Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Scotty’s point of view: “What are you doing here?” “It’s been like 6 months since you left not bothering to contact me, now suddenly your sitting in my room, can you explain this situation to me?” I ask while still standing at the door.

“I had been thinking about our fight and everything that had happened and I realize I never really asked you why and what made you not tell me about her.” Nicole whispers. I just stand there for a minute thinking about how I should respond to her.

 “I remember that you were going through a lot at the time and that you were really stressed out, I remember seeing a girl that resembled my ex, but I really didn’t know if it was her until it was her turn to come meet me and by that point it was to late to warn you, and since I do know her and she can be nice, I didn’t really think she would do anything or even know that we were dating and by the time I realized what was happening it was too late.” I say.

“I don’t understand, why did she come to you meet and greet, she knows you, she could have just texted you.” Nicole says irritated. “I broke all contact with her when we broke up, I even changed my cell phone number and made my friends promise that if she called them to say I wasn’t with them even if I was, I think it was her way of getting back at me for the break up, I think it was her plan to try and ruin what we once had together.” I say looking at the floor.

“Well if I never have to see her face again that will be really good for the both of us.” Nicole says. “But there is something more I came here to do.” Nicole says.

“I want to apologize….. For everything that happened and...” But I cut her off. “If you’re implying what I think you are Nicole, then you need to know, I can’t……

Nicole I don’t think I can get back together with you, you broke my heart.” I say. “I think it would be best if you left now.” I say opening my door.
