Chapter 23: The escape

Nathan's POV:

We kept running. No one looked back. I was holding Eve and checked to make sure she was ok from time to time. We entered the Hanger just to find everyone else in there tied up. King K. Rool and King Dedede were in the room as well. We couldn't go back for Ridley was blocking the way. Crocks and Waddle De's surrounded us.

K. Rool: "Glad you could stop by,"

Dedede: "Your friends were worried about you,"

The Mario Bros. stepped in front of me and Jacob. Lucario, Ash, and Pikachu stood behind us. They created a circle around us. Everyone else stood in front of us ready to fight.

Jacob: "What's going on," He whispered to me.

Me: "I'm not sure," I whispered back. "But something tells me that it's not good."

Maia: "If you want Nathan then you're going to have to go through us to get to him."

Dedede: He laughed. "Do you really think you can stop the prophecy. No one can stop it. Master Head will return."

I was even more confused now. A prophecy?

Maia: "Not if we can help it."

K. Rool: "We already have everything else ready. All we need is the Smash Stone."

Dedede: "And we'll do anything to get it. Even if it means we have to kill him."

I was freaking out now. My hands were shaking. Everyone came closer towards us.

K. Rool: "Look, why don't we make a deal. You give us the boy and the stone and we'll give you back your friends."

Maia: "If you put a hand on him you're dead."

K. Rool and Dedede laughed.

Dedede: "Very well then. If you won't give him to us then we'll just have to destroy all of you."

Me: "Why?" I shouted.

3rd Person:

Everyone looked at Nathan. Nathan froze for a bit regretting what he had said. But then he calmed down and spoke again.

Nathan: "Why do you want to do this?"

Dedede: "Is it not obvious. We're doing this so we can free Master Head."

Nathan: "So he can destroy this world?"

K. Rool: "So he can save this world, from you." He pointed at Jacob and Nathan.

Jacob: "From us? Why?"

Dedede: "You're the reason this world is being destroyed. You're the reason our homes are falling apart."

Ike: "What are you talking about?"

Marth: "Master Head is the enemy."

K. Rool: "Ha, fools. Do you not remember what happened to this universe when the so called "Heroes of Smash" came.

Dedede: "Everyone went missing. Our homes were destroyed."

K. Rool: "Everything was fine until they came along."

Nathan's POV:

I was even more confused now.

Me: "Are you saying the Heroes of Smash were evil?"

Dedede: "You should see what they did to Smash City."

Maia: "Master Head was the one who destroyed Smash City. He just made it seem like they did it."

K. Rool: "We should kill you too. Your brother did help them after all."

Maia: "You all are a bunch of meanies!" She rushed towards them but was quickly stopped by Ridley.

Me: "Maia!"

Dedede: "Get them!"

A bunch of Waddle De's and Crocks came towards us. One I saw was coming straight towards me. I lifted my hands in the air and closed my eyes. I then felt warmth, just like I did when Lucario was fighting Gengar. I opened my eyes. The Smash Stone was glowing. Some energy came out of it and flew towards Marth and Ike. Their swords started to glow. Marth swung his sword at all the Crocks and Waddle De's. They were all getting destroyed. Ike was attacking Ridley. He was swinging at him with flames around his sword. He then tossed his sword high into the air and jumped up to grab it.


He brought his sword down and Ridley went flying backwards. Maia used this time to escape. He hit the wall and it cracked. The whole building started to shake.

Link: "It's coming down!"

C. F: "Quick, to the ships!"

We quickly freed the others and ran towards Captain Falcon's and Samus' ships. (Yes, Samus' was there too.) Me, Jacob, Maia, the Pokémon, Captain Falcon, Link, Midna, Marth, and Ike all jumped into Captain Falcon's ship. The rest Went in Samus'. We all flew out just in time before the castle collapsed on top of us. We all cheered that we all made it out alive.
