Chapter 11: A short break

The next morning we continued our walk towards Smash City. I was a little surprised because we barely saw any enemies along the way. We kept walking until we found ourselves at a small lake.

Pit: "Hey, look. Its Smash lake."

Link: "That means that Smash City is just a couple of miles away. If we keep going we should get there very soon."

Pit: "Do we have to keep walking? We've been walking forever."

Midna: "Can you go one day without complaining?"

Me: "Actually I wouldn't mind a short break. We have been walking for a long time and most of the Pokémon are warn out."

I pointed to the Pokémon who were still out of their balls. Eevee, Pikachu, and Jigglypuff all looked very tired. Then we all heard a thud. We turned around and saw Pit sleeping on the grass. Link and Samus tried to wake him up but he was out cold.

Ash: "Looks like the Pokémon aren't the only ones that are tired."

Link looked at the crowd. Many of us looked tired. He sighed.

Link: "Alright but we can't stay for to long."

We all cheered and went to have fun. Mario, Yoshi, and Duck Hunt, all went for a swim. Me and Ash put the tired Pokémon to sleep under some shade. Everyone else who was tired joined them. Everyone else who wasn't tired joined Mario, Yoshi, and Duck Hunt in the lake. Link, Samus, Lucario, and Greninja decided to stayed up to watch for any danger. I decided to use this time to ask Link if he knew anything about my bracelet. What happened last night with Lucario and Gengar was something I never would have expected to happen. I walked up to Link and tapped on his shoulder. He turned around.

Link: "Yes, Nathan? What is it?"

Me: I handed him my bracelet. "Do you know what this is?"

Link: He took it and examined it from all sides. I saw his eyes widen.

Me: "And...?"

Link: He looked at Samus and then back at me. "Sorry, Nathan, I don't know what it is."

Me: "Oh, ok."

Link: "Why do you ask?"

Me: "Well, last night Lucario ran off and I went to go find him. I soon found but we were soon ambushed by Gengar. When Gengar came towards me the stone started to glow a warm energy. Some of that energy went to Lucario and he somehow managed to mega evolve."

Link: "I see. Tell you what, I know someone who is at Smash City who may be able to help you. When we get there you can ask them about it."

Me: "Ok. That sounds good. Thanks for the advice."

Link: "You're welcome."

I turned around and went to join everyone in the lake. But before I could a big shadow covered us. I looked up. Dina Blade had returned. Everyone woke up and got out of the lake, except Pit. Dina Blade swooped down and grabbed the still sleeping Pit. He soon woke up and screamed. Dina Blade turned around and charged for us again. He swooped down and grabbed Ash. He then started to fly away.

Link: "Come on! We can't loose them!"

Everyone ran after Dina Blade. I was in the front of the group. I kept running until someone grabbed me. I looked down and saw that I was on the edge of a cliff. I was pulled back from the edge.

Samus: "Watch where you're running!"

I looked out over the edge of the cliff. There was a waterfall that poured into a small pond that then turned into a river that went straight into a big city.

Link: "There it is! Smash City!"

I looked to my right and saw Dina Blade flying towards a desert with a tall mountain. It also looked like there was a war raging on.

Me: "Look, there's Dina Blade."

Link: "We need to get some support from Smash City."

Samus: "But if we loose Dina Blade then we won't be able to save Pit or Ash. I can take Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Duck Hunt, Jigglypuff, Greninja, and Pikachu with me to find Dina Blade.

Link: "And the rest of us can go to Smash City to get some help."

Samus: "Great. We'll see you all later."

And with that Samus and her team went to find Dina Blade.

Link: "Come on. We have to get to Smash City as soon as possible."

We all followed Link to Smash City.
