Chapter 7: Friends are there to help

Nathan's POV:

I didn't do anything for the longest time. All I did was lay in my bed. I didn't eat, sleep, or go to any of my classes for a whole week. Then one night I had the dream again. It was all clear and it felt like everything was happening in real life. The hand holding Jacob was still there and so were the trophies on the ground. I then heard my name from behind. I turned around and sure enough there was the head. There was also a big army of dark beasts behind the head. I could taste a tear run down my face. The head looked at me with big red eyes. I could then feel myself turning into what felt my stone. I closed my eyes and then woke up. I couldn't take this any more. I then decided to do something about it.

I grabbed my backpack and emptied all my school stuff out of it. I then started filing it up with food and clothes. I looked on my desk and saw a picture of my family, a picture of me and Jacob, and Jacob's Lucario. I grabbed it all and put it in my backpack. I zipped it up and threw it on my back. I then went to Eevee who was sleeping on my desk. I shook her softly and she stretched and yawned.

Me: "Come on. We're going to find Jacob." Eevee tilted her head at me. "Don't worry, we will be back soon."

I went towards the door and she followed me out. I quietly shut the door behind us. I then felt something bump my leg. I looked down and saw Kirby. I looked at him and knelt down.

Me: "We're going to find Jacob. We will be back soon." I turned to walk away but Kirby grabbed my leg. "Kirby, I said we would be back soon." I then noticed Kirby was gesturing me to follow him. He started walking away so I followed him. Eevee followed closely behind me.

We went outside and started walking on the nature trail. we kept walking until we got to the lake. I was surprised to see all my friends there. Professor Oak, Meta Knight, Fox, K.K, Mario, Luigi, Link, Midna, Pit, Ash, and Samus were all there. I couldn't believe it.

Me: "What are you all doing here?"

Link: "We're going to help you find Jacob."

Pit: "We can't see our friend like this and we're willing to do anything we can to make you feel better."

I started to cry. Midna came next to me and wiped my tears away.

Midna: "Don't worry. It will be alright."

Me: "so who all is coming with?"

Everyone except Professor Oak, Meta Knight,  Fox, and K.K. raised their hand.

Fox: "We're going to stay here in case those creatures come back."

I then noticed Luigi cowering behind Mario.

Me: "Is Luigi coming too?"

Mario: He turned around. "Luigi. Come on."

Luigi: "No." Mario pulled out a hammer and raised it in the air. Luigi got scared. "Ok, ok!"

Mario turned around and gave a thumbs up. Luigi sighed.

Me: "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go."

Midna rubbed her hands together, snapped her fingers, and created a portal in front of us. One by one everyone jumped in, until the only ones left were Midna, Eevee, and me. I looked at the portal. I was a little afraid to jump in.

Midna: "Don't be afraid." She put her hand on my shoulder. "You will be safe." Knowing she was correct I got ready to jump in.

Oak: "Nathan, wait." I looked at Professor oak. He handed me a pokéball and a few potions. "You can never have enough help."

Midna: "Ok, Santa. are you done with your gift giving."

He nodded. I turned around and jumped in the portal. Eevee and Midna followed closely behind.

3rd Person:

Oak: "Do you think they will be ok?"

Meta Knight: " Are you kidding me? with all those friends what can go wrong?"
