Chapter 10: Lucario v.s. Gengar

(Image by Deviant Art user: ishmam)

Nathan's POV:

We kept walking along the river towards Smash City. We encountered a bunch of Koopas, Waddle De's, and other creatures like that along the way. Luckily we didn't encounter anything too dangerous and every enemy we did encounter was easy to beat. I decided to let the Pokémon out of their balls to get some practice and so they could be free. We kept walking and fighting until it became night. We chose a place to start a fire and have some dinner. After we were all done eating we went to bed.

That night I had a dream, but it wasn't like the other dreams I had. It was all dark but I could see a hospital bed that was illuminated by some light in front of me. There was someone in it but I couldn't tell who it was because there was a blanket over them. There was also one of those television that said weather someone was breathing or not. Whoever it was was breathing but not for long.

Some doctors came in to try to revive them. One of them called out 'clear' and shocked them with defibrillators. They did it a second time and a third time until one of the doctors said 'Time of death...' That's all I heard until it all disappeared. I heard crying behind me. I turned around and saw some people crying. Most of them I identified as family members. There was a light shining on a coffin at the end of a room. I walked past everyone who was crying and walked up to the coffin. It was closed. I put my hand on it and it disappeared.

I then felt rain falling on my head. I looked around and saw that I was in a graveyard. There was a light shining on one of the the tombstones. I walked towards it and kneeled down. The words were covered in mud. I wiped it off and saw my dad's name. A flash of thunder roared out and I woke up.

I rubbed my eyes. I couldn't believe I just had that dream. I looked around to make sure everyone was asleep. They were. Even Pit, who was suppose to be the night watch, was asleep. I looked at Eevee. She was fast asleep. I petted her softly. I looked up and saw the other Pokémon sleeping silently. Well, all except for Lucario who was nowhere to be found. I got up and started searching for him. My search led me deep into the forest. I saw a few flashes of lightning from time to time. I kept walking until I got to a small pond. I knelt down, picked up some water with my hand, and drank it. As I was drinking I saw a reflection of some blue light in the water. I looked above me and saw Lucario sitting on a branch. I was relieved that I found him.

Me: "Lucario." He looked down at me. "What are you doing up there? Come down." He stood up and jumped down. He didn't look at me. "What are you doing out here?" I could sense his aura. It felt like he was sad. "You miss Jacob, don't you?" He didn't do anything. "I miss him too. He's my best friend. We've known each other since we were freshmen." I could sense his aura getting sadder. "I bet you're afraid you aren't going to see him again. I feel the same way about my dad." He looked at me. "The last I heard of him he was in the hospital with major wounds. Now I fear that I may not see him again." I could sense Lucario's aura getting stronger. "But I know that with a little bit of hope I should be able to see him again. The same goes with Jacob too."

I could feel his aura was stronger now. I knew I had done the right thing to make him feel happy. All of a sudden I felt a creepy chill fill the air. A flash of thunder illuminated the sky and I could see a shadow of someone behind me. I turned around and saw Gengar floating above the pond. He was giving me a creepy smile. I stepped back a few steps. Lucario walked in frond of me and looked at Gengar. I could tell they were communicating in some way. I then felt Lucario tell me to get back. I went behind a tree and looked at both of them. The thunder and lightning was closer and louder now.

They didn't do anything for a while until finally Lucario jumped towards Gengar. Gengar disappeared causing Lucario to land on the other side of the pond. When he turned around Gengar created a fist that pushed Lucario into a tree. Gengar jumped towards Lucario but he jumped out of the way before he could touch him. Lucario created some aura spheres and shot them at Gengar. They would have hit him but Gengar vanished into the ground before they could. Lucario created a blue bone and got ready for Gengar to appear. But without warning Gengar sneaked up behind Lucario and did an attack that paralyzed him. Gengar created a bunch of hands and they all started hitting him forcefully. I couldn't do anything but stand and watch as Lucario got beat up. Then Gengar stopped causing Lucario to fall to the ground in pain. Gengar turned towards me and charged towards me. I put my hands up and closed my eyes.

Then something weird happened. I started feeling warm. I opened my eyes and saw that the stone on my bracelet had started to glow. It started to glow brighter and brighter and brighter. It grew so bright that Gengar got scared of it. Then some kind of energy came out of the stone and flew straight into Lucario. Lucario started to glow as well. He kept glowing until soon he became Mega Lucario. He looked at Gengar with an angry face. He created a blue bone, jumped towards Gengar and hit him so hard that he went flying straight into the thunder storm. We watched as Gengar flew across the sky and get hit by a thunder bolt.

I laughed silently and looked at Mega Lucario. He looked at me too. I wanted to hug him but I didn't want to feel a spike in my stomach so instead I raised my hand. He did the same and we gave each other a high five. He then turned back into regular Lucario. We both smiled at each other.

Me: "Thanks, Lucario." That's all I had to say. "Come on, let's get back to camp."
