Chapter 26: Hello Calos Region!

Nathan's POV:

Me, Jacob, Maia, and all the Pokémon got off Captain Falcon's ship. We watched as he flew away. After he was out of sight I turned around and looked at the Calos region. I let in a deep breath and let it out again. The air felt so fresh and cool. I couldn't wait to see what this world had in store for Jacob and Me.

Jacob: "So, where to from here?"

Maia: "I'm taking you to Professor Sycamore's lab. He can take care of you until we figure out what to do with you." Maia started walking and we followed her. I picked up Eve and started petting her in my arms. "Can I see that object Susan told you to get, Nathan?"

Me: "Huh? oh, yeah, sure." I handed her the stone.

Jacob: "It looks like a large skipping stone."

Maia: "That's weird."

Me: "What?"

Maia: "It just looks like a normal rock."

Me: "Is there something wrong with that?"

Maia: "Susan told you to get this, correct?"

Me: "Yes. What does that have to do with this."

Maia: "It doesn't make sense." I looked at Jacob and he looked at me. We both had a confused look on our face. "Whatever." She handed the stone back to me. "If Susan told you to get it then it's obviously meant for something."

Maia's POV:

A few seconds later we soon arrived at Professor Sycamore's lab. We walked in. Sycamore walked down the stairs to great us.

Sycamore: "Hello, Maia. I haven't seen you in a while."

Me: I looked back at Nathan and Jacob. "I've been busy."

Sycamore: "So you've been making some new friends."

Me: I looked back at him. "They're not my friends. Well, all except for-"

Sycamore: "Jet and IV!"

Nathan: "You know them?"

Sycamore: "Who doesn't? They belonged to the Heroes of Smash. I haven't seen them since the accident that happened here in the lab."

Nathan: "There was an accident in the lab? Was this the same accident that made Sarah disappear?"

Sycamore: "Why, yes. And these two Pokémon disappeared with her. If their still alive then She has to be alive too."

Me: "Uh, Professor. We didn't come here to talk about the Heroes. We came here because These two need a place to stay."

Sycamore: "Of course. We have a couple of rooms upstairs-." Jacob's tummy growled. It was kind of loud.

Jacob: "Sorry. I haven't eaten in a while."

Sycamore: "Well me and the other professors were just about to have dinner. Would you like to join us?"

Nathan: "Yeah!"

Jacob: "Sure!"

We all followed the professor into a room with a giant table with food all over it. After we all had our fill we thanked the professors and went into our rooms. I laid on my bed and pulled out my phone. I called Midna.

Midna: "Yes, Maia? Have you found out anything else about them?"

Me: "Well, Nathan seems to be smart and proper, except for when he's eating. He also seems to like Pokémon a lot. Jacob Is almost exactly like him. He also knows a lot about you guys. I guess that's why they're best friends. What has the council decided?"

Midna: "I'm not sure yet. Theirs a lot of options and no one can agree on just one. They may need to stay there for a while."

Me: "Well you know they can't stay here forever. Some more baddies can come and take them."

Midna: "I know, but with all the options-"

Me: "I don't care how many options there are just help them decide on one. And it better be a good one."

I hung up. I let out a sigh. I took off my cannon and looked at my arm. I then pictured my hand holding a crayon. I pictured myself drawing the picture. The picture I was going to give my brother before he disappeared. I set the crayon down and looked at the drawing. Midna came over and looked at it.

Midna: "Good job."

Me: "Thank you. I'm going to give it to my brother when he comes back."

But he never came back. He didn't keep his promise. I pulled the picture out of my pocket and looked at it. I felt a tear come down my face. I quickly wiped it away. I put the picture back in my pocket and laid on the bed. I closed my eyes and I could hear the last words my brother said to me.

Alex: "Don't worry. I'll be back soon. I promise."
