” Scotty asks me. “If I told you, I’d have to kill you first.” I say with a laugh.

“But you know one of the best parts about dating you?” I ask. “And what’s that?” Scotty says. “All the years I spent thinking of awesome pranks to pull on my older brother but never could, I can now pull on you.” I say with a grin. “Yet through all your pranking and crazy antics, I still love you like crazy.” Scotty says pulling me into his lap so he can kiss me.

“You handle the pranks so well and there so much fun to pull on you.” I say.  “So if I didn’t handle them well, you wouldn’t be pranking me back all the time?” Scotty asks. “No I would, I’d just feel kind of bad about it.” I say leaning in to kiss him. We stayed there for a little while before heading up to the stage for the show.

“Well good luck out there Babe and stay dry.” I say. Before Scotty can respond his manger ushers him onto the stage. “Did you get the super soakers and handed them out to the crew and your parents?” I ask Ashley. “Yup, now we just have to wait till his song Suntan starts playing.” Ashley says grinning.

“Mike you put his waterproof ear pieces in?” I ask Scotty’s tour manager. “You’re all good to go Nicole; I also gave super soakers to him band mates, there under towels on stage.” Mike says with a laugh. About an hour and 45 minutes later we all take our places on the sides of the stage and start pumping our water guns, just as Suntan starts to play. “Ok Nicole you get the first shot.” Mike says as I aim.

I pull the trigger and a stream of water shoots out and hits Scotty square in the side of the face. We all bust out laughing.

Scotty’s point of view:  What the heck was that I think as I continue to sing? There’s somthin about a suntan and a sundress, dancing all around like a hot mess, a good ole boy like me aint got a prayer.

All of a sudden I’m getting pelted with water and I see all my crew member, band mates, Nicole, Ashley and my parents on stage with water guns. I can’t help but laugh, so I hold my mic out to the audience so they can sing a bit. I’d pretty much given up on singing the song because were all laughing so hard.

 A few verses later the rest of my crew is on stage and I’m soaking wet. “As y’all can see I’m not the only prankster here, and I look forward to seeing this video on the YouTube.” I say with a laugh before launching into my encore song. I walk offstage and grab Nicole who squeals in surprise.

I go to lean in and kiss her but she stops me. “Nuh-uh shower first, kiss later.” Nicole says as everyone laughs. “Ok ok you win.” I say.

Nicole’s point of view: I finish getting ready for bed before Scotty is out of the shower. I walk over to his bunk and grab his sweatshirt to put on before curling up in my bed. I hear Scotty open up the curtain to his bunk so I hop out of bed and sneak up behind him. “NOOO!” I say as Scotty grabs me and throws me over him shoulder.

“Put me down!!!’ I say as Scotty flops onto my bunk will me. I squeal as Scotty starts tickling me. “I’m sorry! Stop, Stop, please Scotty, I’ll stop pranking you tonight.” I gasp while laughing. All of a sudden Scotty’s lips are on mine.

“So you forgive me?” I say looking into his eyes. “Maybe.” Scotty says with a smile while pressing his forehead to mine. “I love you….. Like crazy.” Scotty says wrapping me in his arms before lying down. “Scotty?” I say resting my head on his chest. “Yah babe?” Scotty says kissing my forehead.

“Would it be weird if I said I can see us being together for a long time in my future?” I ask looking up at him. “No it wouldn’t.” Scotty says. “Why?” I ask. “Because I can see us being together in my future too.” Scotty says giving me a kiss on the lips. “I love you.” I say before pressing my lips to his. 
