Chapter 13

Chapter 13

 Scotty’s point of view:

“They won’t let me go back and see her momma.” I say still pacing around the waiting room. “Son, I know you’re worried, we all are but you need to calm down and trust the doctors.” Dad says. “I brought Bo’s, please come and eat something, you have been pacing all day.” Ashley says to me.

 “Are you all here for Nicole?” We hear a doctor say. “Yes!” We all say. “I’m here to fill you in, why don’t y’all take a sit.” The doctor says. “Basically Nicole went into anaphylactic shock, turns out she was allergic to the antiseptic spray we put in her throat to help with healing and it caused her throat to swell shut and that’s why she couldn’t breathe.” “If this had happened while she wasn’t here she wouldn’t have made it, her heart had stopped from lack of oxygen by the time we got her back to the operation room, but they were able to revive her.” The doctor tells us.

 “She stable now but if hooked up to quite a few machines and we had her in a medical induced coma, so her throat could heal a little bit and the swelling could go down, now I’ll take 3 people at a time back to go see her.” The doctor says. “Ashley, Scotty and Libby go ahead we will wait here.” Momma says as we head back. When I get to Nicole’s room and se her I thought my knees were going to buckle, her face was all swollen and she had tubes and IV’s hooked up and tubes and pumps everywhere.

 After a while of sitting with her I hear Ashley. “Hey, were going to give you some time alone with her, the doctor says even though she is sleeping she can hear you, she just might not remember what was said when she wakes.” Ashley says as she heads out with Libby.

 “Hey babe.” I say kissing her then sitting in a chair at the head of Nicole’s bed. “I don’t know if you can hear me, but you gave us all quite a scare and I know the doctors are taking care of you, but I want you back, I want the girl I fell in love with back.” I whisper as tears falling down my face. “I thought I was going to lose you there for a bit, I love you Nicole and the thought of loosing you was killing me.” I say flat out crying.

 “Please hurry up and come back to us.” I say resting my head of her shoulder while still crying. “I love you babe.” I say kissing her as close to her mouth as I can without bumping her breathing tube. Soon after that I fell into a deep sleep.

Nicole’s point of view:

 When I woke up it took me a minute to remember what happened. I’m fully aware that I can’t speak because there’s a tube down my throat. I noticed Scotty asleep in the chair next to me. I dropped a hold of his hand hoping it would wake him. Hallelujah it woke him I thought. The moment our eyes met he ran out the door and came back with the nurse who then took the tube out of my throat.

 The moment the nurse leaves I start to cry. “Hey shhh, what’s wrong?” “Do you need me to get the nurse for pain medicine?” Scotty asks. I just shake my head no. I hate not being able to tell him what’s wrong. I’ve tried and tried again to speak but I’m in too much pain. I slide over and pull on Scotty’s hand until he lies next to me.

 The moment he does I just rest my head on his chest and give him the biggest hug I can muster up which isn’t much. Scotty hugs me back and kisses the top of my head. I grab a notepad and a pen and started writing. I’m so sorry I put you through all this suffering, the last thing I wanted to do was hurt you. I wrote and showed Scotty while tears spill down my face. “Babe, shhh I know you didn’t want any of this to happen but it’s not your fault that it did.” Scotty says wiping my tears and giving me a sweet kiss on the lips.

 “Get some sleep it’s late.” Scotty says about to get up. I literally clung to him; I didn’t want him to leave. “Ok ok, you can take your nails out of my arm I won’t leave the room.” Scotty says chuckling. I grabbed the notepad and wrote on lat thing down. I maybe should have let you go! Promise me when we get home you will take a shower. I write and show Scotty. He just throws his head back and laughs. “Promise.” He says still laughing then he kisses my forehead.

 (Next morning)

 “Nicole, Nicole, wake up, you ready to go home?” I hear as someone gently shakes me awake. I open my eyes and see Scotty looking down at me smiling. “Hey beautiful, ready to leave?” Scotty says helping me sit up. “Yes.” I say softly. “I had Libby pack you a bag; you’re staying with me at my parents while you recover.” Scotty says going to kiss my forehead but I grab his face gently so I can meet my lips with his instead.

 When we pull up to the house Scotty helps me inside and onto the guest bed. “You need anything?” Scotty asks bringing me and ice pack to put on my throat. “No I’m ok; I took a pain pill before leaving the hospital.” I say softly. “But I have a question.”

 “You were talking to me while I was in a coma weren’t you because I heard some of the things you said.” I whisper. “And about what I heard, I have something to tell you.” I whisper. “And what would that be.” Scotty says curiously. “I love you too.” I say as I watch the biggest smile I have ever seen spread across Scotty’s face.

 Before I can say anything else he crushes his lips to mine and gives me the sweetest kiss. “I’m so glad you’re ok, I love you Nicole and I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner” Scotty says. “I love you too Scotty.” I say with a smile.
